Author Topic: Kucinich drapes himself in shame, dishonor with Syria visit, 9/11 'no' vote  (Read 880 times)

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Kucinich drapes himself in shame, dishonor with Syria visit, 9/11 'no' vote 

Normally, Rep. Dennis Kucinich is best ignored simply because it's impossible to take him seriously, and why waste one's time.
But his deluded anti-American behavior this past week has been so grotesque and offensive it demands attention.

Congress on Monday passed a resolution honoring the victims and heroes of Sept. 11 and ''reaffirming the commitment to defending the people of the United States against any and all future challenges.'' The vote was 334 to 1.

The sole ''nay'' was cast by Kucinich.

In a statement issued from his alternate universe, Kucinich insisted that he really honors them all and really supports the troops, but found it impossible to support the resolution because it fails to condemn President Bush for lies, lies, lies (in the squinty eyes of Kucinich).

Kucinich must have had sand in his eyes a few days earlier when he was visiting another president, Bashar Assad in Syria, because he failed to notice that Assad is a genuine thug and assassin with blood all over his hands.

Kucinich only saw reason to praise Assad and Syria for accepting refugees from the war in Iraq, where Assad's Iranian mentors have been supplying sophisticated roadside bombs to more-efficiently kill the American soldiers Kucinich really supports.

Kucinich even found time to go on television in the Mideast and denounce President Bush to our enemies in time of war for an ''illegal occupation'' of Iraq.

That used to be called treason back in the day before deluded moral gnats like Kucinch could get elected to Congress and run for president.

Kucinich also refused to visit Iraq, telling his Mideast TV interviewer, ''I don't want to bless that occupation with my presence.''

It must be a burden for so superior a being as Kucinich -- we'll address him as His Presence from now on -- to have been so close to Iraq and the American troops he really supports, yet unable to visit them and shake their hands or bring them some cookies or greetings from home because it would stain the luminous robes of His Presence to be in their ''illegal'' presence in Iraq.

Maybe it's better for His Presence that he doesn't get near any American soldiers. Now that they have seen exactly how he really supports them, they might be tempted to wad him up in a ball and polish their boots with him.

Michael Tee

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Kucinich sees better with those "squinty" eyes of his than any war-loving lying Republican sees with his eyes wide open.  Why should he honour "President" Bush, that lying bastard, by voting for some self-serving hypocritical publicity stunt that he dreamed up to cloak his undeserving self in the mantle of the victims of 911?  I think if his stand is carefully explained to the American people, the majority of whom revile and hate Bush for being the coward, liar and murderer that he is, then Kucinich can raise his standing considerably as a courageous opponent of a regime that lies America into war and an "opposition" too cowardly to call him on it.

The only thing that Kucinich needs to realize is that Syria is also a major human rights violator, whose government tortures and murders just like America.  In other words, Syria is on a moral par with America and is certainly no better than the U.S. in any way.


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Kucinich is a traitor just like you.

You both should be hung. If this was 1860, you would be.

Michael Tee

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Yeah, anyone who calls Bush the liar and the murderer that he is, deserves to be hung.  Now tell me again how the U.S. is not sliding into fascism.  LMFAO.  If and when it happens, you little fascists won't be hung - - you'll be NUKED, by the rest of the world, and afterwards the surviving fascists will be shot, by their own people.  This is how fascism always ends, and you're gonna learn this the hard way.


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Seriously, Lincoln would have locked half the Congress away for their seditious acts. Our lawmakers today don't have the balls to do it.

Ah the good old days. Scum like you would be marched up the gallows stairs, and bang! 70 virgins.

Michael Tee

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If you're trying to suggest that disrespect for the clown-like buffoon and serial liar G. W. Bush somehow equates with disrespect for Honest Abe himself, I think it's obvious that you lack any functioning sense of proportion or any grounding in reality.  Similarly if you think that the U.S. war effort in Iraq is the moral equivalent of the Union cause, you would have to be just plain crazy.

I have no problem at all in taking extreme measures against a Southern sympathizer in the Union camp during the Civil War.  I have a huge problem with executing any American who dares to exercise his or her Constitutional rights by denouncing G.W. Bush during the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.


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>>I have a huge problem with executing any American who dares to exercise his or her Constitutional rights by denouncing G.W. Bush during the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq.<<

I'd try and explain it to you, but I won't waste my time.

Michael Tee

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<<I'd try and explain it to you, but I won't waste my time.>>

Good idea.  The only person you could successfully explain THAT to is the late Adolf Hitler, and he's not much of a listener these days.