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Where The Presidential Candidates Stand On 22 Issues
« on: September 20, 2008, 04:00:42 AM »
Published: September 19, 2008

Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama will share the stage this Friday for the first of three presidential candidate forums.

The first, to be held at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, Miss, will focus on domestic issues. The second, on Oct. 7 at Belmont University in Nashville, will be a town-hall format with questions submitted by the audience. The third, on Oct. 15 at Hofstra University in New York, is devoted to foreign policy questions.

A debate between the vice presidential candidates, Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Sarah Palin, is scheduled for Oct. 2 at Washington University in St. Louis.

Here is a snapshot of where the presidential candidates stand, and a look into what has been found about the public's mood, on 22 issues:


McCain: Opposes abortion rights. Has voted for abortion restrictions permissible under Roe v. Wade and now says he would seek to overturn that guarantee of abortion rights. Would not seek constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

Obama: Favors abortion rights.

You said: According to a Gallup poll in May, 54 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal under certain circumstances.


McCain: Favors unspecified boost in U.S. forces.

Obama: Would add about 7,000 troops to the U.S. force of 36,000, bringing reinforcements from Iraq. Has threatened unilateral attack on high-value terrorist targets in Pakistan "if Pakistan cannot or will not act" against them.

You said: An Associated Press poll this month found that a plurality of Americans favors increasing U.S. troop strength in Afghanistan, with 28 percent strongly favoring and 20 percent somewhat favoring it.


McCain: The co-author of McCain-Feingold campaign finance law is running his general campaign with public money and within its spending limits. He urged Obama to do the same. He applied for federal matching funds for primaries but later turned them down so he could spend more than the limits. The Federal Election Commission belatedly approved his decision to bypass the primary funds, but rejected McCain's claim that he needed no such approval. He raised more than $160 million before having to stop to accept the $84 million in public money for the fall. McCain accepted primary campaign contributions from lobbyists.

Obama: The presidential campaign's fundraising champion has brought in more than $450 million. He is raising private money for his general election, despite his proposal last year to accept public financing and its spending limits if the Republican nominee does, too. Obama refuses to accept money from federal lobbyists and has instructed the Democratic National Committee to do the same for its joint victory fund, an account that would benefit the nominee. Obama does accept money from state lobbyists and from family members of federal lobbyists.

You said: According to an April 2007 Gallup poll, most Americans would prefer that presidential candidates not take public financing for their campaigns, and most think private financing is the best way to fund a presidential campaign.


McCain: Opposes a national catastrophe fund as a way to help stabilize homeowners insurance premiums. Says he will work with governors of the most affected states to pool insurance risks against hurricanes. He says broad pooling will improve prices and effective regulation can support the quality policies needed by homeowners and businesses.

Obama: Supports the creation of a national catastrophic insurance program as a way to help stabilize homeowners insurance premiums. He co-sponsored a bipartisan bill that would spread the risk of hurricanes and other natural disasters to provide homeowners some relief, and pledged to sign the bill into law as president.

You said: Public opinion has not been measured by a major independent polling organization. A bill to establish a national fund has passed the House, but not the Senate, and President Bush has said he will veto the legislation if it does pass. The congressional budget office estimated the fund would cost taxpayers $25 billion annually.


McCain: Ease restrictions on Cuba once the United States is "confident that the transition to a free and open democracy is being made."

Obama: Ease restrictions on family-related travel and on money Cuban-Americans want to send their families in Cuba. Open to meeting new Cuban leader Raul Castro without preconditions. Ease trade embargo if Havana "begins opening Cuba to meaningful democratic change."

You said: According to the 2007 Florida International University's Cuba Poll, approximately 65 percent of the South Florida Cuban-American community would support a dialogue with the Cuban government.


McCain: Has supported expansion of the federal death penalty and limits on appeals.

Obama: Supports death penalty for crimes where the "community is justified in expressing the full measure of its outrage." As Illinois lawmaker, wrote bill mandating videotaping of interrogations and confessions in capital cases and sought other changes in system that had produced wrongful convictions.

You said: According to Quinnipiac University poll in July, 63 percent of Americans favor the death penalty for persons convicted of murder.


