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Barney Frank's boyfriend was executive @ Fannie Mae!
« on: September 26, 2008, 12:25:45 AM »
Barney Frank's Fannie Mae Love Connection

Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., a recipient of more than $40,000 in campaign donations from Fannie since 1989 was once romantically involved with a Fannie Mae executive.

Frank has argued that family life "should be fair game for campaign discussion," wrote the Associated Press on Sept. 2. The comment was in reference to GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin and her pregnant daughter. "They're the ones that made an issue of her family," the Massachusetts Democrat said to the AP.

The news media have covered the relationship in the past, but there have been no mentions since 2005, according to Nexis and despite the collapse of Fannie Mae. The July 3, 1998, Reliable Source column in The Washington Post reported Frank, who is openly gay, had a relationship with Herb Moses, an executive for the now-government controlled Fannie Mae. The column revealed the two had split up at the time but also said Frank was referring to Moses as his "spouse." Another Washington Post report said Frank called Moses his "lover" and that the two were "still friends" after the breakup.

While the relationship reportedly ended 10 years ago, Frank was serving on the House Banking Committee the entire 10 years they were together. The committee is the primary House body which along with the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight (OFHEO) has jurisdiction over the government-sponsored enterprises.

 Moses was the assistant director for product initiatives at Fannie Mae and had been at the forefront of relaxing lending restrictions at the company for rural customers, according to the Feb. 23, 1998, issue of National Mortgage News (NMN).

"Herb Moses, who helped develop many of Fannie Mae?s affordable housing and home improvement lending programs, has left the mortgage industry," Darryl Hicks wrote for NMN.  "Mr. Moses - whose last day was Feb. 13 - spent the past seven years at Fannie Mae, most recently as director of housing initiatives. Over the course of time, he played an instrumental role in developing the company's Title One and 203(k) home improvement lending programs."

While Moses served at Fannie Mae and was Frank?s partner, Frank was actively working to support GSEs, according to several news outlets.

In 1991, Frank and former Rep. Joe Kennedy, D-Mass., lobbied for Fannie to soften rules on multi-family home mortgages although those dwellings showed a default rate twice that of single-family homes, according to the Nov. 22, 1991, Boston Globe

According to an article by Kathleen Day in the Oct. 8, 2003, Washington Post, Frank opposed giving the Bush administration the right to approve or disapprove business activities that "could pose risk to the taxpayers." He told the Post he worried the Treasury Department "would sacrifice activities that are good for consumers in the name of lowering the companies' market risks."

Just a month before, Frank had aggressively thwarted reform efforts by the Bush administration. He told The New York Times on Sept. 11, 2003, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac?s problems were "exaggerated," a gross miscalculation some five years later with costs estimated to be in the hundreds of billions.

"These two entities Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are not facing any kind of financial crisis," Frank said to the Times. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

Frank has also reaped campaign contribution benefits from Fannie Mae and its counterpart Freddie Mac. According a front page story in the Sept. 19, 2008, Investor's Business Daily by Terry Jones, Frank has received $40,100 in campaign cash over the past two decades from the GSEs. 

Frank is ranked 16th on a list that includes both houses of Congress and fifth among his colleagues in the House. According to data from the Center for Responsive Politics?, political action committees financed by both Freddie and Fannie have contributed $3,017,797 to members of Congress since 1989. And according to the July 16 issue of Politico, the two entities have spent a whopping $200 million to buy influence including not only campaign donations to members of Congress, but also presidential campaigns and lobbying efforts.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2008, 02:19:03 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
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Re: Barney Frank's boyfriend was executive @ Fannie Mae!
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2008, 12:33:17 AM »


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Re: Barney Frank's boyfriend was executive @ Fannie Mae!
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2008, 12:48:01 AM »
This sounds like a conflict of interest . Regulating a company where your significant other works.

I know at the local level it would be.