"The surge has worked beyond our wildest dreams."
WHO could be so fucking stupid as to say that in a political campaign where the surge and its putative success are one of the major selling points of your opponent's campaign?
What are some of the answers Obama could have given instead?
- It's not a success, it's a breathing point, a chance to catch our breath
- Success? Do we get back the 4,000 dead and the $3 trillion cost? Tell the families of the 300,000 dead
Iraqis what a success this has been. Tell the 3 million Iraqi refugees what a success this has been. Pull
troops out if it's been such a success. Don't you understand even now that this is a success that we're
never gonna recover from?
- We went in when I said to stay out and now it's a success because 4,000 Americans have lost their
lives and we're $3 trillion in the hole? Are you nuts?
BUT Obama can't say ANY of that now because of his incredibly stupid admission that the surge succeeded "beyond our wildest dreams." WHAT IS WRONG with this idiot?
Can anyone understand this guy? Was he threatened with the loss of his life? What kind of campaign is this anyway?