Author Topic: THE NEWS BLACKOUT  (Read 1284 times)

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« on: May 20, 2008, 05:53:50 PM »


May 20, 2008 -- DO we still have troops in Iraq? Is there still a conflict over there?

If you rely on the so-called mainstream media, you may have difficulty answering those questions these days. As Iraqi and Coalition forces pile up one success after another, Iraq has magically vanished from the headlines.

Want a real "inconvenient truth?" Progress in Iraq is powerful and accelerating.

But that fact isn't helpful to elite media commissars and cadres determined to decide the presidential race over our heads. How dare our troops win? Even worse, Iraqi troops are winning. Daily.

You won't see that above the fold in The New York Times. And forget the Obama-intoxicated news networks - they've adopted his story line that the clock stopped back in 2003.

To be fair to the quit-Iraq-and-save-the-terrorists media, they have covered a few recent stories from Iraq:

* When a rogue US soldier used a Koran for target practice, journalists pulled out all the stops to turn it into "Abu Ghraib, The Sequel."

Unforgivably, the Army handled the situation well. The "atrocity" didn't get the traction the whorespondents hoped for.

* When a battered, bleeding al Qaeda managed to set off a few bombs targeting Sunni Arabs who'd turned against terror, that, too, received delighted media play.

* As long as Baghdad-based journalists could hope that the joint US-Iraqi move into Sadr City would end disastrously, we were treated to a brief flurry of headlines.

* A few weeks back, we heard about another Iraqi company - 100 or so men - who declined to fight. The story was just delicious, as far as the media were concerned.

Then tragedy struck: As in Basra the month before, absent-without-leave (and hiding in Iran) Muqtada al Sadr quit under pressure from Iraqi and US troops. The missile and mortar attacks on the Green Zone stopped. There's peace in the streets.

Today, Iraqi soldiers, not militia thugs, patrol the lanes of Sadr City, where waste has replaced roadside bombs as the greatest danger to careless footsteps. US advisers and troops support the effort, but Iraq's government has taken another giant step forward in establishing law and order.

My fellow Americans, have you read or seen a single interview with any of the millions of Iraqis in Sadr City or Basra who are thrilled that the gangster militias are gone from their neighborhoods?

Didn't think so. The basic mission of the American media between now and November is to convince you, the voter, that Iraq's still a hopeless mess.

Meanwhile, they've performed yet another amazing magic trick - making Kurdistan disappear.

Remember the Kurds? Our allies in northern Iraq? When last sighted, they were living in peace and building a robust economy with regular elections, burgeoning universities and municipal services that worked.

After Israel, the most livable, decent place in the greater Middle East is Iraqi Kurdistan. Wouldn't want that news getting out.

If the Kurds would only start slaughtering their neighbors and bombing Coalition troops, they might get some attention. Unfortunately, there are no US or allied combat units in Kurdistan for Kurds to bomb. They weren't needed. And (benighted people that they are) the Kurds are pro-American - despite the virulent anti-Kurdish prejudices prevalent in our Saudi-smooching State Department.

Developments just keep getting grimmer for the fan base in the media. Iraq's Sunni Arabs, who had supported al Qaeda and homegrown insurgents, now support their government and welcome US troops. And, in southern Iraq, the Iranians lost their bid for control to Iraq's government.

Bury those stories on Page 36.

Our troops deserve better. The Iraqis deserve better. You deserve better. The forces of freedom are winning.

Here in the Land of the Free, of course, freedom of the press means the freedom to boycott good news from Iraq. But the truth does have a way of coming out.

The surge worked. Incontestably. Iraqis grew disenchanted with extremism. Our military performed magnificently. More and more Iraqis have stepped up to fight for their own country. The Iraqi economy's taking off. And, for all its faults, the Iraqi legislature has accomplished far more than our own lobbyist-run Congress over the last 18 months.

When Iraq seemed destined to become a huge American embarrassment, our media couldn't get enough of it. Now that Iraq looks like a success in the making, there's a virtual news blackout.

Of course, the front pages need copy. So you can read all you want about the heroic efforts of the Chinese People's Army in the wake of the earthquake.

Tells you all you really need to know about our media: American soldiers bad, Red Chinese troops good.

Is Jane Fonda on her way to the earthquake zone yet?

Ralph Peters' new book, "Looking For Trouble: Adventures in a Broken World," hits stores on July 4.
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 06:18:22 PM »
If you had lived through the Vietnam period, and seen the constant daiy reminders on how well we were doing, on how well the ARVIN was doing, how only a little longer and we would have won, then you would not keep printing all this crap about how well everything is going in Iraq.

They are not winning. The US cannot win an Iraqi Civil War. We don't even know whom we want to see "win". We don;t want an independent Kurdistan, so we dont want the Kurds to win. We don;t want the Sunnis to win, because they are in the minority and do not live where the oil has chosen to hide itself. And we don't want the Shia to win, because Al Sadr is a clear enemy and all Shia are pro Iranian. No one in Iraq much likes Israel.

So please, don't expect anyone to believe your Daily Drivel, cause no intelligent person does or will.
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« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 06:22:03 PM »
>>If you had lived through the Vietnam period, and seen the constant daiy reminders on how well we were doing, on how well the ARVIN was doing, how only a little longer and we would have won, then you would not keep printing all this crap about how well everything is going in Iraq.<<

Once again you demonstrate your ability to construct an alternate reality. Either you did too much acid during the 60's and 70's or you're just a bald faced lier. To claim the media portrayed the Vietnam war positively can only mean one or the other.


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« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 07:02:53 PM »
rich once gain we see the twisted left logic
if i want reality about iraq
if i want some good news with the bad news, which is reality
then he pretends all i want is good news
i dont mind the bad news
war and defeating an enemy usually contains bad news
what i don't want is a warped view.... that Iraq is all bad news
when that is not reality
reality is that lots of good and bad has happened
but he is so caught up in Bush demonization
he sees any attempt to show balance as a demand to "show only 100% good stories about Iraq"
it's really pretty sick to be that blind

« Last Edit: May 20, 2008, 07:05:11 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 07:20:33 PM »
It was only after the Tet offensive that the media stopped sucking up to the Daily Drivel of the DOD.

The real reason why they had to leave VN was never printed: they could not draft enough soldiers to keep it going.
Even the rubes of Hooterville were heading for Canada. 

How do you suppose the US is going to win an Iraqi Civil War?

Whose side are we on? Just tell us that.
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« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2008, 06:16:56 AM »
It was only after the Tet offensive that the media stopped sucking up to the Daily Drivel of the DOD.

The real reason why they had to leave VN was never printed: they could not draft enough soldiers to keep it going.
Even the rubes of Hooterville were heading for Canada. 

How do you suppose the US is going to win an Iraqi Civil War?

Whose side are we on? Just tell us that.

Then discuss the Tet Offensive itself.
The Tet plan was a debacle , a shame for the North Vietnameese in every respect , the only thing they acomplished was atrocity.


Not in the press, the battle was won for the North Vietnameese in the press room though in no other way .


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« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2008, 10:14:18 AM »
Then discuss the Tet Offensive itself.
The Tet plan was a debacle , a shame for the North Vietnameese in every respect , the only thing they acomplished was atrocity.


Not in the press, the battle was won for the North Vietnameese in the press room though in no other way .
That is totally ludicrious.

Tet proved that the NVA could strike anywhere it chose in nearly the entire territory of Vietnam. It totally destroyed the DOA's assurance that the war was almost won.

Riddle me this: if it was such a failure, how is it that South Vietnam is not the 51st state?

What really happened is that it made it so totally obvious to every draft age young man in the US that he could be packed off and killed for no reason at all on the whim of a very stubborn, very stupid government. After Tet, AWOLs increased tremendously, as did the number of prospective cannon fodder fleeing to Sweden, to Canada, to wherever the draft could not catch them.

After Nixon was elected, it became even more obvious that there was a war of the incompetent establishment on the young men of America and they fled the draft in even greater numbers.

Eventually, even the yokel highschool dropouts from Hooterville were hard to draft and inadequate in number to prolong the stupidity, and Nixon & Liar Laird could do nothing but "vietnamize" the war and hand the defense of South Vietnam over to their own incompetent army.

You actually believe all the crap they feed you, don't you?

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« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2008, 07:12:10 PM »
Then discuss the Tet Offensive itself.
The Tet plan was a debacle , a shame for the North Vietnameese in every respect , the only thing they acomplished was atrocity.


Not in the press, the battle was won for the North Vietnameese in the press room though in no other way .
That is totally ludicrious.

Tet proved that the NVA could strike anywhere it chose in nearly the entire territory of Vietnam. It totally destroyed the DOA's assurance that the war was almost won.

Riddle me this: if it was such a failure, how is it that South Vietnam is not the 51st state?

What really happened is that it made it so totally obvious to every draft age young man in the US that he could be packed off and killed for no reason at all on the whim of a very stubborn, very stupid government. After Tet, AWOLs increased tremendously, as did the number of prospective cannon fodder fleeing to Sweden, to Canada, to wherever the draft could not catch them.

After Nixon was elected, it became even more obvious that there was a war of the incompetent establishment on the young men of America and they fled the draft in even greater numbers.

Eventually, even the yokel highschool dropouts from Hooterville were hard to draft and inadequate in number to prolong the stupidity, and Nixon & Liar Laird could do nothing but "vietnamize" the war and hand the defense of South Vietnam over to their own incompetent army.

You actually believe all the crap they feed you, don't you?

The Tet Offensive proved that with the help of a large fifth collum and two large Communist allies the absolute best they could do was not enough .

They didn't win an inch of territory , controll of anything or goodwill anywhere , they wasted everything they had and could not do anything remotely simular for more than five years.

I do beleive this drivel , especially since "they " include general Giap.