McCain: On Friday, said the Federal Reserve should stop bailing out failing financial institutions. As president, would create a Mortgage and Financial Institutions Trust to help homeowners avoid foreclosure. Although he has generally championed deregulation throughout his career in the Senate, he now calls for a commission to find out what went wrong in the financial markets and how to better regulate them. Supported legislation in 1999 that tore down Depression-era legal walls separating commercial banks, investment banks and insurers from one another. President Clinton, a Democrat, signed it into law.

Obama: On Friday, said he supports giving "broad authority" to the Treasury Department to deal with credit crisis, but says he's not giving details of his own plans in order to avoid roiling the markets further. Says a recovery plan should not reward reckless business leaders. Refused to put a price tag on a plan he would support, but said it would not bar him from advocating middle-class tax cuts.

You said: A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll this month found the economic problems that most concern Americans are the price of gasoline (35 percent), the availability of jobs (28 percent), mortgages and home values (18 percent) and taxes (18 percent). The economy, the poll found, had replaced the Iraq War as the most important issue voters would weigh in voting for a presidential candidate: 31 percent cited the Iraq War in June 2007, but only 13 percent said so in September.


McCain: He is not proposing a federal voucher program that would provide public money for private school tuition, in contrast to his proposed $5 billion voucher plan in 2000. Only proposes expansion of District of Columbia's voucher program. Sees No Child Left Behind law as vehicle for increasing opportunities for parents to choose schools. Proposes more money for community college education.

Obama: An $18 billion plan that would encourage, but not mandate, universal pre-kindergarten. Teacher pay raises tied to, although not based solely on, test scores. An overhaul of No Child Left Behind law to better measure student progress, make room for non-core subjects such as music and art and be less punitive toward failing schools. A tax credit to pay up to $4,000 of college costs for students who perform 100 hours of community service a year. Obama would pay for part of his plan by ending corporate tax deductions for CEO pay. Has backed away from his proposal to save money for education by delaying NASA's manned moon and Mars missions.

You said: According to an Associated Press poll in June, most Americans would be willing to pay more in taxes if the money were spent on hiring more teachers and improving public school facilities.


McCain: Favors increased offshore drilling, but is opposed to drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Argues that prohibiting more drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf stands in the way of energy exploration and production. Thinks states, including Florida, should be able to decide whether to expand drilling off their coasts. Would use federal money to help build 45 nuclear power reactors by 2030. Proposed suspending the 18-cent a gallon federal gasoline tax but idea got no traction. Global warming plan would increase energy costs.

Obama: Now would consider limited increase in offshore drilling, but opposes drilling in Arctic reserve. Proposes windfall-profit tax on largest oil companies to pay for energy rebate of up to $1,000. Opposed suspension of the gas tax. Proposed releasing 70 million barrels of oil from Strategic Petroleum Reserve to boost supplies. Global warming plan would increase energy costs. Supports forcing oil and gas companies to drill on the 68 million acres of already leased areas, but remains skeptical that new offshore drilling will bring down gas prices in the short-term. Says care must be taken to protect Florida's coastal resources and the tourism industry they support.

You said: A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll in August found most Americans favor increased offshore drilling for oil and natural gas, and most favor drilling for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska. A Mason-Dixon poll in August found 61 percent of Floridians favor drilling for oil and natural gas off the state's coast.


McCain: Expressed support this spring for Everglades restoration and his commitment to doing so as president. He missed the vote on the issue and later urged President Bush to veto a broader $23 billion water bill that authorized $2 billion for Everglades clean-up. McCain said that was because it included millions of dollars for other projects he considered wasteful.

Obama: Says he supports the restoration of the Everglades and as president will make this project a top environmental priority. He supported the Water Resources Development Act, which would have allocated $2 billion in federal funding to help Florida restore the Everglades.

You said: Public opinion has not been measured by a major independent polling organization. As conceived in 2000, the restoration plan was to be a 50-50 split between the state and federal governments. A bill to have the federal government spend about $23 billion on water projects, including $2 billion on the Everglades, passed Congress, was vetoed by President Bush, then overridden by Congress.


McCain: Opposes constitutional amendment to ban it. Says same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into legal agreements for insurance and similar benefits, and states should decide about marriage. Supports the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition of same-sex marriages and gives states the right to refuse to recognize such marriages.

