Author Topic: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck  (Read 956 times)

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Michael Tee

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Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« on: September 27, 2008, 08:13:05 PM »
"The surge has worked beyond our wildest dreams."

WHO could be so fucking stupid as to say that in a political campaign where the surge and its putative success are one of the major selling points of your opponent's campaign?

What are some of the answers Obama could have given instead?
  - It's not a success, it's a breathing point, a chance to catch our breath
  - Success?  Do we get back the 4,000 dead and the $3 trillion cost?  Tell the families of the 300,000 dead   
    Iraqis what a success this has been.  Tell the 3 million Iraqi refugees what a success this has been.  Pull
    troops out if it's been such a success.  Don't you understand even now that this is a success that we're
    never gonna recover from?
  - We went in when I said to stay out and now it's a success because 4,000 Americans have lost their   
    lives and we're $3 trillion in the hole?  Are you nuts?

BUT Obama can't say ANY of that now because of his incredibly stupid admission that the surge succeeded "beyond our wildest dreams."  WHAT IS WRONG with this idiot? 

Can anyone understand this guy?  Was he threatened with the loss of his life?  What kind of campaign is this anyway?


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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 08:24:59 PM »
It might have been put in a better way ,but it has exceeded even my expectation. No one except McCain and his hardcore idiot followers give a shit about the surge anymore anyway. Besides , it hasnt seemed to slow down his mo any.

Michael Tee

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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2008, 08:30:42 PM »
Well, the polls are still good.  Maybe I'm overreacting.  A quick review of the hufpo articles seems to indicate that Obama won, but it's hard for me to see that.  The article I related to most was Nora Ephron's - - she felt McCain had won, then she read the commentaries, and most of them seemed to feel it was Obama's night. 

Obama could still pull this off, but I'll never understand either the admission itself that the surge was working or the stupid way he expressed it ("beyond our wildest dreams.")   At least I know why the guy is a law professor and not a practicing trial lawyer.


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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2008, 08:51:44 PM »
Well, the polls are still good.  Maybe I'm overreacting.  A quick review of the hufpo articles seems to indicate that Obama won, but it's hard for me to see that.  The article I related to most was Nora Ephron's - - she felt McCain had won, then she read the commentaries, and most of them seemed to feel it was Obama's night. 

Obama could still pull this off, but I'll never understand either the admission itself that the surge was working or the stupid way he expressed it ("beyond our wildest dreams.")   At least I know why the guy is a law professor and not a practicing trial lawyer.

The reason none of US care about the surge is that Americans  know in their gut that the war in Iraq is already lost and besides we like to think we are spreading democracy in the world until it hits our pocketbooks which it now has. Osama is laughing his ass off at Bush giving him  everything he wanted like the ouster of his enemy Saddam and then weforce Iraq into the arms of our next biggest enemy . Iran And funniest of all is that Bush destroyed the US economy in the process which was really what Osama wanted

And Michael dont worry too much about the first debate . There are two more left and the great Mohammad Ali would play rope -a -dope for the first few rounds to tire and lull his opponent and then kick the shit out them. I thonk O is capable of this.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2008, 09:02:22 PM by Knutey »

Michael Tee

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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #4 on: September 27, 2008, 09:20:43 PM »
<<The reason none of US care about the surge is that Americans  know in their gut that the war in Iraq is already lost  . . . >>

I'd like to think so, but I find it hard to credit them with that much intelligence. 

<< . . . and besides we like to think we are spreading democracy in the world until it hits our pocketbooks which it now has. Osama is laughing his ass off at Bush giving him  everything he wanted like the ouster of his enemy Saddam and then weforce Iraq into the arms of our next biggest enemy . Iran And funniest of all is that Bush destroyed the US economy in the process which was really what Osama wanted>>

Well that's more of what I mean - - from what I saw, Obama never even hinted that there was any connection between Bush's war and the financial crisis.


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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #5 on: September 27, 2008, 09:28:09 PM »
<<The reason none of US care about the surge is that Americans  know in their gut that the war in Iraq is already lost  . . . >>

I'd like to think so, but I find it hard to credit them with that much intelligence. 

<< . . . and besides we like to think we are spreading democracy in the world until it hits our pocketbooks which it now has. Osama is laughing his ass off at Bush giving him  everything he wanted like the ouster of his enemy Saddam and then weforce Iraq into the arms of our next biggest enemy . Iran And funniest of all is that Bush destroyed the US economy in the process which was really what Osama wanted>>

Well that's more of what I mean - - from what I saw, Obama never even hinted that there was any connection between Bush's war and the financial crisis.

Think rope-a-dope. The final debate is where such dynamite belongs.


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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 12:39:47 PM »
What Obama needed to do is talk about $4.00 a gallon gasoline, rampant inflation of food and rents, unemployment and people going bankrupt just to pay their medical bills, while McCain proposes taking money that could be spent on Americans in Iraq to the tune of $10 billion a month.

I hope he brings this up in the future, because it is what will get out the votes to defeat McCain and his sidekick, Sarah the Ditz.

A bad VP is how the worst female head of state ever was elected: Isabel Peron.
"Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana."

Michael Tee

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Re: Obama Tied a 90-Pound Dead Weight Around His Own Neck
« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 01:31:08 PM »
I hope somebody caught SNL's version of the debate last night.  The funniest point was "McCain's" reaction to the charge that he was another Bush - - saying with a straight face,  "I NEVER supported Pres. Bush - - I always undermined him."