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Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« on: October 02, 2008, 10:56:43 AM »

McCain for president: A certain leader for uncertain times

By Boston Herald editorial staff
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another sobering start to an exceedingly sobering week - but one which points to the need for a political leader who is steady in the face of crisis, mature in judgment and able to reach across the aisle to break the gridlock that has for too long gripped Washington.

That man is Sen. John McCain and at this critical moment in history, this paper is pleased to endorse his candidacy for president of the United States.

McCain won a lot of hearts and minds around here in 2000, and we can't help but wonder how history might have been different had he won his party's nomination and the White House back then.

But there is no going back. There is only the future and it is impossible to envision the future of this great nation being put in the hands of an articulate but inexperienced first-term senator from Illinois.

Being commander in chief isn't the place for on-the-job training; it's a job for someone who has already proven his leadership skills - in battle, as a prisoner of war and during more than two decades on the floor of the Senate.

John McCain's heroic resume isn't just about his sacrifice and his experience; it's about what he learned from those experiences. And on that issue his own words from "Faith of My Fathers" are telling:

"In Vietnam I had come to understand how brief a moment a life is. That discovery did not, however, make me overly fearful of time's brisk passing. For I had also learned that you can fill the moment with purpose and experiences that will make your life greater than the sum of its days. I have learned to acknowledge my failings and to recognize opportunities for redemption."

John McCain sought that purpose - and, yes, at times redemption - in public life and in public service. And that helps account for that independent streak that has often driven members of his own party slightly wild, but has endeared him to millions of American voters who, truth be told, usually put doing the right thing ahead of party too.

This Senate maverick has spent years forging coalitions - on campaign finance reform, immigration reform, on judicial nominations - all with the intent of getting things done in the toxically partisan world of Washington.

His efforts at budget reform, at controlling congressional earmarks - not just because taxpayers can no longer afford them, but because of the corrupting effect they have on the political process - have surely not endeared him to fellow Republicans. But McCain has never shied away from a good fight - on issues worth fighting for.

The economic future of this nation surely has to top the list of those issues right now.

Whatever becomes of the latest version of a bailout proposal, it is clear that this nation is in for years of economic uncertainty.

So who do we want to help guide us through that uncertainty?

McCain insisted during his Friday night debate with Barack Obama that ?the first thing we need to do [post-bailout] is get spending under control in Washington.

"We've let government get completely out of control. . . the point is we need to examine every agency of government," he said, adding that cutting ethanol subsidies and doing away with Defense Department cost-plus contracts would top his list. And he?d support a spending freeze on everything but entitlement programs, defense and veterans benefits.

The most that Obama will concede is that some of the $800 billion in new spending programs he?s proposing ?are probably going to have to be delayed.?

Then, of course, he reiterated all the things on his agenda that simply "have to" be done.

One thing is clear: John McCain has the courage to make those cuts; Barack Obama has no interest in doing so.

These are also times that demand experienced leadership in foreign affairs. When Russian troops invaded the sovereign democratic nation of Georgia, it took Obama three full days to figure it all out. Not so McCain, who immediately pinned the aggressor label on Russia.

And during Friday's debate McCain spoofed Obama?s plan to have face to face talks with some of the world?s tyrants, including Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, forcing us all to imagine the scenario:

"So let me get this right," McCain said. "We sit down with Ahmadinejad and he says, "We?re going to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth," and we say, "No, you're not. Oh, please!"

There is no room for a naif in the Oval Office.

Being president is about policy and about getting that policy right.

But being president is also about character. During his decades of service to his country John McCain has given us all ample evidence of his courage, his character and his leadership. And never more has this nation needed a president with all that John McCain has to offer.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 11:01:00 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2008, 11:06:33 AM »

 There is only the future and it is impossible to envision the future of this great nation being put in the hands of an articulate but inexperienced first-term senator from Illinois.

Being commander in chief isn't the place for on-the-job training; it's a job for someone who has already proven his leadership skills - in battle, as a prisoner of war and during more than two decades on the floor of the Senate.

This is a very convinceing point isn't it?


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2008, 11:15:10 AM »
No, it sucks.

We do NOT need a military man in the WH. We have had way too much militarism.

The Boston paper likes colonialism and has buddies who sell weapons.

Strangely, you never mention anything about how McCain's support is dwindling down to a few strident loons, and you seem addicted to writing every piece of crap you post with an exclamation point.

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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2008, 11:45:45 AM »
"Strangely, you never mention anything about how McCain's support is dwindling down to a few strident loons"

More fantasy land?

Almost all respectable polls show the race as close, so it is ridiculous to imply McCain is only supported by "a few". The fact is about half of the voters in America support McCain/Palin. In other words half of the voters don't buy your bullshit XO no matter how much you try to pretend they don't exist.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2008, 11:47:30 AM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2008, 11:53:17 AM »
As for your incredibly dimbulb selfish bumpersticker:

WE all should pay for our healthcare because that is the only way we will be able to afford it, and it will give us all better health.

