<<Something tells me the fix is in. I think Bush cut a deal to avoid the threat of impeachment. >>
Sorry, Larry, with Nancy Pelosi at the helm, he had nothing to fear. I caught her on Wolf Blitzer tonight and she - - this is unbelievable!! - - she committed to NOT using the purse strings to force the Army out of Iraq. Not even officially in office and already she's tied her hands for the whole term. I hope I'm wrong, but this is shaping up as some kind of bipartisan love-fest where the Dems get to rule the sandbox as long as they do what the Republicans want. What the hell, they both get their funding from the same well, why not? "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Ok...She can use the purse strings and hurt the soldiers...pull out the troops and the Land between the Rivers becomes another Iran, with the people becoming the chess pieces of the Mulas...
And the dems majority will last two years.
Or we can work together to get our people out, leave the Iraqis in some kind of stability...after all we broke it..after 66000+ iraqis dead and many more with ruined lives...with them not haveing the basics of a life and many being chased out of their homes and living in tents...so we should just RUN? I want out, but damit we owe those people something. Not to put Bush in the right..but to do what is right. Too many kids have been killed..too many women are living poorer lives and too many promises were made and not kept.
We either change direction and start careing how we do things...not just get our people out, but to care about the broken country and people we leave behind.
This is a moral imperative that we make our soldiers safer..our nation safer and our ideals glued back together.
Takeing money out of the war will not end the war...it will leave a people more angry and the threats of the Bush administration will be true. We will have done what will lose our ability to make changes in this country to fix the broken branch and will give more power to those who would drag us further down the war road.
So we need to bite the bullet and do what is right, for our hard fighting soldiers and the iraqi people.
Impeachment? So we can spend millions of dollars, take the remainder of Bush's term to impeach him,...and do what? Have Chaney as the next fearless leader? Or should we start with Chaney? You think that that would be the way to lead? The republicans proved they can not govern. We know we can...there is too much to do. People are hurting, the middle class is suffering...we are in a position to take more seats in 2008...we are in states that went 100% red...we lost not one seat and gained. Should we poke the hornests nest and lose in 2008? should we give the loyal opposition ammunition?
We have work to do. We can do what it takes to do it...or play partisan politics that will gain in the short term only. Pelosi is right...we have investigations to do..hearings to hold...on corruption in rebuilding of Iraq, in Katrina, in feeding and care of our soldiers... there is much to do. There is getting the Ethics committees up and running,....there is getting something done on energy, there is keeping corporations out of owning the Internet, there is getting us back to the running of a large and complicated nation.
We don't have time in two years to change everything...and we certainly do not have time to impeach Bush, Chaney, and maybe Rummy.
I would like to see Bush and the whole muderous gang in prison, maybe Gitmo... for life. But it would be counterproductive to what we need.