Author Topic: Israeli jets landing at US airbases in Iraq preparing for attack on Iran Nukes!  (Read 2143 times)

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Israeli jets using Iraq's airspace?
Thu, 10 Jul 2008 16:33:45 

The US has allowed Israeli jets to use US airbases in Iraq and fly over Iraqi airspace for a likely attack against Iran, Iraqi media say.

It is more than a month that some Israeli planes belonging to Israeli air force use the US military bases in Iraq to land and take off, Iraqi Nahrainnet news network said Wednesday, quoting informed sources close to Iraq's Defense Ministry.

The activities and traffic of warplanes- especially at nights- has lately increased in the US air bases in Nasiriya southeast of Baghdad and Haditha a city in the western Iraq province of Al Anbar, the Iraqi residents and sources said.

They said the US fighters, cargo planes, helicopters and unmanned planes have intensified their flights in the last three weeks.

The US military officials have imposed severe security measures around the bases, they said.

They said some aircraft suspected to be Israeli warplanes coming from Jordan, have landed in the US controlled al-Assad airbase near Haditha.

It is believed that these activities are parts of a joint Israeli-US training, preparation and coordination to launch an air raid against Iran's nuclear plants.

Israel has conducted a military drill under the supervision of top US military commanders over the Mediterranean Sea from May 28 to June 12, using more than 100 Israeli F-16 and F-15 fighters, along with helicopters and refueling tanks which many consider as a possible rehearsal for a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Wasn't an attack imminent a number of weeks ago - according to your respectable sources?

I don't think you're doing a very good job mongering this war.
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Michael Tee

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It's hilarious.  Oil is at $147 a barrel - - Hey I know what - - Let's start ANOTHER war!!!


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Wasn't an attack imminent a number of weeks ago - according to your respectable sources?

"imminent" is a relative word

I don't think you're doing a very good job mongering this war.

all you can do is make it personal, because someone disagrees with your world view
it's easier to throw insults than be openminded of others opinions, you should be ashamed of yourself

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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I suggest that you read the definition of the word "imminent."

I threw no insults, unless you are personally insulted about doing a poor job mongering this war. All I am saying is that your timetables for the war with Iran have been off. You've been sharing articles about military build-up and political rhetoric for months, but thus far it has all amounted to a tempest in a tea pot.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
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It's hilarious.  Oil is at $147 a barrel - - Hey I know what - - Let's start ANOTHER war!!!

uh we wont be starting a war
Israel and the US will be finishing a war that has been going on since 1979
I hope they DESTROY IRAN
If Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities
and Iran responds with missles on Israeli population centers
Israel may very well  decide Iran will cease to exist
Nada, gone, vaporized
that i asuure you the Mullahs will understand.
And what the hell is anyone gonna do Michael?
China, Russia aren't going to do shit.
Oh the Arab world will get mad
We need to finish this war NOW!
To do otherwise is a disgrace.

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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"Oh the Arab world will get mad"


Realizing of course that the people of Iran are not Arabs.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
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I suggest that you read the definition of the word "imminent."

I suggest you do.
Again "imminent" is a relative word.

I threw no insults, unless you are personally insulted about doing a poor job mongering this war.
You claim I am "mongering"
That is a personal insult and an outright lie.
Look it up "Mr Dictionary"
Monger:"a person who is involved with something in a petty or contemptible way"

All I am saying is that your timetables for the war with Iran have been off.

"MY" timetables? I only have data that points in a direction. Thats like saying the warnings
about a coming terror attack on the US "had been off" the mark until Sept 11. Does that mean
the predictions were wrong?

You've been sharing articles about military build-up and political rhetoric for months,

And which of those buildups were not factual?

but thus far it has all amounted to a tempest in a tea pot.

well shame on me, surprise surprise surprise
of course reality is that most major news outlets have been reporting
for months about the possibility of the US and/or Israel taking military
action against Iran maybe we should contact them all and tell them
to stop reporting on a "tempest in a tea pot".  ::)

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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"Oh the Arab world will get mad"
Realizing of course that the people of Iran are not Arabs.

And who said they were?
If you play gotcha games at least try to be factual in relation to what I have said!

« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 06:15:21 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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So much for secrecy.

If secrecy isn't possible , does crying "wolf ",till it gets no response, a good substitute?


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I don't know Plane, you raise a valid point.

I suppose that the culture of death has a strong enough following to spread the word repetitiously enough to make such a scenario possible.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
   Coat my eyes with butter
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   Stick my legs in plaster
   Tell me lies about Vietnam.

Michael Tee

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<<uh we wont be starting a war
<<Israel and the US will be finishing a war that has been going on since 1979>>

You're just playing with words, CU4.  There hasn't been any war between Iran and the U.S.A. since 1979 or since yesterday.  Iran might be backing factions in Iraq that are at odds with the factions backed by the U.S.A., but as far as I can see, Iran has as much right to back certain Iraqi Shi'ite death squads as the U.S. has to back other Iraqi Sunni and Shi'ite death squads.

<<I hope they DESTROY IRAN>>

80 million fellow human beings you hope to see destroyed?  For what?  Exactly what did they do to deserve it?
<<If Israel attacks Iran's nuclear facilities
and Iran responds with missles on Israeli population centers . . . >>

How else would they respond?  How else should they respond?  They're supposed to just bend over and take it up the ass?  God damn right, if they have the capability, that's how they SHOULD respond to an Israeli strike on their nation.  And save a few missiles for the U.S. bases next door in Iraq as well, for enabling the Israelis in the first place.

