Does anyone seriously believe that the US could ever send enough troops to Iraq to force all 22,000,000 Iraqis to adopt American views of politics?
The invasion was a horrid mistake. The Iraqis don't want us there, except for those we employ.
Iraq has a history of 6000 years of government, and they never came close to what Rummy, Cheney and Juniorbush are tryjng to foist.
on them.
Never was the statement "If you are not part of the sloution, you are part of the problem" been more true. The US cannot be the solution or even a useful part of it. All it can do is to piss away billions and billions more, with a goodly stream spewing money into the pockets of Halliburton, Dick 'Waterboarding is a no-brainer' Cheney and other greedhead contractors.
The US created the problem, but will never be able to solve it.