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Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« on: March 06, 2008, 06:31:29 PM »
by Ann Coulter
March 5, 2008

The mainstream media said she was finished, but our brave Hillary soldiered on to wallop B. Hussein Obama in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island Tuesday night. I don't know what the MSM is so upset about-- we let them pick the Republican nominee. Did they want to pick the Democratic nominee, too?

Not only that, but after some toothsome appearances on various madcap comedy shows this past week -- "Saturday Night Live," "Late Night With David Letterman," "Hardball With Chris Matthews" -- Hillary's "likability" quotient is soaring! According to the latest CNN/CBS News poll, she's just been upgraded from "Utterly Loathsome" to "Execrable."

The percentage of registered voters who would rather disembowel themselves with a wooden spoon than vote for Hillary has just slipped below the magical 50 percent mark. We're surging, Hillary! If you want to be even more likable, you should go on "The View." Next to those four harpies, you seem almost agreeable.

Now that Hillary has won three primaries in a row, it's time for Obama to do the classy thing and withdraw from the race. (Obama won Vermont, but that was earlier in the day. Exit polls indicate he took the black vote. Literally. There was just the one.)

Imagine how proud Michelle Obama would be of her country if that happened! But Obama probably won't do the classy thing, despite claiming to be a "new" kind of politician and rejecting the politics of division.

If Hillary is serious about becoming president, she's got to make some changes. I say this as a Hillary supporter and strong opponent of divorce. Hillary: You've got to divorce Bill. You've already fired one campaign manager. Now it's time to get rid of your No. 1 buzz-killer.

Not only is the media's group-lie about Bill Clinton being a "rock star" over, but -- one can hope -- the use of the excruciatingly stupid phrase "rock star" to refer to wonky politicians is over. It's become such a cliche that music critics have begun referring to actual rock stars as "leading Democratic contenders."

Liberals believe, often accurately, that if they say the same thing over and over again 1 billion times, people will believe it: "Bush lied, kids died," "We've lost in Iraq," "Reagan is stupid," "Bush is stupid," "Republicans are stupid," "Global warming is destroying the planet," "Gloria Steinem is good-looking" and -- their most provably false assertion -- "Bill Clinton is the most talented politician of his generation."

In a period of just a few short months last year, "news" articles in The New York Times cooed -- I mean "said" -- the following about Bill Clinton:

-- "Elvis is here, Clinton version. Having Bill Clinton campaign for you, as Mr. Ford learns, is a mixed blessing. You are bolstered standing next to this outsized Democrat, but still seem puny by comparison."

-- "Mr. Clinton is one Oscar-worthy supporting actor who can sometimes upstage his leading lady simply by breathing."

-- "Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been trying to capture Bill Clinton's old political magic and lay claim to his legacy and popularity."

-- Tony Blair's charisma "ranks second only to Bill Clinton's."

Not to be a stickler, but Bill Clinton is the guy who could never get as much as 50 percent of the country to vote for him. And that was in two presidential elections that the Republicans basically sat out (as they are doing this year).

It was also in elections held before the country realized "Elvis" Clinton was molesting the help. If Bill Clinton is the Democrats' idea of Elvis, somebody should tell them he's playing to half-empty houses.

Besides the joy liberals take in lying generally, they have massive Reagan envy. Despite having informed us the requisite 1 billion times that Reagan was a dunce, Americans adored him, and still do.

Democrats wanted one of their presidents to be adored, too -- and not just for being assassinated. But they only seemed able to produce laughable incompetents like Jimmy Carter.

So no matter how preposterous it was, liberals just kept telling us that the chubby kid with the big red nose whose greatest moment on the football field involved a wind instrument was "Elvis." According to Nexis, that appellation has been applied to Clinton approximately 1,000 times. In print, that is. There's no telling how many drunken cocktail waitresses have whispered it in Clinton's ear during late-night elevator assignations.

You can stop lying for the voters now, Hillary. This is me, Ann Coulter, your supporter.

This charade of a marriage has gone on long enough. Even if you were stupid enough to marry him back in the '70s, Bill is just so over, girlfriend. He can't even get Holiday Inn cocktail waitresses anymore. Last I heard, he was hitting on the Motel 6 housekeeping staff.

