And then you proceeded to talk about it as if the abuse was merely making prisoners listen to loud music and wearing underwear on their headsYea, those'd be the ones I have absolutely no problem with
When I take your comments in context, I don't know how anyone can come away from your explanation without an impression that you think the Abu Ghraib abuses were no big deal.Well, as I said, you need your impression meter rebooted, because you're consistently taking them out of context. I should be getting used to it by now
Over what line? The line of basic human rights, or the line of if they did it for fun then I'll condemn it? What line are we talking about?The one that abuses prisoners just for the hell of it vs those supposed "abuses" when prisoners taken off the battlefield are being interrogated. When harm becomes physical damage or dismemberment or made to perform sex acts. THOSE are over the line. The use of mental and even physical strain, when interrogating prisoners taken off the battlefield is NOT over the line
How about the part where they had batons shoved up their asses?OVER
How about the part where they were made to crawl on the floor while naked?OVER, if the guards are just doing it for fun
How about the part where prisoners sustained injury or even died as a result of the abuse?OVER
How does that correlate to having underwear on one's head?When that's one of the references being made equating our abuses to that of what the Terrorists do. As if we're doing the same to each other. The other neat trick here is that when the Terrorists go "over the line" they all high five each other. When our soldiers do it, they're to be properly condemned & prosecuted
Do I see how it's being presented yet? Yes. I see that you're talking about loud music and sleep deprivation when the abuses were much greaterAnd have you also noted how those abuses that go beyond "loud music" are being consistently condemned yet??
Yes, I see exactly how it's being presented.Obviously not
just minimizing and dismissing as if such were nothing more or nothing worse than loud music and underwear on headsSee what I mean. Completely ignoring the condemnations I personally have made for such over the top abuses, while you keep placating the notion that the only "abuses" I've referenced or focused on was the underwear & loud music. Personally Prince, I think I've had enough of this misrepresenting of yours I can take for the evening. Perhaps I'll jump back to any responses of yours tomorrow, when I can again remind myself that you're one of the good guys