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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2008, 01:10:29 AM »
In other words, you again have no "facts", simply your opinion of how Oblather would kick McCain's arse.  That's kinda what I thought
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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #46 on: June 07, 2008, 02:03:14 AM »
You are going to lose and we are going to win.

That is a possibility. But there is an old saying, be careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

If Obama wins , expect the GOP to win back congress the following election cycle.

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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #47 on: June 07, 2008, 02:30:21 AM »
<<In other words, you again have no "facts", simply your opinion of how Oblather would kick McCain's arse.>>

You seem to be somewhat confused.  I gave my opinion as to why Obama would not do well in a "town-hall" format against McSame, in which I also said that the facts bore this out.  In the following post, you asked what those facts were.  You never asked me for facts that would back up my opinion of "how Oblather would kick McCain's arse," yet now you are complaining that I have no facts to back up such an opinion.

Well, I gave quite a few facts backing up my opinion that a "town-hall" format would not favour Obama.  Since I was never asked (until now) for facts to back up an opinion that Obama will kick McSame's ass, I don't feel under any obligation to get into that issue now and jump into a whole new thread.    Obama WILL kick McSame's ass, of course, and I think maybe later I will give the facts I rely on for that opinion.  Actually, THAT is a mixture of facts and opinion, but I'll give both.  Meantime, let's try to stay on topic.


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2008, 03:27:46 AM »
<<In other words, you again have no "facts", simply your opinion of how Oblather would kick McCain's arse.>>

You seem to be somewhat confused.  I gave my opinion as to why Obama would not do well in a "town-hall" format against McSame, in which I also said that the facts bore this out.  

WHAT FACTS??  That's the point.  You have none.  You have an OPIONION of how much smarter Oblather is supposed to be.  You have an OPINION of how he would supposedly argue reason to McCain's emotion (when ironically it'd be pretty much the opposite.  More of that leftist projection I suppose).  You have an OPINION that the MSM is supposedly in cahoots with the Neo-cons and are pro-war, when reality dictates just the opposite.  You have an OPINION that the audience would be chalk full of neo-cons and pro-war folks asking questions, without any shred of proof or history of such. 

In summary, you have no FACTS to support any of your allegations, and if Oblather were as smart and sharp as you think he is, he'd jump at the idea.  But you're right in 1 sense, such town hall meetings would be absolutely detrimental to Obama, having to explain his voting record, having to xplain his siding with Democrats on 99.9% of evey piece of legislation, and not once working on compromises or bukcing the part line like McCain.  He might even have to address the issues of his piss-poor judgement as it relates who he currently associates with.  Yep, Oblather would be smart to avoid such a black hole.  And NO, there was no racial pun intended, what-so-ever

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2008, 04:09:44 AM »
<<WHAT FACTS??  That's the point.  You have none.  You have an OPIONION of how much smarter Oblather is supposed to be.  You have an OPINION of how he would supposedly argue reason to McCain's emotion (when ironically it'd be pretty much the opposite.  More of that leftist projection I suppose).  You have an OPINION that the MSM is supposedly in cahoots with the Neo-cons and are pro-war, when reality dictates just the opposite.  You have an OPINION that the audience would be chalk full of neo-cons and pro-war folks asking questions, without any shred of proof or history of such. >>

As I said, you're very confused.  You're all over the map with a collection of issues but in this particular thread, I only gave an opinion on ONE issue, which I said was backed with fact, and when you challenged me to produce the facts, I did produce facts - - facts which related to the issue of whether or not Obama would do well in a "town-hall" debate with McSame.

Now you raise a whole bunch of other issues - - (1) who's smarter, Obama or McSame; (2) HOW Obama would argue against McSame if they DID enter a "town-hall" format; (3) whether the MSM is in cahoots with the neocons; and (4) whether the audience would be stacked. Of course I have an opinion on each of those subjects, but I was not asked to back up my opinions on any of those issues with facts - - however, I'll do it now.

