This week's episode of Friends was pretty good. It was called "Under the Bus," guest starring Jim Johnson and Eric Holder.
Johnson was forced to resign and thrown under the bus as Obama's main Veep vetter because of questionable loans he received from Countrywide, and Eric Holder, Obama's other Veep vetter, is on the verge of being thrown under the bus because of the controversial pardon he advocated of fugitive financier Marc Rich.
Next week, Obama's white Grandma gets tossed under the bus again for being a "typical white person."
I hope everybody got a chance to view the above video clip. It's quite good, actually. The best parts are when Bill Ayers' younger pic is brought up perfectly with the music, and when Tony Rezko is shown doing the perp walk perfectly in-sync with the Friends music and then the arrogant way he is walking out of court. Quite funny. And Well done. These wild people are all associates of Barack Obama.