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Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« on: February 15, 2008, 11:02:19 AM »
Death in Damascus - I

His Untold Iraq Venture Crowned Mughniyeh's Depredations
The small bomb which blew away Imad Fayez Mughniyeh in the upscale Damascus Kafar Soussa neighborhood Tuesday night, Feb. 12, blasted a hole in the clandestine exploits of the longest-running and most secretive of Islamist master-terrorists.

Suddenly, his most spectacular bombings, hijackings, kidnappings and murders over a quarter of century, were brought to popular attention.

As a Shiite extremist in the service of Khomeinist Iran, the master terrorist singled out America and Israel as the targets of his most savage works, but 42 governments all told hold confidential dossiers on his crimes against their nationals.

During his 46 years, Imad Mughniyeh evolved from a lowly recruit in Yasser Arafat's Force 17 to master of Hizballah's world-wide intelligence-cum-terror network, a powerful and dangerous Iranian tool with a clandestine presence as far afield as the United States backyard, Latin America.

As such, he ran more terror fronts against America than Osama bin Laden. Before 9/11, Mughniyeh topped the Washington's most wanted terrorist list.

Throughout his career, he kept Israel within his sights. He died in the midst of preparing the Lebanese Shiite militia for its next war against Israel. After the 2006 conflict, Tehran made him Hizballah's military chief in place of Hassan Nasrallah, whose performance was found wanting.

An adept at his destructive trade, Imad Mughniyeh found open doors in the highest reaches of the nether world he inhabited, including Iran's supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, al Qaeda's Osama bin Laden and Ayman Zawahri and every Palestinian terrorist chief.

Close friend of Moqtada Sadr

Their absolute trust and high regard only reached the public domain in the eulogies they delivered after he was dead. None, however, touched on Mughniyeh's most ambitious covert venture: Laying the first logistical and organizational foundations for the Iraqi insurgency which later erupted against the US Army.

His early mission therefore embodied the early date of Iran's steps to counter the US invasion and turn the Iraq War against the invaders.

A small keyhole opened up when Iraq's Shiite radical leader Moqtada al-Sadr on Thursday condemned the assassination of Imad Mughniyeh in Damascus and declared three days of mourning in all Sadrist offices.

Sources reveals that the two Shiite radicals were friends. The Lebanese terrorist helped the Iraqi Shiite organize his Mehdi Army militia and make it an effective fighting machine supported by the infrastructure he created. Their ties continued for years. In 2006, US officials discovered 1,000 to 2,000 fighters from the Mehdi Army and other Shiite militias had been trained by Hezbollah in Lebanon, one of the projects arranged by Mughniyeh.

Iran has facilitated the link between Hezbollah and the Shiite militias in Iraq, the official said.

Mughniyeh's counter-terror experts traced the first visit to Iraq by the shadowy servant of Tehran to April 2003. He spent six months crafting the infrastructure of command centers, hideouts, supplies, arms and equipment which were to support the Shiite, Sunni and al Qaeda anti-US campaigns at three levels.

The Baghdad-Ramadi-Falluja-Anbar framework: The al Qaeda and Iraqi Sunni groups of this network did their brutal worst from 2004 to 2006 and came close to bringing the US army to defeat in those dark days of the Iraq War.

The logistics framework: A well-oiled machine used by elements of al Qaeda and the Syrian government to smuggle fighters, arms, equipment and money from Lebanon's Hizballah via Syria with Iranian funding, to nurture the Iraq insurgency.

Hizballah still runs Iraq's insurgency's support system via Syria

This support system was, and still is, run by Hizballah and, according to Middle East sources, made the ruling elite of Damascus rich.

The Assad clique rakes off a commission on every shipment and service Syria supplies this network - which goes far to explain why President Bashar Assad was consistently unmoved by Washington's appeals and threats to seal his border with Iraq.

The Iranian espionage-subversion network: Established in southern Iraq, this network has spread across the country with cells in every Shiite town and village, Tehran's tentacles reaching out to dominate the Iraq state and bring it into Iran's sphere of influence for the long term.

Imad Mughniyeh brought his finest handiwork to bear on the Iraq enterprise as a joint project of Iran, al Qaeda and Hizballah, making it the high point of his career.

