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America First
« on: July 21, 2008, 12:11:56 PM »
America First
by Charley Reese

Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to leave the continental U.S. It's too bad he wasn't also the last.

Politicians and celebrities with an urge to see black poverty only need to visit the Mississippi Delta or some of the neighborhoods in American cities. If they yearn for more exotic poverty, all they have to do is visit the Indian reservations that do not have casinos. Any disease they are hot to trot to cure can be found right here in the good old U.S.A.

Depressed economic conditions? We have them. Crumbling infrastructure? We have that, too. Hunger? Yes, that too. Inflation and weak currency? Present right here. Corruption? Our politicians can hold their own in that dubious category. Orphans? There are plenty of those, too. There is simply no need to travel. Any bad or sad thing you wish to see you can see here in the U.S.

We live in strange times when politicians expect to get a pat on the back for returning to Americans $300 or so of their own dollars while giving Israelis $3 billion and Egyptians $2 billion. In retrospect, the Marshall Plan, which helped rebuild Europe after World War II, was a bad idea, because it planted the seed in our politicians' minds that they could substitute money for a sound foreign policy.

I've never forgotten the words of a Salvadoran friend during their guerrilla war. "We can't afford to kill the guerrillas," he said. "There are only 7,000 of them, and your government is paying my government a million dollars a day to fight them."

Some of those held at Guantanamo Bay are there because the U.S. offered cash for members of the Taliban or al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. Some of the more enterprising gunmen would just grab some poor jerk off the street and turn him over to the Americans. Why not? The Americans wouldn't know the difference. The CIA has always had more money than brains.

Much of the so-called success of the surge in Iraq is because some al-Qaida people killed the wrong tribal leader and the Sunnis turned against them. After the Sunnis started killing al-Qaeda people, the U.S. came rushing in and started paying the Sunnis to kill al-Qaeda instead of Americans. What do you think will happen when we stop paying them? What do you think will happen when it becomes clear that the Shiites are not going to allow the Sunnis any meaningful role in government? The trouble with buying allies is that they are always for sale. You can't really buy loyalty. You can only buy services.

I wish I could collect a bunch of cowboys so we could round up all of the Washington politicians, hogtie them and brand their foreheads with the words "America First." They are, after all, American politicians, elected to serve the American people. There is nothing, not a word, in the Constitution that authorizes them to help any foreign nation in any way whatsoever. Foreign aid, in all its many forms, is clearly unconstitutional. For the first 200 years, the only things we gave foreigners were hot lead and cold steel.

Don't get me wrong ? I have nothing against foreigners. We can't blame them for milking us out of every dollar they can as long as we continue to elect stupid or corrupt politicians. You needn't pay any attention to all this global baloney you hear. The world has always had a global economy. Why the heck do you think Columbus sailed over here and Marco Polo walked to China? Global trade does not require treaties, alliances or military forces stationed overseas. It does not require our muck-brained Congress to turn over its constitutional duty to regulate foreign trade to the executive branch. It does not require our Supreme Court to even know what foreign laws say, much less apply them to Americans.

Damn, but I despise politicians.

July 21, 2008/via
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Michael Tee

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Re: America First
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2008, 12:39:24 PM »
Good article.  Makes a lotta sense.


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Re: America First
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2008, 12:58:00 PM »
I guess I'm gettin' to be a crusty old fart. Charlie Reese makes more and more sense to me these days.
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Re: America First
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2008, 01:54:42 PM »
Most US foreign aid is not intended to help foreigners, but to provide an incentive for said foreigners to buy crap from US companies that they either would never buy or would buy at a lower price from somewhere else.

On the other hand, it is not really a simple issue. If it costs $5000 a year to provide medical care for each illegal alien, and for $2000 to make Salvador or Mexico a place where the Salvadoreans and Mexicans would prefer to live in, then it makes sense to pay the $2000. Shooting all attempted illegals at the borders would be effective, but in the long run, would be even more expensive.

We pay more foreign aid consistently to Israel, and as a rule Israelis do not jump the US-Israeli border, since there is none.
Egypt used to come in second in foreign aid. Basically, we are bribing the Egyptians for not attacking Israel, since if they did, Israel would be likely to bomb the Aswan Dam and drown most Egyptians, and everyone would blame the US for providing Israel with the devices and training to do this. Since the bombing of Aswan would kill more people in an afternoon than Hitler managed to murder in all his death camps during four years, it would make us very unpopular if Israel were to do this, or if we supported Israel in any way after they did it.

Israel would likely claim it was all an accident, like when they attacked the Liberty.

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Re: America First
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2008, 06:23:58 PM »
Most US foreign aid is not intended to help foreigners, but to provide an incentive for said foreigners to buy crap from US companies that they either would never buy or would buy at a lower price from somewhere else.

Who is comeing out ahead then?


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Re: America First
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2008, 06:33:22 PM »
Who is comeing out ahead then?
Perhaps whomever is getting paid.
Those who assemble tanks and aircraft so that Chile or Guyana can resist their enemies.
Even though no one has attacked either since 1871.

What is certain is that American taxpayers are coming out behind.
We pay taxes, which are given as a credit to Chile or Guyana so that they can buy American aircraft or military vehicles.
The Chileans and the Guyanese use these credits to purchase said hardware.

They basically use it in their parades for the next 30 years. No one will attack Chile. No one will attack Guyana. But their leaders like impressive parades, and some of them get special handouts from the manufacturers of the crap they buy.

I do not come out ahead, regardless of how fancy the parades in Chile or Guyana are.

"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."