"For the Lord God of Israel says that He hates divorce, 'for it covers one's garment with violence,' says the Lord of hosts. 'Therefore take heed to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously'" (Malachi 2:16).
"There are NO SCRIPTURAL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE. In Matthew 5:32, Jesus said, "But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery." Carefully notice that Jesus never gave anyone permission to divorce because of adultery. What Jesus said is that a man would not be responsible for causing his wife to commit adultery, if she was ALREADY committing adultery. How could he be? To divorce your spouse is a sin, and you will also be responsible for their sinning if they remarry. But you can't be held responsible for causing your spouse to commit a sin that they're already committing. This is all Jesus meant. If committing adultery is grounds for divorce, then Matthew 5:28 gives every wife Biblical grounds to divorce.
Let me also say, If Jesus was willing to be despised and rejected of men, beaten to a pulp, mistreated, scorned, assaulted, spit upon, and crucified to death ... FOR US ... then we should follow Christ's example when our spouse does the same things to us...
Divorce is a sin for a couple reasons:
1. Because you are breaking your marriage vows..."'til death do us part!" When you say your wedding vows, you are making a lifetime commitment. I don't care if you get married at city hall or church, God still holds you accountable for your promises and commitments. A promise is a promise!
2. Because God said so! "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." -Matthew 19:6
God hates divorce! It is only because of our sinful pride and selfish ways that we end up divorced in the first place. It is so typical to hear a divorced wife, or husband, talking about how much they gave but never received anything in return. Listen friend, marriage is not a 50/50 deal as most people would lead you to believe. No! Marriage is a 100% deal. We are supposed to give 100% to our spouse, even if they only return 10%. But you say, "That's not fair!" You're right ... life's not fair! We are a spoiled bunch in America! It's sickening to know that over 50% of all marriages in America are now ending in divorce. It's our pride! "No one is going to treat me like that!" "I love him but he's just too mean." 'I'm wasting the best years of my life." If your husband is a tyrant, then you leave him until he goes for help ... but don't sin against him and God by filing for divorce. If you need money for support, get a job like everyone else! Also, why is he getting angry? People usually get angry for a valid reason. It's utterly hypocritical for a stay-at-home wife--who loafs, lies, and lacks any interest in fulfilling her wifely or motherly duties, to run file for divorce when her husband finally blows up in anger and crosses a line. You hypocrite! You push his buttons every day by telling him you'll do better; but you never do. Then you take the easy way out by filing for divorce. And to add insult to injury, you use the court system to take away his children, his house, his paycheck, his dignity, and his life. Who's the monster?...In closing, divorce is a sin and should never be considered an option in any marriage. The divorce rate in America is skyrocketing because of sinful pride. It is the same sinful pride that fuels abortion, murder, homosexuality, witchcraft, gambling, pornography, and every other sin imaginable."