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« on: August 10, 2008, 03:16:12 AM »
Veteran gets one-on-one chat with Franken
By Lawrence Schumacher ? August 9, 2008

On Friday, DFL-endorsed U.S. Senate candidate Al Franken demonstrated how true that saying can be, when a roundtable on veterans issues at Brigitte?s Cafe his campaign scheduled drew only one participant.

Josh John, a St. Cloud resident who said he served in the Navy from 2000-04, had Franken to himself for an hour as he described difficulties he faced returning from his tour of duty and the help he received from his Veterans Services Office and the St. Cloud VA Medical Center.

?When I first asked for help at the VA, I got kind of a bad attitude from one person, so I ended up leaving and not registering,? he said.

?A year later, the stress was getting to me. I started secluding myself from my family, not wanting to do anything,? he said.

?My mom and my aunt eventually got me to talk with my county VSO. He got me registered with the VA and since then, I haven?t had a problem. I?ve gotten a lot of help, and every question I?ve gotten answered,? John said.

Franken, battling to unseat U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., in this fall?s election, discussed his proposal to expand veterans benefits, what he called a lack of leadership from Coleman, and recent gains on veterans issues he said had only been made because of a Democratic-controlled Congress.

?Everyone?s running around saying Congress never gets anything done,? he said. ?But despite 90 filibuster threats by Senate Republicans, it took Democrats to get the new GI Bill passed and to finally fully fund VA health care.?

After leaving Brigitte?s, Franken was scheduled to campaign at the Benton County Fair in Sauk Rapids.

Franken?s plan
Franken said he hopes to serve on the same Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, if elected, on which the late Sen. Paul Wellstone served.

?Paul was always someone concerned about vets, especially homeless vets ? the men and women who fell through the cracks,? he said. ?I want to continue that.?

Franken said he would work to guarantee every veteran health care for life by making full VA health care funding an untouchable entitlement in the budget, increasing funding for mental health treatment for veterans, and increasing pay and benefits for military personnel and families.

He said he did not know how much the program would cost, or how he would pay for it.

Franken also attacked Coleman, saying he had twice voted for budgets that cut VA funding, three times against making full VA health care funding a requirement, and 18 times against Democratic amendments to increase funding for veterans.

?It?s only since 2006 that Coleman?s voted for veterans,? he said. ?Before that, he voted time and time again with the Bush administration and against veterans.?

Coleman response
Coleman has voted more than 30 times to increase federal funding for veterans, which has gone up more than 70 percent during his term, said Luke Friedrich, Coleman?s campaign spokesman.

?Norm has been a champion for veterans throughout his time in office and Al Franken?s dishonest, negative attacks cannot change that fact,? he said in a statement.

The first bill Coleman got passed in Congress required the Pentagon to pay troops? travel expenses when they return home for rest and relaxation, Friedrich said.

Coleman supported the GI Bill expansion, secured federal reintegration funds for Minnesota Army National Guard troops returning from overseas and got a bill passed in 2006 requiring the VA to reach out to veterans informing them of benefits for which they are eligible, among other accomplishments, he said.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: Priceless
« Reply #1 on: August 10, 2008, 08:38:58 AM »
I don't know who's more pro-vet, but Coleman's "responses" are obviously meaningless garbage, shedding absolutely no light whatsoever on the issue.

<<Coleman has voted more than 30 times to increase federal funding for veterans . . . >>

What the hell is that supposed to mean?  30 times to increase and never to hold the line or decrease?  30 times to increase, 30 times to hold the line and 30 times to decrease?  30 times to increase and 3,330 times to hold the line or decrease?

Notice how "Lawrence Schuhmacher" and his "newspaper" do absolutely nothing to clarify an absolutely cut-and-dried issue which any high-school journalism student could and probably would do.

<< . . .which has gone up more than 70 percent during his term, said Luke Friedrich, Coleman?s campaign spokesman.>>

Of course it went up >70% in his term.  The U.S. started two new wars during during his term.  Undoubtedly with his approval.  It'll go up a hell of a lot more in the next five years too.  Another meaningless factoid.

<<Norm has been a champion for veterans throughout his time in office . . . >>

Well, isn't THAT a heap of meaningful, substantive information?  [sarcasm alert, before sirs can start congratulating me for getting at least one thing right]

<< . . . and Al Franken?s dishonest, negative attacks cannot change that fact,>>

Negative they certainly are, but I can't help thinking that if they are so dishonest, a little more contextual information of the kind I outlined above would certainly have proven it.  My tentative conclusion:  every one of Franken's barbs hit the mark and the obviously half-assed response is the proof of it.  Alternative possibility:  Coleman has a disastrously incompetent PR staff working for him.

<<The first bill Coleman got passed in Congress required the Pentagon to pay troops? travel expenses when they return home for rest and relaxation, Friedrich said.>>

Well, now THAT certainly tell us . . . virtually nothing.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2008, 08:40:55 AM by Michael Tee »


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Re: Priceless
« Reply #2 on: August 10, 2008, 01:20:02 PM »
The real story is Franken holds a sit down for vets and only one shows up.

Perhaps his staff didn't get the word out.

Michael Tee

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Re: Priceless
« Reply #3 on: August 10, 2008, 01:55:24 PM »
<<The real story is Franken holds a sit down for vets and only one shows up.

<<Perhaps his staff didn't get the word out.>>

No, I agree, that's obvious.  There isn't a hell of a lot to say about it, other than "What an embarrassment."  I was commenting on the "response" to Franken's criticism only because there wasn't much to say about the debacle of the "meeting."


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Re: Priceless
« Reply #4 on: August 10, 2008, 02:10:35 PM »
A cynical spinner might imply by the non turnout that lask of advance promotion indicated a lack of concerns for veterans among the advance men of Frankens campaign.

Did Franken serve? I think he is of that age.

Michael Tee

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Re: Priceless
« Reply #5 on: August 10, 2008, 06:55:26 PM »
I think Franken made a fundamental mistake by sucking up to the vets in the first place.  It's pretty obvious to me that the vets don't give a shit about Franken, therefore Franken shouldn't give a shit about the vets.  He should focus more narrowly on only those vets who are organized against the war, and tell them frankly and honestly, "Look, I'm not going to promise the vets anything more than what Bush is already giving or promising them, and the reason for that is, most of those ass-holes are on the other side.  Promising these guys a big fat VA bonus cheque just means we're rewarding people for being fascists, war-mongers and enemies of the people.  Your rewards will have to come, not from a fatter VA cheque, but from the knowledge that you served your country, and struck a blow against war, fascism and militarism.  If I get in, I'm gonna clean house in the VA, and some of you guys who are committed to positive change in the administration will get your chance to make a diff from the inside.

Why chase after people who are against everything that you stand for?


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Re: Priceless
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2008, 07:48:32 PM »

Who does care for Franken?

Michael Tee

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Re: Priceless
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2008, 08:32:04 PM »
<<Who does care for Franken?>>

His readers, for one.  I read the chapter on Bill O'Reilly in "Rush Limbaugh is a Big Fat Liar" and I thought it was great.


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Re: Priceless
« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2008, 08:38:14 PM »
I think Franken made a fundamental mistake by sucking up to the vets in the first place.

We agree on this.