Following the course of the U.S. as it blunders from one costly and disastrous war to another, is like watching the decline of a once-promising young man into a downward spiral of drug addiction, petty crime and squandered talent. While the rest of the industrialized world seems to have recognized the folly and waste of war, the U.S. seems to be addicted to a cult of death and violence, the slavish public adulation of its death-dealing military forces and the production of ever more deadly and destructive weapons as the solution to all of life's problems. While most of its traditional rivals in Asia and Europe concentrate on rational and constructive means of conflict solving and economy building, America is diverging further and further onto the path of militarism and war.
I see a cumulative negative effect of the Viet Nam and Iraq wars in just about every area of national life but primarily in the economic and moral areas. A large part of the daily $720 million is future losses, such as cost of care for the injured, debt interest, etc., some of which is admittedly speculative and ignores the possibility of future advances in health care permitting more effective treatment at lower cost, but one might as well also speculate on more advanced solutions costing exorbitant amounts of money that will be insisted upon for the vets.
Hopefully this is karmic law in action. What goes around comes around and the evil done by the U.S. in and to the world may be returning enlarged to many times its original size.