The question is: Why did US intelligence and its military fail to go after him in Iraq and nip his depredations in the bud? The answer, quite simply, is that in 2003, the early days of the Iraq war, America's civilian and military war leaders were certain that victory was in the bag and had no ears for alerts about his activities even when they came from Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Least of all, they heeded our sources, the only one's at the time to report that the Lebanese terrorist had arrived in Iraq to set up the machinery for hostile elements in Iraq and the Middle East to fight the American army in Iraq with the fire of terror.

The Iraqi episode is one of the hidden chapters of the epic war on Islamist terror and probably not the only one.

Death in Damascus II

Mughniyeh's Passing Stalls Iran's Expansionist Drive

Imad Fayez Mughniyeh, the Lebanese-Iranian ace terrorist killed by a bomb in Damascus, Tuesday, Feb. 13, was the keystone of Tehran's drive for a military presence on the Mediterranean and an intelligence presence across the world.

His death surgically severed that outreach.

Before then, Iran relished the steady upward curve towards its goals. Tehran saw its goals drawing ever nearer with the inconclusive 2006 Hizballah-Israel War, Hamas takeover of the Gaza Strip in June 2007 and its push into northern Sinai in February 2008.

Now, Iran has lost the architect of many of its successes as well as a loyal servant albeit one who by refusing to share his secrets has left his masters and successors with an almost empty cupboard.

Deeply stricken, the Islamic government quickly posted a high-profile military delegation to Damascus to get to the bottom of the disaster which deprived them of a prime asset.

The delegation, which arrived Wednesday night on the same plane which continued to Beirut to carry foreign minister Manouchehr Mottaki to the Mughniyeh funeral, is headed by Gen. Ghassem Soleimani, commander of the al Qods Brigades, the Revolutionary Guards foreign terror arm. Its other members are Adm. Mohammad Fadavi, Dep. Commander of the IRGC Navy, who set up the near-clash between Iranian speedboats and US warships in the Strait of Hormuz in January; and Gen. Morteza Rezai, former chief of the IRGC intelligence branch.

Alive, Mughinyeh was more than a trusted military chief; his instincts as a terrorist were useful registers of soft American and Israel targets in the region; his strategic strengths were applied for precisely aimed attacks.

His value to his Iranian masters was such, Middle East sources say, that had there been no Imad Mughniyeh, Revolutionary Iran might never have gone so far as to build the Lebanese Hizballah militia into a military force for challenging the Americans and Israelis.

A rare accident of history brought the future master terrorist in early 1982 to the first training camp Iranian agents set up for Hizballah in the Lebanese Beqaa. Aged 20, he was armed with the combat experience gained in the Palestinian Force 17 which acted as Yasser Arafat?s personal guard.

Arafat himself was expelled from Lebanon that year leaving the ambitious young Shiite unemployed.

He crafted the arcane, never-penetrated Hizballah intelligence network

Within months, he launched the first suicide bombing attacks, wreaking unbelievable carnage to US, Israeli, French and other Western targets in Beirut.

Over the next 26 years, Mughniyeh came to dictate the tempo of Iranian and Hizballah terrorist and military operations in the eastern Mediterranean countries of the Middle East.

Tehran soon discovered his exceptional talents - not only as a terror tactician but as a secret agent and designer of clandestine organizations.

In this capacity, Mughniyeh created a world-wide undercover network, grafting it on the affluent Lebanese Shiite expatriate communities scattered across Africa, Asia, and North and South America. He also enlisted willing hands among anti-American and pro-Nazi groups doing business with the expatriates in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

These rings were and still are employed mainly as spies for Tehran, in weapons and drug trafficking and most of all in raising money to fund Hizballah?s operations.

Cells of this universal ring were responsible for the 1992 bombing attacks on the Israeli embassy and Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires, in which more than a hundred people died. They stand ready now to execute further orders to avenge their master?s death by hitting more Israeli and Jewish targets.

The clandestine Shiite network crafted by the Lebanese secret agent for Tehran parallels al Qaeda's jihadist worldwide spread.

No American, Israel or other Western agency has ever succeeded in penetrating Mughniyeh's clandestine operation. The only Western cloak-and-dagger service with indirect ties and then too through Iran was the German BND intelligence agency. Those ties were not operational, only a conduit for relaying communications between the Iranian network and Western intelligence organizations.

