Also shows only poor and only middle class maps. Interesting.
For poor voters, there is no systematic difference between rich and poor states. But for middle-income and especially for rich voters, there is a very strong pattern of rich states supporting the Democrats and poor states supporting the Republicans.
Wow , that is counterintuitive.
Do you see what it is saying? It is not saying that poor people vote for Republicans in poor states. They do not (at least if the data in the article is correct).
It is saying that the poor are a constant across the country, for the most part, and support the Democrats. The middle class and wealthy support varied (at least in 2004) based on the wealth of the state. If you think about it, that shouldn't be much of a surprise to anyone. The Southern states, which voted solidly Republican, are the poorest states in the country. The Republicans then won the Midwest, which are the next tier of poorest states.
Take Tennessee as an example. It voted for Bush in 2004 by a decent margin. The wealthiest county in Tennessee is Williamson County, where the city of Franklin, TN is located. The wealthiest city in Tennessee is Belle Meade, which is one of the wealthiest cities in the country. These are solidly Republican areas and they vote in one of the most conservative Congresswomen in the country. Yet, the cities of Memphis and Nashville are where the majority of Democratic votes come. These are poorer, urban areas (though parts are quite wealthy). Germantown, a suburb of Memphis, is wealthy and will vote Republican (I haven't checked on Germantown for 2004...but I bet it voted Repblican).
Now some of the rural poor counties will vote GOP as well. Johnson and Unicoi Counties in Tennessee are excellent examples and have voted GOP since Reconstruction and have always been amongst Tennessee's poorest counties. So it isn't a rule without exceptions by any means. But, it doesn't really surprise me at all.
Whereas wealthier folks in the Northeast and West Coast likely vote Democrat, at least that is my perception.