You're too good for him, Hillary. Obama has now denounced and rejected Louis Farrakhan. It's time for you to denounce and reject Bill Clinton.

Obama excites voters by offering to be the first black president. You've got a chance to make history by becoming the first divorcee to win the White House.

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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2008, 06:38:33 PM »
You've got a chance to make history by becoming the first divorcee to win the White House.

Reagan was the first divorced President.  But I guess Ann is trying to make points by not saying first woman President, but first divorced woman President.


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2008, 07:39:48 PM »
Perfect Picture - Chaos

It is evident at this time that the Democratic Party has been fractured after Super Tuesday II results became known. The rumors flying around regarding Hillary Clinton's campaign demise was grossly wrong. Hillary is very much alive and strong in her race for the nomination of the Democratic Party. It's time to remind all those calling for Hillary to bow-out - "You should never underestimate the power of a woman!"

Keep up the great work!

The Democrats do not have a clear frontrunner at this time. With Hillary's three wins on Super Tuesday II -the Democrats can forget about looking ahead to the general election in November. Clinton stopped B. Hussein Obama's 11 contest winning streak and is able to keep the race going without haggles and suggestions to bow-out.

Hillary's wins were impressive. Her campaign had bottomed out and she did what she had to do to win Texas, Ohio, and Rhode Island. The only thing is - B. Hussein still has the delegate math backing him up. And, thus the games will continue.

My point here - Hillary will fight to the last collective breath her campaign has. And, this can only continue to divide the Democratic party further apart.

So now we have to look at B. Hussein and what he will do to adjust to Hillary's new campaign tactics. Just how will Obama respond? Obama sent minor jabs at Hillary through campaign fliers and radio ads in states like Texas, Ohio, Rhode Island, and Vermont this past week. Does he now design a more forceful negative campaign? Does he hit her in her soft spots regarding her tax return? Position on Iraq? Her electability or her actual experience?

Oh I hope so!

And, on the flip side of the coin we have something new happening regarding Obama - the media! It appears B. Hussein is no longer the media's Super Star! The media is now taking a harder look at just who B. Hussein Obama is. Obama now has the NAFTA mess going, in which he didn't play it straight. He failed to distance himself from Farrakhan in a debate before additional prompting from Hillary that showed him up. In addition to all this, Obama has the issue of Tony Rezko and the real estate issues. Up until now, it's been Hillary struggling to get her message out cleanly due to negative distractions, now it's Obama's turn - and he didn't fare real well in his baptism by media fire with that "I answered 8 questions, guys".

We also get to look forward to what or who William Ayers, Rashid Khalidi and Nadhmi Auchi involvement is with B. Hussein. And, let's not forget the Arab American Democratic Club and how donations to political candidates were made with a tacit quid pro quo understanding of all parties involved. As new information leaks out into public domain I do believe the water is going to become awfully chilly around Obama.

When the media smells blood or vulnerable prey we all knows what takes place - they pounce just like a cat on a mouse. The media built Obama up from almost nothing! They (the media) will turn on him faster than a lightening streak and bring him down just as fast!

The Democratic nomination is very much up for grabs. Hillary will do what ever she has to do to clinch the nomination. At the same time, B. Hussein is not going to give up what he thinks is rightfully his - the nomination. It is difficult to see the path either candidate needs to take to reach the 2,025 delegate threshold they need to win the nomination. So, the argument will rage on! And, on an interesting side note, Howard Dean has said if a nominee has not been selected by mid-March or April, or by the last presidential Democratic primary in June, the party would likely bring both sides together to work out a deal. Can you imagine either Hillary or B. Hussein working out a deal- NOT ON YOUR LIFE! I can see it now - fighting in the Democratic Party. Keep it up Demmies.

Oh, and one more thing. I got to thinking about their dream ticket - Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton. At present time I do not see either of them taking the other along on each of their respective tickets. Reason is, Obama does not need Clinton. Besides, I personally believe Obama has a different agenda than he has portrayed to the citizens of the United States. And, his agenda has nothing to do with women.

Secondly, Clinton would not take Obama because of the simple fact - what ever information that is found out about Obama in the next few weeks/months would hamper any party!


[source: Blog]
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2008, 07:50:31 PM »
6 times the article names Barack Obama as "B. Hussein".  Twice it's "B. Hussein Obama".  I wonder what that's about?


