<<I wish her well in her quixotic efforts, but i don't think she stands a chance. >>
Looks like a long shot to me too, but it's an effort that has to be made. Some of us have to know that you CAN fight the good fight and that winning isn't everything. And maybe somewhere, some kid will be inspired by that fight and make her own fight in her own time, also "not standing a chance" - - we don't know the full extent of the ripple effect, but as Amnesty International always said, "Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
I keep thinking back to some pretty dark days during the Viet Nam War, when I had come to believe that the cause was hopeless, that the Death Machine was just too big and too heavy even for the most courageous and spirited fighters, that despite all my earlier optimism, this was a lost cause. And then, in a few short years and then month-by-month, the whole house of cards began to come apart and in April and May of 1975, I saw something I had given up all hope of ever seeing, the Triumph of the Revolution. It really was like magic. Cindy will win or lose, but to her dying day, people will know that she fought the War Party, that she gave it her all, and that's something that nobody can ever take from her. And even if she goes down to defeat, someone else, someplace else, can pick up that torch anywhere on this planet and carry on the fight. Because she didn't compromise. She didn't make deals. She knew what was right and she fought the best fight she could for it.