Author Topic: Strength in gender?  (Read 462 times)

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Strength in gender?
« on: September 06, 2008, 02:52:45 AM »
Ok, let's be real. This is about a woman from the Tropics of the ice age vs the man from down under the Chicago rails.

NO matter............

It's still about the economy, stupid.
Sarah Palin is a strong right wing Republican. She believes in no abortion whatsoever. She believes in no gun control. She believes in tough 'control'. I kind of like that sort of leader, for a change. However, if she's ever president. And McCain certainly can not last eight years on.....God bless him. But, let's be realistic. The chances that he will out live his own track run for the future are slim.

So, I wonder.....are we headed into a war of the women? Are we headed into the war between the up and coming newbies of this generation. The old timers, and Vets from Vietnam War are too quickly becoming old hats, sad to say......we are leaping into the time where new is cool. The room with the view is the only way to observe the deck-aid of the future. Women are going to be a force to be challenged in the future. We are coming out of the wood work and into your living rooms. Women are about timers, not old timers. I applaud the new strenght of gender based platforms. But, I caution many....women can also be very confused and in need of a permission slip to run the world. Men are seasoned individuals. They are secure. I do not wish to place women in the background, but I do wish to be a supportive citizen in terms of our bottom lines.

Economically speaking we are going to have to watch our peas and cues. P's and Q's.

Energy is key to saving money. Will a woman be able to shine in her wisdom to save? Many women have been raised to collect coupons, save a buck or two.....spend wisely.

That's going to be a big factor in any new election coming down the pike.


Does Palin have that? Does McCain have that ability?

How about Obama and Biden?

IT's the economy/environment, silly.

It 'Tis. Turn off you lights tonight if you do not need them on. Save a bunch of fund for the future.

Palin will have to use her expertise in that way from Alaska to form a more perfect energy plan. (If she is ever to become our accidental president) Come on, we are all thinking just that. Will she be our leader someday?

I hold out hope for someone like her. I do.

But, in the meantime, our selection comes down to two individuals not four.

Economics not war.