<<I do think you and the Huffington Post entry seem a little eager to make Murray out to be a villain. Maybe I'll agree. Maybe I won't. But I wouldn't do it based solely on a Huffington Post blog entry.>>
I'm having a hard time trying to understand you, Prince. I already KNOW that Bob Murray's a scumbag piece of shit. I wouldn't even bother to post an article about that, because it would degenerate immediately into a "Yes he is/No he isn't" debate where each side just gets to air its own prejudices. And more importantly, it really doesn't matter to anyone whether or not Bob Murray is a scumbag piece of shit or not - - just as it wouldn't matter to anyone if he were a prince of a guy (no pun intended.)
Why are you so fixated on making the article be about something as inconsequential as Bob Murray's character?
The article was about newsmaking. The point of the article was the way the MSM covers the story. THAT is important and it's got consequences for all of us because it's a window of understanding (if you accept its premises) of how we get our news and how our opinions are formed. Something obviously of much greater significance than whether Bob Murray is a good guy or a bad guy.
I don't think trusting the Huffington Post is relevant to the issue unless you have reason to suspect the facts it reported. If you don't trust the facts they report, you can challenge them. If you feel that they did not bring out all the relevant facts, you can say what it is that they left out that you'd like to know. If you just don't think the story is interesting enough to debate further, you can say so. But just to run the whole thing down, unexamined, on the basis that you don't like the messenger, well, that's just plain dumb. That's really a sirs-like way to conduct yourself, and frankly, I think it's unworthy of you.