I keep getting stuff from something that calls itself the "Sovereign Society" that seems to be ultra-patriotic, but is firmly against anything and everything that any government wants to do anywhere, other than shelter money from taxes. They also have lots and lots of books by "experts" for sale, many of which one can buy ever so much cheaper from Amazon.
They like to entrance you with crap like "Never pay XXX taxes again", or "The one company that will prevent inflation from taking all your money". Of course, you have to buy the stupid book to find out.
The guy who denounced the Leichstensteiner government was paid by the West German government. He apparently wasn't mistreated by his former bosses, although perhaps if they paid him more, he would not have ratted them out. In the US I imagine someone would take out a contract on him and he'd have an "accident".
They will have a trial, and people who have conned the government out of hundreds of thousands will get a two-year sentence in minimum security, rather than the twenty years at Raiford, Sing Sing or Folsom that some kid gets for holding up a seven eleven with a plastic cap pistol. Maybe. But I am all for trials, because the two years in soft time will be a worse blow to the tax cheats self-image.
It never ceases to amaze me how some people will settle for a 4% investment tax-free rather than go for a 17% one on which they might have to pay half in taxes.