Obama: Opposes constitutional amendment to ban it. Supports civil unions, says states should decide about marriage. Switched positions in 2004 and now supports repeal of Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal recognition of same-sex marriages and gives states the right to refuse to recognize such marriages.

You said: According to an Associated Press poll this month, 49 percent of Americans think the federal government should not give legal recognition to same-sex marriages, and 47 percent said it should.


McCain: Broke with President Bush on global warming. Led Senate effort to cap greenhouse gas emissions. Favors plan that would see greenhouse gas emissions cut by 66 percent by 2050.

Obama: Ten-year, $150 billion program to produce "climate friendly" energy supplies that he'd pay for with a carbon auction requiring businesses to bid competitively for the right to pollute and aimed at cutting greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050. Joined McCain in sponsoring earlier legislation that would set mandatory caps on greenhouse gas emissions. Increase federal fuel economy requirements beyond 35 mpg.

You said: According to a Gallup poll in March, most Americans worry about global warming and think the effects of it are already happening, but do not think it will pose serious threats to their way of life during their lifetime.


McCain: Voted against ban on assault-type weapons but in favor of requiring background checks at gun shows. Voted to shield gun manufacturers and dealers from civil suits. "I believe the Second Amendment ought to be preserved, which means no gun control."

Obama: Voted to leave gun manufacturers and dealers open to suit. Also, as Illinois state lawmaker, supported ban on all forms of semiautomatic weapons and tighter state restrictions generally on firearms.

You said: According to a Quinnipiac University poll in July, most Americans support stricter gun control laws but oppose a constitutional ban on individual gun ownership.


McCain: $2,500 refundable tax credit for individuals, $5,000 for families, to make health insurance more affordable. No mandate for universal coverage. In gaining the tax credit, workers could not deduct the portion of their workplace health insurance paid by their employers.

Obama: Mandatory coverage for children, no mandate for adults. Aim for universal coverage by requiring employers to share costs of insuring workers and by offering coverage similar to that in plan for federal employees. Says package would cost up to $65 billion a year after unspecified savings from making system more efficient. Raise taxes on wealthier families to pay the cost.

You said: An ABC News/Washington Post poll in June found most Americans think it is important to provide health care coverage for all, even if it means raising taxes.


McCain: Open to helping homeowners facing foreclosure if they are "legitimate borrowers" and not speculators.

Obama: Tax credit covering 10 percent of annual mortgage-interest payments for "struggling homeowners," scoring system for consumers to compare mortgages, a fund for mortgage-fraud victims, new penalties for mortgage fraud and aid to state and local governments stung by housing crisis.

You said: According to a Gallup poll in March, most Americans favor having the federal government take steps to prevent people from losing their homes because they can't pay their mortgages. In a breakdown, most Republicans oppose federal intervention and most Democrats and independents favor intervention.


McCain: Sponsored 2006 bill that would have allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the United States, work and apply to become legal residents after learning English, paying fines and back taxes and clearing a background check. Now says he would secure the border first. Supports border fence.

Obama: Voted for 2006 bill offering legal status to illegal immigrants subject to conditions, including English proficiency and payment of back taxes and fines. Voted for border fence.

You said: According to an Associated Press poll in April, 49 percent of Americans favor building a fence along the border between the United States and Mexico, and 48 percent oppose it. However, a majority of all respondents are not confident it would reduce the number of illegal immigrants.

17. IRAN

McCain: Favors tougher sanctions, opposes direct high-level talks with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Obama: Initially said he would meet Ahmadinejad without preconditions, now says he's not sure. "Ahmadinejad is the right person to meet with right now." Says direct diplomacy with Iranian leaders would give the United States more credibility to press for tougher international sanctions. Says he would intensify diplomatic pressure on Tehran before Israel feels the need to take unilateral military action against Iranian nuclear facilities.

You said: According to a Gallup poll in July, Americans ranked Iran as the country's greatest enemy (25 percent), followed by Iraq (22 percent), China (14 percent) and North Korea (9 percent).

18. IRAQ

McCain: Opposes scheduling a troop withdrawal, saying latest strategy is succeeding. Supported decision to go to war, but was early critic of the manner in which administration prosecuted it. Was key backer of the troop increase. Willing to have permanent U.S. peacekeeping forces in Iraq.