An obsession with secrecy

So obsessed was the dead terrorist with secrecy, that he designed and made his own disguises; even his closest helpers never knew in what character he would turn up at any given moment. He personally arranged for the facial surgery procedures that change his appearance. Middle East intelligence circles insist that he masked his reinvented images by murdering the surgeons who performed the operations and torching their clinics to destroy his medical records.

In 1996, US intelligence received a tip that its most wanted terrorist had been spotted during a stopover at Jeddah international airfield and identified, although he was bald, beardless and stout.

By the time the news was flashed between Washington, the US embassy in Riyadh and the Saudi royal court, Mughniyeh had shown a clean pair of heels. His plane took off hurriedly without first checking with the control tower.

The only clue he left behind was the sense that he had contracted an ailment which caused him to swell up.

So well did he succeed in hiding his true appearance that only two batches of photos ever reached Western intelligence hands; one dates from 1985 when he was 25; the second was shot from a distance by Israeli military intelligence AMAN with telescopic lens in 1998, when he was sighted on a rare tour of the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Mughniyeh handled the security and Intelligence aspects of his networks with the same care as his personal safety. He kept all the data on the composition of his networks, how to contact them, his personal exchanges, his knowledge of their resources, scale and capabilities as close to his chest as his private secrets.

He did not even share the information with his deputies, the most senior of whom are Talal Hamayeh, a kinsman from Taraya village in the Lebanese Beqaa Valley, and Ibrahim Aqal, who served as Hizballah commander in south Lebanon in 2000.

According to intelligence sources, one of these two will most likely be appointed to succeed their dead boss as military and intelligence chief of Hizballah.

However, he will have to start working almost from scratch. The super-secretive Mughniyeh took most of the mysteries of his networks to the grave, leaving very few records for them to recover.

Tehran has discovered that his death has not only deprived the Islamic Republic of an exceptional asset, but also severed vital access to the Iranian foreign intelligence and terrorist networks which he established.

Death in Damascus III

Syria's Regime and Intelligence Are Wide Open

Conscious of the damage caused by the discovery that one of the world's most notorious terrorists was at home in Damascus, official Syrian sources tried planting a story that Imad Mughniyeh was using a false passport in the name of Redwan when he was murdered Tuesday, Feb. 12, in the posh Kafar Soussa neighborhood of the capital.

The story, run in the London-based story in the London-based Arabic media Thursday, Feb. 14, claimed that, not only were the Syrian authorities ignorant of his presence, but they found it hard to identify him.

This tale was designed for the dual purpose of shrugging off knowledge of his presence while insinuating that had Syrian security known he was there, he would have been looked after and alive to this day.

Except that the Iranians spoiled Syria's game.

According to Tehran's version, Mughniyeh arrived in Damascus from the Iranian capital on Jan. 19, 25 days before his death. During that time, he was busy holding meetings with the Hamas politburo chief Khaled Meshaal on their joint operation for setting up the Hamas rampage against Egypt and Israel in the Gaza Strip. No one would believe that Syrian security and intelligence authorities, noted for keeping a close eye on every moving object in Damascus, missed the movements of the Lebanese master terrorist and were unaware of the pair?s schemes.

Whatever the Syrian officials may claim in their defense, the fact that the Tehran's terror tactician was assassinated under their nose has exposed a glaring breach in their intelligence and security services. The breach in this bulwark of the regime endangers Bashar Assad?s hold on power. It is also a blot on his relations with Tehran.

He therefore quickly followed Iran in appointing a military panel to investigate how the assassination was engineered, headed by acting interior minister Gen. Bassam Abdul Majid. It will have to come up with some fast answers for the Iranian delegation, which arrived in Damascus Wednesday for an exhaustive probe into the loss of one of the Islamic Republic's most valuable strategic assets.

Death trap in the most heavily-secured part of Damascus

The Lebanese terror ace believed he was safe staying in the Kafar Soussa neighborhood because it is so well guarded. On the opposite side of the street, 300 meters away, the editorial office of the government-controlled Al Thawra newspaper is located in a protected building on whose roof sharpshooters are perched.

The Rifai Mosque is located further down the street, attached to the Iranian school which is attended by the children of Iranian diplomats and military men serving in the Syrian capital. Both buildings are under heavy guard.

Mughniyeh's own residence had security officers posted around it night and day. His car, a Mitsubishi Pajero, in which the assassin?s bomb was planted, was kept in a garage attached to the house and inspected now and again by the guards.