1.  That Obama's smarter than McCain - - well, the most obvious indicator is that McCain finished in the bottom five of his Annapolis class (not the bottom five per cent, the bottom FIVE!) whereas Obama, who graduated from both Columbia University and Harvard Law School, was a university professor and an author.  Those are all FACTS and every one of them indicates that Obama is by far the smarter man.

2.  How would Obama argue against McSame - - well in fact I did NOT express an opinion on that issue, in fact I stated there were two possibilities, both bad for Obama:  one, he would backtrack or two, he would stand his ground, either one being to his potential disadvantage as I demonstrated.  However, since I did NOT express an opinion on the subject and specifically stated that I did not know the answer, I think it's ludicrous to complain, as you did, that I had no facts in support of my non-opinion.  That is just nuts.

3.  Whether the MSM is in cahoots with "the neocons."  I believe I said it was in cahoots with the Pentagon, and I did back that up with a reference to a recent scandal in which dozens of retired military analysts hired by the MSM as "independent" military "experts" in fact were briefed by the Pentagon and told what line to take in voicing their "independent" opinions.  Again, that is not just my opinion, that is documented FACT.

4.  Whether the audience would be "stacked."  - - I don't of course have any "proof" of what would happen at a future debate that might or might not take place, I had an opinion as to what MIGHT happen and of course it is just a possibility.  It's a possibility that Osama bin Laden might be captured tomorrow, but stating a mere possibility does not create any obligation to produce facts in support of it.

<<In summary, you have no FACTS to support any of your allegations . . . >>

Well, stop right there - - there are PLENTY of facts to indicate that Obama is by far the smarter man.

<< . . . and if Oblather were as smart and sharp as you think he is, he'd jump at the idea.  >>

No he would not.  He'd recognize it as a trap.

<<But you're right in 1 sense, such town hall meetings would be absolutely detrimental to Obama >>

Well, d'oh

<< . . .  having to explain his voting record>>

looks OK to me; most liberal Senator; I've got a feeling he could explain his voting record a hell of a lot better than McSame could explain away his crooked monkey business as a member of the Keating Five,

<< . . . having to xplain his siding with Democrats on 99.9% of evey piece of legislation>>

Geeze, that's gonna be tough.  Lemme see, "I sided with the Democrats 99.9% because . . . because I'm a Democrat?"  Nah, doesn't sound right.  Because they were going to expose me as a Negro?  Nah, you're right - - he'll NEVER be able to explain that one.

<< and not once working on compromises or bukcing the part line like McCain. >>

Yeah that's what the people want who want change - - COMPROMISE, so we can keep HALF of the mistakes the Republicans made.  CHANGE means something different.  The War on Iraq was compromise.  Democrats and REpublicans together voted for it.  THAT is the problem.  CHANGE means Democrats who act like Democrats, not Democrats who act like Republicans.  That's what got the country into the mess that it's in, Democrats who did not have the balls to stand up to Republican fascism, racism and militarism.

<< He might even have to address the issues of his piss-poor judgement as it relates who he currently associates with. >>

Oh, I certainly hope THAT issue comes up.  That will be hilarious.  What's McSame gonna ask him, "Why don't you associate with fine upstanding citizens, men like Charles Keating?"  OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sen. McSame, PLEASE raise the issue of keeping bad company with Barak Obama.  PLEEEEEZE.


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #50 on: June 07, 2008, 06:50:55 AM »
<<How would speech writers and coaches confer an advantage to Senator McCain when McCain had to answer a direct Question from the Audience or from Senator Obama?>>

A good coach knows what questions are likely to come at his man, what various forms the same question might take, how to deal with the question and what to say.  Doesn't tell the guy just once, he DRILLS him on it, just like you would drill your multiplication tables.  The response has to be automatic, but it has to seem sincere and original.  So you coach the guy not only on what to say but how to say it.  Believe me plane, I know what I'm talking about.  I've done this.  Some people are naturals, most aren't.  The ones who aren't need coaching.  If they can afford to campaign, they can afford coaches. 


Why is this an advantage to McCain?

Are Coaches not avalible to a democrat?