<< . . . Israel may very well  decide Iran will cease to exist
Nada, gone, vaporized>>

If the Israelis were ever stupid enough and evil enough to even make the attempt, that would be the end of the Zionist state in the Middle East.  There is absolutely no way on earth that Israel could avoid anihilation after killing even a hundred thousand Muslims.  If you have any doubts at all on that score, think back to the last invasion of Lebanon, when Israeli bombs killed a few dozen Lebanese children - - the outrage generated by the deaths caused a one-day moratorium on Israeli airstrikes in the war.  The only real reason for this that I can think of is that the general outrage, if not slaked, could have led to the overthrow of the do-nothing American puppet regimes in the area.  The Israelis are skating on some very thin ice and they at least have sense enough to know it.

<<. . . that i asuure you the Mullahs will understand.>>

The problem is, CU4, they might not understand it in the same way that you or I would.  The conclusions they draw from it and the actions they take in response to it might take on a kind of vengeful tone, to say the least of it.

<<And what the hell is anyone gonna do Michael?>>

Does "anyone" include the Pakistani middle classes who keep the current military regime in power, or the junior officers who are expected to sit around sipping tea while the army that owns the world's only "Muslim bomb" idly watches the nuking of millions of Muslims by an upstart state of maybe 7 million Jews and does absolutely nothing about it?

Does "anyone" include the Russians and Chinese who can see the advantage in establishing their own bases in this region? 

<<China, Russia aren't going to do shit.>>

No, China especially doesn't give a shit about securing future energy needs.  They wouldn't know how to reach outlawed Communist Party and other groups in any of the Middle Eastern states and they wouldn't understand how the existing governments in the region could be subverted because no one in China is as smart as the C.I.A.  And an Israeli attack on Iran would just endear the U.S. and Israel to everyone else in the region. 

What I would really expect to see is that a lot of middle class, educated people who currently see their own advantage in supporting American puppet governments becoming a lot more friendly to Chinese and Russian initiatives in the area once the Chinese and Russians could make it known that they need not be personally disadvantaged in a regime change that turfed out all American influence.

<<Oh the Arab world will get mad

Well, the Arab world got mad when the Jews killed a few dozen children in Lebanon two years ago, and NOBODY was saying "WhoopTeeeeeDoooo."   They were, IMHO, scared shitless of what could happen.

<<We need to finish this war NOW!>>

You can't do it.  Because you are a nation of big-talking punk-ass chickenshits who have already bitten off more than you can chew in Iraq, which you will soon be leaving with nothing to show for your efforts.  The problem is, you don't have the balls to engage the natives of the region mano-a-mano because they are willing to die for their land and oil and you are not.  The kind of war you are willing to wage is high-tech minimum-casualty (minimum for you) warfare, but the problem with that is that you don't have control of the ground and you can't continue the effort indefinitely because of the cost.  You know it and they know it.  Which is why you have already lost the war in Iraq and will soon lose the war in Afghanistan.  Best to do as you finally seem to be doing, declare victory and get the hell out.  Say that  the surge has worked and plan a more or less dignified exit, avoiding if at all possible the helicopters-on-the-roof scenario that made your last unbelievable fuck-up so enjoyable to watch.

<<To do otherwise is a disgrace.>>

Oh, I wouldn't really worry about disgrace at this point.  You've already disgraced yourselves so thoroughly in the eyes of the world that you can't get any lower in most people's opinion.  You've really hit bottom this time.


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It would be about 100 times easier to destroy Israel than to destroy Iran, but neither is going to be destroyed, even though United Christians seems to have an orgasm every time he thinks of anyone bombing Iran.

The US nuked Japan, but it is still there.

Hitler tried very hard to destroy the Jews, and yet they are still there.

There are still rather a lot of Armenians as well.

No one is going to be destroyed. This is just stupid.

Iranian politicians and Israeli politicians are simply appealing to the dumber elements of their populations with this silly saber-rattling. The Israelis do it to encourage rich (but dumb) Jews who don't live in Israel to finance them, so it is a guilt trip as well. The message is that REAL Jews should live in Eretz Israel, just like real Texans cheer for the Cowboys. If they can't bring their bodies, they can send their money.

The Iranian economy is a mess. If they had good relations with everyone else in the world, they would probably still have a messy economy, because of the age distribution, the economic transformations caused by an oil-driven economy, the various sects and nationalities, and the struggle between the realists and the ultra-religious, which is greater than any religious differences Americans have ever had.

Nearly all Iranians agree on a few things, such as Israel is unfair to Palestinians, and the US should never be allowed to dominate Iranian politics as it did during the time of the nasty little Shah. There is a new would-be nasty little Shah a-waiting in the wings, more specifically in the US, and every Iranian knows this. So Ahmedinejad can preach Israeli unfairness and American aggression very convincingly to his people. But he will be out of office soon, as he cannot run for reelection.

Iran has no territorial designs on Israel, and Israel has no plans to invade or take over Iran.

Observe how long there have been no attacks as CU4 predicted. It is as likely an event as Jesus returning.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."


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Observe how long there have been no attacks as CU4 predicted. It is as likely an event as Jesus returning.

It is a certainty?

I wouldn't have thought it .

I think it possible , but as long as sizzle sells for steak , threats are cheaper than raids.


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Honestly, if there were a way to have the horrible apartheid government of Israel and the horrible right-wing government of Iran fight one another without destroying anyone else in the process - I'd be all for it!

Unfortunately, both of them would only be killing a bunch of people that likely dislikes all parties involved or just wants to be left alone. Add to that the years and even decades of long-term problems this would cause.

But yeah, if we could remove both sorry ass regimes, it would certainly make for a better world.
I smell something burning, hope it's just my brains.
They're only dropping peppermints and daisy-chains
   So stuff my nose with garlic
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   Tell me lies about Vietnam.