"Some consider the political Right to include those forms of liberalism that emphasize the free market more than egalitarianism in wealth, but many free-market advocates, including most libertarians, share certain political ideologies with the left-wing and conceive of a two-dimensional political spectrum that they say more accurately portrays their political position.[1] (See Nolan chart, Pournelle Chart, Political Compass). Many anarchists (including libertarian socialists) also avoid placing themselves on the classic political spectrum.
See political spectrum and left-right politics for further discussion of this kind of classification."
It has been convienient for a long time to describe government policys in a bipolar set of terms.
But the two partys that we are so used to are leaveing an increaseing number of people cold and uninspired , plenty of people not satiafied by either one.
So the potential exists for a third (or fourth) party to finally get some traction , is one of the alternatives well prepared to exploit the oppurtunity?
With power split threee ways the smaller minority might have the frequent position as swing vote , and be able to trade support for one issue for favorable support in another. It could be a spoiler in any close vote or Veto situation.
So with only a few seats in an evenly devided Congress, a third party could have serious influence over time.
But how would the Media describe them without the recourse to all the many bipolar terms ?