I think McCains cheif advantage is a better sense of humor , that is hard to fake .
« Last Edit: June 07, 2008, 12:50:03 PM by Plane »


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #51 on: June 07, 2008, 10:06:00 AM »
I already gave them to you, sirs.  In this thread, you want to return to:

1.  my post 7:54;03 PM (in which I referred to "the facts" showing that Obama would be at a disadvantage
     against McSame in a "town-hall" debate;
2.  yours of 8:33;39 PM, "what facts, Tee?"
3.  my reply10:00:35 (where I gave the facts you asked for)

Why didn't you put in links? It makes it a whole lot easier on everyone else.

Incidentally, your post at 10:00:35 does not include any facts, only conjecture (ie, opinion).
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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #52 on: June 07, 2008, 12:56:14 PM »
Oh, I certainly hope THAT issue comes up.  That will be hilarious.  What's McSame gonna ask him, "Why don't you associate with fine upstanding citizens, men like Charles Keating?"  OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sen. McSame, PLEASE raise the issue of keeping bad company with Barak Obama.  PLEEEEEZE.

I will see your Keating ,match it with a William Ayers and raise you  the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.and a Tony  Rezko.


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #53 on: June 07, 2008, 03:56:38 PM »
<<WHAT FACTS??  That's the point.  You have none.  You have an OPIONION of how much smarter Oblather is supposed to be.  You have an OPINION of how he would supposedly argue reason to McCain's emotion (when ironically it'd be pretty much the opposite.  More of that leftist projection I suppose).  You have an OPINION that the MSM is supposedly in cahoots with the Neo-cons and are pro-war, when reality dictates just the opposite.  You have an OPINION that the audience would be chalk full of neo-cons and pro-war folks asking questions, without any shred of proof or history of such. >>

As I said, you're very confused.  You're all over the map with a collection of issues but in this particular thread, I only gave an opinion on ONE issue, which I said was backed with fact, and when you challenged me to produce the facts, I did produce facts - - facts which related to the issue of whether or not Obama would do well in a "town-hall" debate with McSame.......

Can you say "conjecture, MINUS any 'facts'"?  I knew you could
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #54 on: June 07, 2008, 04:42:15 PM »

He CAN go mano-a-mano with McSame, only in a forum that favours him, not McCain.  At the end of the day, through forums and formats that OBAMA chooses, his message will beat - - will TROUNCE - - McSame's.

   This is basicly unfair of course , there is no reason for all venues of debate to be stacked in Obama's favor .

     Nor is there a reason to stack the deck in favor of McCain , but there is good reason to let bot of them have it their own way about half of the time.

    Part of what the public needs to know is how well they think on their feet and how well they make decisions and how much they need hand holding.

      Which one prefers more structure and which one is ready more for anything would be nice to know .


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #55 on: June 07, 2008, 09:10:55 PM »
Oh, I certainly hope THAT issue comes up.  That will be hilarious.  What's McSame gonna ask him, "Why don't you associate with fine upstanding citizens, men like Charles Keating?"  OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sen. McSame, PLEASE raise the issue of keeping bad company with Barak Obama.  PLEEEEEZE.

I will see your Keating ,match it with a William Ayers and raise you  the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.and a Tony  Rezko.

 ;D   Especially with Keating being how many years ago??
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #56 on: June 07, 2008, 10:27:56 PM »
Oh, I certainly hope THAT issue comes up.  That will be hilarious.  What's McSame gonna ask him, "Why don't you associate with fine upstanding citizens, men like Charles Keating?"  OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sen. McSame, PLEASE raise the issue of keeping bad company with Barak Obama.  PLEEEEEZE.

I will see your Keating ,match it with a William Ayers and raise you  the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr.and a Tony  Rezko.

 ;D   Especially with Keating being how many years ago??

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Re: Don't accept McCain's invatation!
« Reply #57 on: June 08, 2008, 03:38:11 AM »
Absolutely.  As someone earlier referenced, OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sen. McCain, PLEASE raise the issue of keeping bad company with Barak Oblather.  PLEEEEEZE.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle