Wow, sirs, I hope no one is smoking near your computer terminal, because you just set up so many straw men that a single spark could set off a major conflagration.
Mr. Perceptive just assured me it was a bunch of dead-beat Mexicans who caused the breakdown but according to you, it's paperwork, regulations, student loans, R&D (LMFAO again, R&D for sure, but how much of that R&D is for commercial rivals trying to find loopholes in each others' patents?) misuse of ERs by hypochondriacs and malingerers, etc. Don't buy it, sirs - - the malingerers and hypochondriacs can be triaged and put on hold, the paperwork is largely automated, computerized and performed by intake personnel with community-college qualification or less, the R&D costs are largely bullshit and (except for legitimate ground-breaking research) ought to be discouraged, not rewarded with tax breaks.
The cost of the Iraq war to date [] is $456 Billion. Let's see, doctors need to overcharge patients because they owe hundreds of thousands of bucks in student loans? Gee, suppose you give 1,000 doctors in each state $300K to pay off the student loans. I did the math, it's only $15 billion. Less than 3.3 per cent of the war's cost to date. Really just a priorities question isn't it? "Freedom" (LMFAO) for Iraqis or health for American kids. Shows ya where your "President's" family values are, eh? Especially if it's not really freedom but oil.