Every country that has universal healthcare pays less than we do. Many of them live longer and better than we do.


Most Americans think Juniorbush sucked, want universal healthcare, and want an end to this stupid expensive war. They don;t vote the way any newspaper says they should, either.

McCain the failed stuntman is spiraling downward, he has peaked. Soon he will be enjoying his five electric golf carts, nine cars and seven mansions.

Soon Palin can return to where she is needed, rooting out corruption in Juneau. Republican corruption.

Alaskans are getting smarter by the minute. Ted Stevens just realized that the $250,000 gift he got from an oil exec. was taxable income!

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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2008, 04:07:36 PM »
pay for your damn insurance!
i dont want or need some group plan with all the illegals

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2008, 05:56:43 PM »
I have medicare, so YOU are paying for it. hahahaha.
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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2008, 11:07:45 PM »
I have medicare, so YOU are paying for it.

Technically, isn't that something that you've already paid for?

I have an open question for the forum.  At my work, we have a new health plan, and enrollment is MANDATORY if you aren't covered by another policy (your wife's, VA, etc.).  Now, this isn't a big deal to me because the company pays 75% so my cut is something like $70 a month, and I always carry some kind of insurance regardless, but I'm wondering if it's legal for a company to force you to have coverage?  The exact wording is "As a condition of employment, you are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan".  As I said, no skin off of my teeth, but I've never seen or heard of this before (I've heard of mandatory life insurance, which we also have, but everytime I've seen that the employer paid the full cost).  Any ideas?


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2008, 12:08:28 AM »
I have medicare, so YOU are paying for it.

Technically, isn't that something that you've already paid for?

Actually, this is entirely true. I have paid fpor Medicare ever since it has existed. I just said that to piss off Christians, whose unchristian selfishness knows no bounds. Had he been born in biblical times, I can see him running over the Good Samaritain AND the guy he was helping with his chariot, just because they were in his road.
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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2008, 02:01:35 AM »
I have medicare, so YOU are paying for it.

Technically, isn't that something that you've already paid for?

I have an open question for the forum.  At my work, we have a new health plan, and enrollment is MANDATORY if you aren't covered by another policy (your wife's, VA, etc.).  Now, this isn't a big deal to me because the company pays 75% so my cut is something like $70 a month, and I always carry some kind of insurance regardless, but I'm wondering if it's legal for a company to force you to have coverage?  The exact wording is "As a condition of employment, you are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan".  As I said, no skin off of my teeth, but I've never seen or heard of this before (I've heard of mandatory life insurance, which we also have, but everytime I've seen that the employer paid the full cost).  Any ideas?

That is cheaper than the manditory Health insurance I have as a Civil Servant.


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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2008, 09:52:01 AM »
I have an open question for the forum.  At my work, we have a new health plan, and enrollment is MANDATORY if you aren't covered by another policy (your wife's, VA, etc.).  Now, this isn't a big deal to me because the company pays 75% so my cut is something like $70 a month, and I always carry some kind of insurance regardless, but I'm wondering if it's legal for a company to force you to have coverage?  The exact wording is "As a condition of employment, you are required to be enrolled in a health insurance plan".  As I said, no skin off of my teeth, but I've never seen or heard of this before (I've heard of mandatory life insurance, which we also have, but every time I've seen that the employer paid the full cost).  Any ideas?

That is cheaper than the manditory Health insurance I have as a Civil Servant.

This is one kickass plan. I was paying over $200 a month for my share of a plan riddled with copays and exceptions.

It is probably not legal to FORCE you to pay for it, although you would be foolish not to accept it. You would have to take your employer to court: never a good idea. 
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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2008, 11:04:17 AM »
It is probably not legal to FORCE you to pay for it, although you would be foolish not to accept it. You would have to take your employer to court: never a good idea. 

Since Hillary talked about mandatory health care in her campaign, some states have decided to go that route. Massachusetts is one of them. The state will force the employers to cover all of their employees, whether or not they want the plan. I see this as a way to comply with those types of state regulations (which are probably going to be implemented in many states) but without the company being on the hook for the full amount.
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Re: Wow...The Boston Herald Endorses McCain/Palin!
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2008, 11:51:03 AM »
"I just said that to piss off Christians whose unchristian selfishness knows no bounds

Typical liberal bigoted thought.

"if you dont support my specific solution then you are to be demonized"   
"It's my way or the highway

This bigot has no idea how much I give to charity, but yet since I dont support nationalized
healthcare then the bigoted position is that it means I am selfish. In reality selfishness is
him wanting in my pocketbook to carry out his social political agendas.

"Had he been born in biblical times, I can see him running over the Good Samaritain"

LOL, how ironic is it for you use The Good Samaritan parable!

The Good Samaritan is a perfect example of people helping others without
government intervention.

The Good Samaritan was not some gvt bureaucrat forcing people do abide by what
he thought was best for the society. Forced charity is not even charity. What would
the parable be worth had the Good Samaritan only acted out of complying with a law
instead of acting on what was in his heart and conscience?

"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987