Obama: Spoke against war at start, opposed troop increase. Voted against one major military spending bill in May 2007; otherwise voted in favor of money to support the war. Says his plan would complete withdrawal of combat troops in 16 months. Initially had said a timetable for completing withdrawal would be irresponsible without knowing what facts he'd face in office.

You said: According to an Associated Press poll this month, most Americans are in favor of setting a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.


McCain: "Nothing's off the table" when it comes to saving Social Security.

Obama: Would raise payroll tax on wealthiest by applying it to portion of income over $250,000. Now, payroll tax is applied to income up to $102,000. Rules out raising the retirement age for benefits.

You said: According to a CBS News poll last October, most Americans think the financial situation of Social Security is threatened, with 30 percent saying it's a crisis.


McCain: Supports relaxing federal restrictions on financing of embryonic stem cell research.

Obama: Supports relaxing federal restrictions on financing of embryonic stem cell research.

You said: An April 2007 Gallup poll found a plurality of Americans, 38 percent, think the federal government should ease restrictions on federal funding for stem cell research.


McCain: Pledged not to raise taxes, then equivocated, saying nothing can be ruled out in negotiating compromises to keep Social Security solvent. Twice opposed Bush's tax cuts, at first because he said they were tilted to the wealthiest and again because of the unknown costs of Iraq war. Now says those tax cuts, expiring in 2010, should be permanent. Proposes cutting corporate tax rate to 25 percent. Promises balanced budget in first term, says that is unlikely in his first year.

Obama: Raise income taxes on wealthiest and their capital gains and dividends taxes. Raise corporate taxes. $80 billion in tax breaks mainly for poor workers and elderly, including tripling Earned Income Tax Credit for minimum-wage workers and higher credit for larger families. Eliminate tax-filing requirement for older workers making less than $50,000. A mortgage-interest credit could be used by lower-income homeowners who do not take the mortgage-interest deduction because they do not itemize their taxes.

You said: In a Gallup poll in April, 52 percent of Americans think the amount of federal income tax they have to pay is too high. The poll found most Americans think lower-income people are paying too much, middle-income people are paying their fair share and upper-income people are paying too little.


McCain: Free trade advocate.

Obama: Seek to renegotiate North American Free Trade Agreement to strengthen enforcement of labor and environmental standards. In 2004 Senate campaign, called for "enforcing existing trade agreements," not amending them.

You said: A Pew Research Center poll in April found that a plurality of Americans, 48 percent, thinks the effects of free trade agreements are bad for the country.

Sources: The Associated Press, Tribune research by Michael A. Messano, and Tribune reporter Billy House in Washington


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Re: Where The Presidential Candidates Stand On 22 Issues
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 06:34:58 AM »
Published: September 19, 2008

Republican John McCain and Democrat Barack Obama will share the stage this Friday for the first of three presidential candidate forums.
McCain: He is not proposing a federal voucher program that would provide public money for private school tuition, in contrast to his proposed $5 billion voucher plan in 2000. Only proposes expansion of District of Columbia's voucher program. Sees No Child Left Behind law as vehicle for increasing opportunities for parents to choose schools. Proposes more money for community college education.

Obama: An $18 billion plan that would encourage, but not mandate, universal pre-kindergarten. Teacher pay raises tied to, although not based solely on, test scores. An overhaul of No Child Left Behind law to better measure student progress, make room for non-core subjects such as music and art and be less punitive toward failing schools. A tax credit to pay up to $4,000 of college costs for students who perform 100 hours of community service a year. Obama would pay for part of his plan by ending corporate tax deductions for CEO pay. Has backed away from his proposal to save money for education by delaying NASA's manned moon and Mars missions.

Hmmmm...  On several Issues neither of these guys agree with me.


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Re: Where The Presidential Candidates Stand On 22 Issues
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 09:24:20 AM »
Hmmmm...  On several Issues neither of these guys agree with me.

On some I lean toward McCain, on some I lean toward Obama; on some I could go either way, and on some I don't agree with either of them. The thing is, on the issues that I consider more important to me, Obama is ahead. I still haven't decided to vote for him yet, though; the only thing I have decided is that I cannot vote for McCain.
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Re: Where The Presidential Candidates Stand On 22 Issues
« Reply #3 on: September 20, 2008, 11:39:51 AM »
Probably explains why you go out of your way to rationalize Obama's egregious relationships with racist pastors & domestic terrorists      :-\
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