All the same, someone entered the car and planted the explosive device. It was detonated by remote control after Mughniyeh drove off and had reached a point between the Al Thawra offices and the Rifai mosque. The assassins, or one of them, must have stayed on the street to activate the detonator when he could see the target sitting in the driving seat.

The shape of the plot shows that a hostile group of people was able to move about freely in one of the high-end neighborhoods of Damascus among the palatial homes of Syria's top political, military and business leaders.

Syrian intelligence displayed a similar failing six months ago, when Israeli raiders accessed secret military-nuclear sites undetected and made off undisturbed with a haul of nuclear apparatus, which was transferred to Israel and later the United States.

A few days before Mughniyeh was killed, DEBKAfile exposed another episode which showed up the mess in Syria's intelligence services.

On Feb. 9, Syrian Defense minister Gen. Hassan Turkemani told army officers to beware because, The Mossad has been able to penetrate the officer elite with gifts of satellite tetephones linked to Israeli spy satellites.

Approaching Hariri tribunal strips Assad regime of loyalists

On Feb. 1 Sources dislcosed that Gen. Labid Salame, head of Syria?s eavesdropping agency, Unit 225, had been detained on suspicion of monitoring and collecting material on the top secret exchanges between the head of Syrian military intelligence Gen. Assaf Shawqat and high-ranking Iranian intelligence and army officers and passing it on to anti-Iranian elements buried in the Syrian army.

The slaying of the high-powered Hizballah commander in the heart of the Syrian capital confirms that key sections of its security apparatus are seriously dysfunctional.

Part of their trouble, our intelligence sources report, is the panic that has seized the powers-that-be in Damascus over the approaching opening of the international tribunal for trying the plotters of the assassination of former Lebanese premier Rafiq Hariri three years ago in Beirut.

Thursday, thousands turned out in the Lebanese capital to remember Hariri in a show of strength by anti-Syrian Lebanese government factions. Unbridled hate rhetoric for Syria and Hizballah was heard from every speaker at the event. None condemned the killing of Mughniyeh.

This week, UN secretary general Ban Ki-moon issued this statement:

"The selection of the judges, the appointment of the prosecutor, the finalization of a headquarters agreement with the government of the Netherlands for the tribunal to be based in that country are decisive landmarks in the process of making the Special Tribunal a reality"

Intelligence sources point out that no Syrian intelligence officer feels he is safe from being thrown to the wolves of the tribunal to take the heat off the Assad clan, who are the chief suspects in the Hariri assassination conspiracy. Furthermore, every Syrian intelligence officer has noted that the Assads have proved powerless to arrest the wheels of justice. Therefore, the members of Syria?s undercover agencies are primarily preoccupied with saving their own skins rather than protecting their shaky rulers and their allies.

There could be no more opportune time for a foreign intelligence agency to get away with a hit in the Syrian capital.

 source: [e-mail]
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 11:53:00 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 12:31:16 PM »

Have we won, now?
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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 12:36:46 PM »
This sounds very bad for Iran and Syria.  You can trace it back to the Rafiq Hariri assassination and Bashar Assad's decision to cooperate with the UN investigation.  That's a total bullshit decision.  Does the UN demand an investigation every time the U.S. or Israel murders a political opponent?  Of course not.  Israel's in open defiance of over SIXTY outstanding UN resolutions.  But Bashar rolls over and submits to an international judicial inquiry.  His old man probably wouldn't have dreamed of rolling over like that.

So, because of the Hariri assassination, an international investigation; because of the investigation, fear and uncertainty in the officer corps; because of the fear and uncertainty, disloyalty and/or negligence; because of disloyalty and/or negligence, the loss of Mughniyeh and a fracture line in a valued alliance; because of the fracture line, a set-back to the entire Arab cause and a victory for the U.S. and Israeli aggressors.

The lesson to be learned from this is to stand firm on principle, even where you can't see the consequences of giving in.  Bashar is, basically, a U.S.- educated eye surgeon.  He has no business running a Middle East dictatorship like Syria.  He's just not tough enough.  Classic example of a tough, street-smart father producing an over-educated, ineffective son.  So like a schmuck he agrees to an investigation without foreseeing the consequences (in truth the ultmate consequence was probably unforeseeable except in the most general of terms) but nevertheless violating a very basic principle of not letting strangers rummage through the family vaults and now he's gotta deal with the Iranians, and worse still, the hard-line members of his own ruling clique who have been embarrassed - - actually, mortified - - by the results of his spinelessness.