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2008, 08:07:37 PM »
6 times the article names Barack Obama as "B. Hussein".  Twice it's "B. Hussein Obama".  I wonder what that's about?

Just politics Fat.  It is his middle name, no?  It's the same politics that kept bringing up Bush 1's 2 middle names over and over again.  Same politics that kept interjecting Dan Quale's middle name.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2008, 09:08:12 PM »
Just politics Fat.  It is his middle name, no?  It's the same politics that kept bringing up Bush 1's 2 middle names over and over again.  Same politics that kept interjecting Dan Quale's middle name.


I realize that sirs, I wouldn't be worried if I believed that people were smart enough not to fall for crap like this (no matter who is doing it), but we both know that they aren't, at least some of them anyway.  I don't see anything wrong with having two middle names, some people have several.  I don't recall Quayle's middle name, but I'll have to look it up.  As I said before, and I think you agreed? , we don't choose our names and this kind of stuff is rather pointless.


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #6 on: March 06, 2008, 09:10:31 PM »
What else are we going to let liberals ALLOW us to discuss? We can't talk mention his middle name (which his parents must have been proud of), or his church, or his associates. Screw that. Liberals don't tell me what I can and cannot say. Period.

Something tells me Mrs. Clinton isn't going to be so kind. That's why I voted for her!!!!



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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #7 on: March 06, 2008, 09:28:09 PM »
Well, I see you're back to responding to me again.  That didn't take long.

What else are we going to let liberals ALLOW us to discuss?

You can discuss whatever the hell you want.  Technically, you personally don't really discuss much of anything, other than posting monkey cartoons and calling people names.  That doesn't qualify as discussion to me, but I can see as how it would to you.  The last time I looked, I didn't say you couldn't say Obama's middle name, it's an obvious ploy to equate Obama with Saddam Hussein, and if you're too fucking dumb to figure that one out, that's on you.  I don't recall the article being about either Saddam Hussein or Barack Obama's middle name, but the author made every effort to get that middle name out there.  For someone who bitches and cries about how PC this forum is, you sure post a lot of un PC things.  It seems like you only bitch and moan when you're called on it.  Evidently that means that you can't defend it, other than to say that it's your right to free speech and blah blah blah.  Any fucktard can say any retarded thing, but when you do it in here, expect to be called to defend it.  And by defend I don't mean posting monkey cartoons and insults.

We can't talk mention his middle name (which his parents must have been proud of),

No one has said that you can't "talk mention his middle name".  Read the preceeding paragraph.  Preceeding = the paragraph before this one.  I don't see any liberal bloggers going on and on about John McCain's middle name, or Mike Huckabee's.  Why the fascination with Obama's?  Ohhhhh, because it's HUSSEIN.......SCARY!

or his church,

Why can't you talk about his church?  Oh, you mean his pastor?  Why didn't you say so?  Who told you that you weren't allowed to talk about his pastor?

or his associates.

Again, read the preceeding paragraph.

Liberals don't tell me what I can and cannot say

But common sense probably should, and a sense of decency.  Unfortunately, you have a severe deficit in both of those qualities.  Other than calling a woman a bitch, you can usually say whatever you want (and you certainly do) as long as it's qualified, relevant, and applicable.  Perhaps you're making a mountain out of a molehill.  For someone who disdains the victimology of today's society, you sure have a case of the "poor me's".

Something tells me Mrs. Clinton isn't going to be so kind. That's why I voted for her!!!!

Wow, you voted for Hillary in a primary.  That's stunning.  Get back to us when you do it in a general election, okay?


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2008, 09:49:40 PM »
Just politics Fat.  It is his middle name, no?  It's the same politics that kept bringing up Bush 1's 2 middle names over and over again.  Same politics that kept interjecting Dan Quale's middle name.  Just DC SOP

I realize that sirs, I wouldn't be worried if I believed that people were smart enough not to fall for crap like this (no matter who is doing it), but we both know that they aren't, at least some of them anyway. 

Perhaps we need a bill to demonstrate one must have a certain IQ to vote??  Is that what you'd be advocating?    ;)

I don't see anything wrong with having two middle names, some people have several.  

