<<Just Satan condemns the only Democracy in the Middle East with his lies and distortions. All Israelis vote. Jews, Christians, Muslims, all have the same rights in Israel.>>
More fucking lies and bullshit from AIPAC and the rest of the Israel Lobby. Thanks Rich and thank "the only Democracy in the Middle East" ROTFLMFAO if you will excuse me - - How many Palestinians vote in the West Bank and Gaza, moron, and what good do their votes do them under military occupation for FORTY YEARS in the face of at least 60 UN resolutions? They can vote for a Palestinian government which can't do jack-shit about the conditions they live under, the army that plows their crops under and bulldozes their homes and orchards and murders their children and wives and jails and tortures their young men and women. Yeah, that is some "Democracy" the only democracy in the Middle East. You are full of shit, my friend, and I think at some level you must realize that yourself.
<< If not for the attempted genocide of Just Satan and his kind there would be peace.>>
There is no attempted genocide. There was no attempted genocide. Driving an intruder and his army off your land is not genocide, bullshit artist. Fighting back against a lying, stealing bunch of bastards who settle on your land while pretending to negotiate how they will give it back to you once you lay down your arms and stop fighting them is not genocide, Mr. Lying Mouthpiece of the Israel Lobby.
<<Remember, God has protected Israel from these monsters since they returned to their land. >>
What YOU better remember, asshole, is that if God exists, he has punished the Jews before when they didn't do right and he won't hesitate to do it again if they continue with their lies and their bullshit, their dispossession of other people and the torture and murder of their families.
<<JS and his people have tried to exterminate them, men women and children and failed.>>
Full of shit again. Another fucking lie. You and the Israel Lobby you represent will make up any fucking lie you like, slander anyone, to protect the murderous, lying Zionists who have suckered the U.S.A. into supporting their criminal actions, to their huge detriment which the poor dumb fucks are just now starting to realize. JS has obviously had nothing to do with the extermination of the Jews and there probably isn't one single member of this group apart from you who believes otherwise. You are a lying piece of shit.
<<. Peace isn't their objective, death is. >>
You got that right, dickhead. They'd rather die fighting for their land than surrender it without a fight to people who came from all over the world to steal it from them.
<<These are the monsters Just Satan supports.>>
Hamas and Hezbollah are not monsters, they're courageously fighting for their land and their homes against invaders and occupiers. JS can speak for himself as to whether he supports them or not, but you lying bastards have had your own way for far too long in defining the terms of the debate. They're one side of a vicious struggle for land and the IDF and the Likud and Labour Parties of Israel are the other side. AIPAC and the Israel Lobby know that the only hope they have of ensuring future American help for their criminal occupation of the West Bank, their apartheid wall and their continuing crimes and atrocities against the Palestinians is to demonize the Palestinians and those who fight for their rights. So far as AIPAC and and the Israel Lobby are concerned, you're doing a great job here, Rich. So far as the American people are concerned, you're fucking them right up the ass, spinning your lies and bullshit and contributing in your own small way to the web of lies and bullshit that they have blanketed the whole country with, to keep them on the wrong track as long as you and the Lobby can pull it off, each single day that they stay on it being priceless to Israel, but costing America dearly in blood and treasure.
<<These useful idiots are simply that. They have no idea what the truth is because they refuse to see it, or their hearts have been hardend by evil people who evil guides. There is no truth in these people, just evil and lies.>>
Thanks. You just gave a dead-on capsule description of yourself, AIPAC and the Israel Lobby. Well done.