Bashar shoulda stayed in the U.S. and practiced his surgery.  Now his life's on the line.  The article made a lotta sense to me and it looks like there must be a lot of very tough and ruthless people who, for  good reason, are extremely disturbed over this young man's performance.

I guess, though, to be as philosophical as one can in the circumstances, no man is truly indispensable, and talent does continue to rise up from the grass roots.  In a fighting organization like Hezbollah, one better be prepared to take some major hits, roll with the punches and keep moving forward regardless.  The Resistance didn't stop when Uncle Ho died, and it won't stop with Mughniyeh's death either.


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2008, 12:51:24 PM »
Cool. Have we won, now?

We jailed and will hopefully execute the racist man that dragged the Black man behind the truck.

Cool. Have we ended racism now?
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 01:33:15 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2008, 09:02:01 PM »
In this capacity, Mughniyeh created a world-wide undercover network, grafting it on the affluent Lebanese Shiite expatriate communities scattered across Africa, Asia, and North and South America. He also enlisted willing hands among anti-American and pro-Nazi groups doing business with the expatriates in Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina.

Who are "He also enlisted willing hands among anti-American and pro-Nazi groups .."?


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2008, 11:14:21 PM »
....he designed and made his own disguises; even his closest helpers never knew in what character he would turn up at any given moment. He personally arranged for the facial surgery procedures that change his appearance. Middle East intelligence circles insist that he masked his reinvented images by murdering the surgeons who performed the operations and torching their clinics to destroy his medical records.

So, how sure are we this guy is the body that's dead?  I'm sure there's a dead body. I don't quibble on that point.  This sounds like a very tricky person and I am not at all convinced he's dead.  Would be nice, but I'm not so sure.

We cheer, while maybe he's secretly alive (like some say Ken Lay is) and he goes on to fund and control other anti-American networks.   Wonderful.
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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 12:03:46 AM »
People say Ken Lay is alive?


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2008, 01:39:03 AM »
I have heard a few people say that. 
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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2008, 01:50:41 AM »
Takes all kinds i guess.

Michael Tee

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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2008, 08:19:12 AM »
<<Who are "He also enlisted willing hands among anti-American and pro-Nazi groups .."?>>

The fugitive Nazi war criminals in Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay, mostly drawn from the large German communities in those countries, and their local pro-Nazi supporters.  Argentina is probably the capital of the Great Fascist Migration, although probably every country in North and South America harbours them.  See the following article on Juan Peron's role in the story:


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2008, 12:31:46 PM »
I figured Lanya watches CNN
a real reach, but interesting Lanya

Iran and Israel Poised for Possible Military Clash over Mughniyeh's Death

February 16, 2008, 2:53 PM (GMT+02:00)
Tehran is bent on avenging the death of its top terror tactician Imad Mughniyeh who was struck down by a bomb planted in his car in Damascus Tuesday, Feb. 13. Even before the high-ranking Iranian military investigation team, headed by Gen. Ghassem Soleimani, chief of the IRGC?s al Qods Brigades, began a rush job the next day, Israel was singled out as the target for punishment by Iran, Hizballah and Syria.

Syria also launched a probe to identify the long arm which hit the shadowy master terrorist under the noses of its security services.

Some of the theories and rumors swirling around these probes were planted to muddy the waters by Iran, Syria, Hizballah, Israel and some Lebanese quarters.

Arab newspapers, for instance, claimed Saturday that new leads link Arab intelligence services to the crime; ex-Israeli undercover agents pointed the finger at Lebanese Christian Maronites.

An intriguing conspiracy theory emanating unexpectedly from Western sources was suggested by the veteran CNN correspondent Jim Clancy. In his view, Mughniyeh, the consummate master of deception, may still be alive. Others took the theory further and suggested his death may have been fabricated to provide Iran, Syria and Hizballah with a strong casus belli to attack Israel without further delay, and so repeat the Arabs? Yom Kippur success 35 years ago in catching Israel unawares.

According to this line of thinking, because Iran is forging ahead with the development of a nuclear weapon which Israel has said is unacceptable, rather than wait for Israel to strike, the clerical rulers of Tehran resolved on preemptive action.

Mughniyeh's death, real or phony, provided the motive.

Intelligence sources have gleaned some facts from the early stages of the highly secretive inquiries and separated them from the theories.

1. Tehran, Damascus and Hizballah are determined to inflict military-terror punishment on Israel whom they accuse of liquidating their key agent, Imad Mughniyeh.

Most Israeli government spokesmen see this attack coming in the form of a terrorist strike against an Israeli or Jewish target overseas, on the lines of the 1992 bombing attacks on the Israeli embassy and Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires which cost more than 100 lives. Nonetheless, the army, navy, air force and homeland defense forces are on a high state of preparedness on Israel?s northern borders.

Hizballah announced Saturday, Feb. 16, that it had placed 50,000 of its members on the ready for any eventuality (i.e. directives from Tehran). Personnel at the US embassy and other institutions in Beirut were ordered to be on their guard for attacks, keep a low profile and refrain from using their cell phones.

2. Iran's supreme ruler Ayatollah Ali Khamenei gave the order for Tehran to take charge of the inquiry to identify the hand which killed Mughniyeh, according to our Iranian sources.

No time was lost in obeying him. Wednesday, Feb. 14, hours after the assassination, a military mission was in Damascus, led by Gen. Soleimani, whose al Qods Brigades are responsible on behalf of the IRGC for Iran-sponsored terrorist operations in Iraq, Lebanon, the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Its other members are Adm. Mohammad Fadavi, Dep. Commander of the IRGC Navy, who set up the near-clash between Iranian speedboats and US warships in the Strait of Hormuz in January; and Gen. Morteza Rezai, former chief of the IRGC intelligence branch.

3. Iranian sources add that the appointment of Soleimani, a close crony of president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to lead this sensitive mission, confirms the president's dominance in national operational decisions, in concert with the Revolutionary Guards. Their decisions are submitted to Khamenei for final endorsement.

Two people, therefore, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei, will determine the nature and scale of Iran's retaliation for the loss of its high-value master terrorist and strategist.

4. Soleimani's preliminary report reveals that the damage was worse than first thought. Not only was Mughniyeh killed by the bomb planted in his car but also some of his bodyguards and senior Hizballah operatives. Syria's secret services have fallen down completely in guarding Iranian officials and officers resident or visiting their capital.

5. The national team directing Israel's emergency actions was set up without publicity. Our sources disclose it is headed by the Mossad chief Meir Dagan and composed of prime minister Ehud Olmert, defense minister Ehud Barak, chief of staff Gaby Ashkenazi, and Shin Beit director Yuval Diskin. The only hint of Dagan's key role came with the announcement Friday, Feb. 16, that his term of office as head of the Mossad had been extended for another year until the end of 2009.

Many will take this announcement as an indirect admission of the Mossad's responsibility for killing the Hizballah commander and a reward for its director.

The Iranian and Israeli teams, keeping their cards close to their chests, are tensely watching events, poised to seize control of any unforeseen situation before it gets out of hand. Four days after Mughniyeh's death, a military clash appears unavoidable
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 12:36:01 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Michael Tee

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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2008, 05:55:39 PM »
<<Tehran is bent on avenging the death of its top terror tactician Imad Mughniyeh who was struck down by a bomb planted in his car in Damascus Tuesday, Feb. 13.>>

I can't see it, if Mughniyeh is really dead.  Because this would be a huge loss and nobody's in a position to deal a blow of comparable size to Israel.  They'd have to kill either some key Cabinet Ministers or literally thousands of Israeli citizens to deliver adequate punishment, anything less would make them look like punks and dishonour the memory of Mughniyeh.


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2008, 06:01:03 PM »
People say Ken Lay is alive?

I have heard a few people say that.

Takes all kinds i guess.

Well, after I ran into Elvis at the grocery store (he was buying banana's for his sandwiches), and almost hit Bigfoot running across the road, I went to the yacht club and saw Ken Lay.   :o

Sorry, I have way too much time on my hands to be laid off for two weeks.   Can't hike anywhere, can't fish anywhere really, so I'm stuck here with you guys (or you're stuck with me, something like that).


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Re: Terror master Mughniyeh's death in Syria is HUGE
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2008, 06:17:38 PM »
yes people say Bill Clinton's golf buddy Ken Lay is alive and well

people say Elvis is alive

some have said JFK survived but was a vegetable and the family did
not want the public to see him in depends and slobbering over himself

people create scenarios to entertain and avoid reality

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987