Nothing is "wrong" with having 2, as nothing is "wrong" with having 1 with the name of Hussein.  But the point was that back then, it was used insidiously by dems and MSM stories, to apparently imply how much more out of touch, and "rich" he was to have 2 middle names, when the vast majority of us have 1. 

I don't recall Quayle's middle name, but I'll have to look it up.

It was Danforth, and again used to imply how apparently he was out of step and rich he was, with such a Harvard-like middle name.  Point being, they WERE their real middle names, and some people do have 2 or more middle names, but at no time were they necessary to repeat, much less adnauseum.  There were no other candidates with identical names, and thru a vast amount of their political lives, they were never used.  But come election time, WHAM, all of a sudden, there they were

As I said before, politics as usual

...we don't choose our names and this kind of stuff is rather pointless.

Agreed......but it's not going to stop egregiously lame, if not inexcusable attempts to sway public opinion.  Vote Republican and watch another Black Church burn, comes to mind
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 07:51:19 PM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #9 on: March 06, 2008, 10:00:11 PM »
Perhaps we need a bill to demonstrate one must have a certain IQ to vote??  Is that what you'd be advocating?

In a sense, I'd like to advocate that exact thing.  The problem though, is that you would disenfranchise stupid people, who also deserve to have representation.  It seems to me that the stupid people are disproportionately represented, judging by the stupid Senators and Representatives that make up the majority of Congress.  So no, I can't really advocate an IQ test, much as I'd like to.

Nothing is "wrong" with having 2, as nothing is "wrong" with having 1 with the name of Hussein.  But the point was that back then, it was used insidiously by dems and MSM stories, to apparently imply how much more out of touch, and "rich" he was to have 2 middle names, when the vast majority of us have 1. 

Honestly sirs, I don't remember this (which isn't to say that it isn't true).  There are a lot of rich, out of touch people with one middle name, probably some with no middle name at all.  The Dems and the MSM were in the wrong to make an issue out of Bush Sr's middle names.

It was Danforth, and again used to imply how apparently he was out of step and rich he was, with such a Harvard-like middle name.

Actually, I didn't know this either.  Personally, I don't see Danforth as a rich or out of step name, but evidently some people do.  Again, the Dems and MSM were in the wrong to hit Quayle with this, when there were much more relevant things that Quayle could be hit with.

Point being, they WERE their real middle names, and some people do have 2 or more middle names, but at no time were they necessary to repeat, much less adnauseum.  There were no other candidates with identical names, and thru a vast amount of their political lives, they were never used.  But come election time, WHAM, all of a sudden, there they were

As I said before, politics as usual

We're in complete agreement here.

Agreed......but it's not going to stop egregiously lame, if not inexcusable attempts to sway puplic opinion.  Vote Republican and watch another Black Church burn, comes to mind

Again, we're in agreement.  Another version would be Vote Democrat and enable gay marriage, unrestricted abortion, and Communism.  You know sirs, I think that an educated and free thinking populace would be a very bad thing for both parties.  Imagine if people were able to think "outside of the box", without the fear mongering from either side.  Think what their choices might be.


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #10 on: March 06, 2008, 10:27:36 PM »
As I recall, Dan Quayle's middle name is Danforth. C. Danforth Quayle.

I can't recall what the C. stood for.  I suppose wikipedia would tell me.
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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #11 on: March 06, 2008, 10:32:14 PM »

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #12 on: March 07, 2008, 04:21:18 AM »
You know sirs, I think that an educated and free thinking populace would be a very bad thing for both parties.  Imagine if people were able to think "outside of the box", without the fear mongering from either side.  Think what their choices might be.

Tis a frightening thought, indeed
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 11:14:23 AM by sirs »
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Hillary: Stand By Some Other Man
« Reply #13 on: March 07, 2008, 10:56:09 AM »
You know sirs, I think that an educated and free thinking populace would be a very bad thing for both parties.  Imagine if people were able to think "outside of the box", without the fear mongering from either side.  Think what their choices might be.

Tis a fightening thought, indeed
So, continue posting Ann Coulter, who would never deign to scare so such as a fruitfly.

Keep on fightening!

As Marx once said...
"Time flies like an arrow... but fruitflies like a banana!"

That would be Groucho, not Gummo, Zeppo, Harpo, Chico or Karl.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2008, 10:59:24 AM by Xavier_Onassis »
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."