I agree though that a reasonable person needs to change his mind once in a while , do we know anyone like that?
Seems to me that we love it whenever a politician flips to our side and hate it when he flops to the other.
On occasion, whether a change of mind was merited depends on the perspon making that call.
Most often, in the usual flip-flop ad, there is no substantive issue involved. They are just cheap shots, and like most ads for everything else, are intended to send a message that people will not actually analyze, like "How do you spell relief? R O L A I D S" or Coke: "Catch the Wave", "Army of One", "Army Strong".
If everyone ignored every flip flop ad, it would be no loss for anyone.
AUTHOR: Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803?1882)
QUOTATION: A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines.