I was looking forward to seeing this movie since i saw a trailer about four months ago. I went by myself because my 18-year-old is to cool to be seen with his Dad at the movies anymore, and he said the movie wasn't any good. Well, I'll make up my own mind, so I when.
I left after an hour.
I don't get sea sick. I'm not afraid of heights, and I don't get car sick. However, the constant movement of the camera was too much for me. I actually felt queasy. I tried to tough it out but I finally decided that there was nothing in this movie worth getting sick over.
Even without the constant movement of the camera, I give this movie one star.
I'm not trying to be a contrarian (REALLY!), but I went to see CLOVERFIELD and I'm sorry Rich but this is the best horror/sci/fi film I've enjoyed for a really long time.
Yes, at first, I was a little queasy with the whip pans and jerkiness of the handheld camera work and stuff but once the ride started, I was completely and utterly hooked.
When it got to the end, I was like, "WHAT?!?! Its' over already?!!? DANG!"
It really is based on the whole "not-seeing-the-monster-MUCH" angle but I was really scared a few times.
Some of the imagery and scenes sort of played on 9.11 and I didn't care for that because that is still really raw for and it wasn't the kind of scared I like in my movie experience but that didn't last long.
What I really liked was how when there was fantastical stuff happening, it didn't look fake or CGI even though it had to be.
I highly recommend it.