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Michael Tee

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Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« on: September 24, 2008, 01:27:21 AM »

On the same day that Obama brings out his Fix-the-Economy plan - - and looked like a President doing it - - GOP Veep candidate, the Lipsticked Pit Bull, was taken to the UN for some face time with world leaders.   Here's what happened (no the Pit Bull didn't pee on the rug):

<<UPDATE: The McCain campaign gave in and agreed to let a CNN producer into the UN meetings. [originally the campaign was too scared of disaster to allow any reporters to witness the meetings - - they sure have a whole lot of confidence in Sarah's ability to meet and press the flesh]

<<The New York Times adds that reporters were let in for the preliminary part of Palin's meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai. Here's what they got:

 <<   When Gov. Sarah Palin sat down with President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan on Tuesday afternoon, the polite preliminaries to their conversation centered around children, as Mr. Karzai spoke of the birth of his first child last year.

 <<   "What is his name?" Ms. Palin was heard to ask, as she met with Mr. Karzai in the suite of a midtown hotel, according to a pool report.

 <<   "Mirwais," Mr. Karzai replied. "Mirwais, which means, 'The Light of the House.'"

<<    "Oh nice," Palin responded.

 <<   "He is the only one we have," Mr. Karzai said.

 <<   Then the pool of journalists was escorted out, and the meeting began.

<<The pool was allowed in for a whopping 29 seconds. >>

A LOTTA confidence.


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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2008, 01:53:22 AM »
Perhaps the McCain campaign felt that the foreign leaders did not need to be props in photo ops.


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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2008, 03:26:16 AM »
Then why did they acquiesce and let a journalist in, when all they really wanted was cameras?  When CNN said never mind, no reporter, no cameras, they said wait wait! 
Sounds like all they wanted was a prop.
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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 03:49:03 AM »
The media is not interested in interviewing Gov. Palin. They just want to give her a pop quiz and play gotcha. Charlie Gibson looked like a jackass looking down at her with his glasses like that. Palin needs to continue doing what she's doing by going over the head of the media. We can hear her loud and clear.

Michael Tee

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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2008, 09:57:19 AM »
<<Perhaps the McCain campaign felt that the foreign leaders did not need to be props in photo ops.>>

How considerate of them.  Such consideration, such delicacy, has never been seen before in any political campaign, certainly never in a Republican campaign.

You'll forgive me, I'm sure, if I prefer an overwhelmingly more likely explanation:  they don't trust her enough to get through a tea-and-crumpets introductory meeting with a foreign leader without somehow fucking things up.

Yet supposedly trust her enough to offer her to the people of the USA as good enough to serve as President should anything happen to their main candidate.

Republicans took the American people for idiots when they offered them John Insane as President.  (No doubt buoyed by their previous successes in offering George W. Bush)   Unfortunately for them, the people have started to look a little more closely at things, and I think, in the case of this latest PR gaffe with Sarah Palin, they are starting to realize that they were taken for idiots, and they don't seem to appreciate it very much.

Looks from here like the McCain-Palin campaign is very much over.  Even dumping Palin at this point probably won't help, because they can't also dump the guy who selected her.  But I'm starting to lean towards a dump in the near future.  They've probably made up their minds to dump or not to dump, but if they decided to dump, they may be waiting for either one more fiasco like this, where their own lack of faith in her is highlighted, in which case she'll be pushed to resign on her own, or wait for her to do something really dumb (facilitated by them throwing her to the wolves and watching her get eaten up) in which case Insane himself can do the dumping and look more like a "decisive leader."  OTOH, they may have decided that a dump at this point would just be too damaging to contemplate.  Interesting predicament that the old war criminal has forced on them.


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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2008, 10:29:32 AM »
Perhaps the McCain campaign felt that the foreign leaders did not need to be props in photo ops.

Will you just look at what you're saying here?  What other purpose could they serve to Palin?

The campaign wants the pics because that makes her look like she's meeting with foreign leaders.  Reporters would get in there and ruin that by listening to what they talk about and reporting that they talked about nothing and took some pics.

The purpose of these things was to give the masses the un-reality that she meets with foreign leaders (which she had never done before yesterday).

You know, I really understand where you guys are coming from with Palin.  I understand.  You guys want it to be like that movie "DAVE".  Where just an average Joe comes in and fixes shit in the way we would all fix it.

Hell, I'd love to see it too.  IF they win, I hope that it happens.  I disagree with just about everything about her but I can hope for the best at least.

I did have a real twinge of pity for her last night (or was it the night before?) when I saw her and her husband getting off the plane in NY and she was carrying the baby.  I just imagined if that were my wife and me and we were having to make some flight at night when the baby should be put in the bed.  It made me wish they had a nanny or something but I also understood that nobody wants to run off all across the country without their kid.

That's just a bad situation.


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Re: Pit Bull in Lipstick Kept Tightly Wrapped
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2008, 11:10:02 AM »
The media is not interested in interviewing Gov. Palin. They just want to give her a pop quiz and play gotcha. Charlie Gibson looked like a jackass looking down at her with his glasses like that. Palin needs to continue doing what she's doing by going over the head of the media. We can hear her loud and clear.

She's not saying anything. Would that be the 'Sounds of silence', mayhaps?

The last time she was allowed to comment on foreign policy, she offered the opinion that the US might have to go to war with Russia on Russian soil over Georgia, and no, not the one with Atlanta in it. She knows all about Russia, because she once caught a glimpse of Big Diomede Island from Little Diomede. Or did she? I'm not sure.

Palin will not resign, they will let her stay on. There are no doubt those that are encouraged because she makes it look like McSame has a proper nurse.

I doubt Biden will resign, either.
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