Author Topic: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls  (Read 2969 times)

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Michael Tee

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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2008, 02:30:44 AM »
<<Only a racist would see race where it isn't. They were making it known that it isn't enough experience along with a state senate record of no achievement and a us senate record as a junior senator that he has be MIA since taking office. >>

Then how come the snicker came at "community organizer" and not at "junior senator" if that was even mentioned, and how come the only audience laughter came at "community organizer?"

THAT audience (racist Republicans) sure as hell "got" what "community organizer"  meant and it didn't mean college kids who don't have the executive responsibilities of organizers - - as XO says, they are "workers' rather than "organizers."

It's pretty obvious to any unbiased observer what "community organizer" really means to these racists and the audience laughter made it doubly obvious.


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #16 on: September 10, 2008, 02:36:57 AM »
Perhaps i need visuals of Hilton and Spears to get the racist connection.

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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #17 on: September 10, 2008, 02:40:09 AM »
What makes you think you'd be any quicker to get the racist connotation in this particular gibe than you were to see the racism in the Paris Hilton video??


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #18 on: September 10, 2008, 08:48:54 AM »
Then how come the snicker came at "community organizer" and not at "junior senator" if that was even mentioned, and how come the only audience laughter came at "community organizer?"

I heard the "snicker" at "but with actual responsibilities." (Actually, it was outright laughter.)
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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2008, 10:14:29 AM »
<<I heard the "snicker" at "but with actual responsibilities." (Actually, it was outright laughter.)>>

The snicker or sneer came from the politician as he or she was uttering the words "community organizer" (in Rudy's case, it was a kind of visual double-take) and the outright laughter came from the audience at the end of the sentence.  IIRC.

I don't think Palin actually snickered or sneered but the tone of her voice changed into one of disparagement as she uttered the words "community organizer" and there was an unnatural pause in the rhythm of her sentence just before saying the words, the equivalent of making quote-marks with your fingers before uttering the words.

No doubt in my mind, she meant to ridicule the concept of "community organizer" and the ridiculous thing about it - - to that racist audience - - was that these guys are all black.  (Not in reality, because not only do most of those characters have no conception of reality, but they are openly hostile to it.)


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2008, 11:36:31 AM »
What makes you think you'd be any quicker to get the racist connotation in this particular gibe than you were to see the racism in the Paris Hilton video??



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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #21 on: September 11, 2008, 12:08:20 AM »

NONE of this, absolutely NONE of this has one damned thing to do with the aptitude of anyone to be president, by the way. It is nothing more than balloon juice for the dullards.

BHO doesn't have a lot of experience that actually does have one damned thing to do with the aptitude of anyone to be president.

One of the few things in his resume' is "Community Organiser" a job most of us don't know much about.

So , as a community organiser ,did BHO have a lot of success?


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2008, 12:20:25 AM »
So , as a community organiser ,did BHO have a lot of success?

Not really. That is why he decided to go to law school and learn the ways of the elite and powerful.

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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2008, 01:40:20 AM »
<<So , as a community organiser ,did BHO have a lot of success?>>

That's kind of like asking, "So, as a religious leader, did Jesus have a lot of success?"

The answer would have to be, "No, because men are still committing the most God-awful atrocities on each other all over the fucking globe and in 2000 years we've seen the most barbarism of all in the last century, still within living memory of millions of human beings, the wars with the greatest butcher's bills and now the development of weapons that could wipe out all life on the planet ten thousand times over."

Of course, you could also ask, "So, as a businessman, did Bill Gates have a lot of success?"

The answer of course would have to be, "Yeah, he made a shitload of money and his software is on every fucking computer in the world, excepting a handful of Linux and Mac enthusiasts."

Community organizing is a hard battle which, unless you're in a Hollywood movie, doesn't achieve the big dramatic successes you can find in the business world, where literally millions of businessmen and women in the U.S.A. make a decent living and can be considered moderately successful.

But who's better fit to lead, Jesus Christ or Bill Gates?  Whose struggle was the more worthwhile?  Jesus or the CEO of Blackwater?  Let's get real - - the community organizers are doing God's work and the businessmen are doing Mammon's.  It's easy to make money - - lots of people do it.  Count the big cars in any shopping centre lot.  It's tough to fight the powers that be, who can outspend you, out-communicate you in the MSM and out-muscle you with police power and if necessary State Trooper power and National Guard power.  Victories are sweet when they come, but they come few and far between.

Answering BT's "not really," I'd say that success for a community organizer isn't always measured in battles won, sometimes it's in really small victories, one kid who was wavering in the battle turned into a dedicated and committed warrior in the class struggle, one small concession made by the powers that be, one admission of wrongdoing by one shame-faced cop or trooper.  Community organizers, by the nature of the struggle, have to be committed, resourceful, indefatigable, knowledgable and many other things as well.  Their battle is uphill all the way and sometimes - - like Medgar Evers or Martin Luther King (whose national holiday John McCain opposed, the racist prick - - ) sometimes it's fatal.

Sneering at Obama's successes or lack thereof as a community organizer is a real cheap shot - - not that that surprises me - - but it's not likely to have much effect on anyone except those who are so out of touch with reality that they don't even KNOW what a community organizer does.


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2008, 01:49:34 AM »
Here's something to think about. Without Bill Gates and the other pioneers of the PC Revolution, odds are pretty good that Obama would not be the dems candidate for president this year.

So while you trash him for making gobs of money, give him and those of his peers ( Steve Jobs comes to mind) credit where credit is due.


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Re: Leftists in Full Panic Mode as Obama Dives in Polls
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2008, 06:21:06 AM »
<<So , as a community organiser ,did BHO have a lot of success?>>

That's kind of like asking, "So, as a religious leader, did Jesus have a lot of success?"


Let me rephrase , As community organisers go , was BHO a good one?