Author Topic: The Worst Sore Loser in US  (Read 1569 times)

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Re: The Worst Sore Loser in US
« Reply #15 on: October 08, 2008, 02:34:36 PM »
I suggest the polls are fraudulent. We know the media is in the tank for Barry and that being true say are the polls conducted by the media. If Barry was really ahead they'd be making the differences bigger. I suggest it's to close to call and when people enter that both and really think about it, there's no way they vote for the communist.

Michael Tee

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Re: The Worst Sore Loser in US
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2008, 04:06:02 PM »
"We defend you from the terrorists, you must defend us from Obama."

Another monstrous right-wing lie.  The true title should be:

 "We torture, rape, murder and destroy humble, poor, even destitute people in their own homes, thousands of miles away from you.  By so doing, we enrage millions and recruit hundreds of terrorists every day into the ranks of al Qaeda, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah and fighting organizations you have never heard of . . . yet.   We make enemies for you at a rate never before seen in your entire history, and the amount of money necessary to keep our miserable, sorry asses safe from the enraged locals is emptying out your Treasury faster than anything else has ever done.  You are not our bosses, we are your bosses, and we are now telling you loud and clear:  Do.  NOT.  Vote. for. Obama.   Do. Not. Attempt. to. Stop. Us. from. Doing.  What.  We.  Like.    Or you will be very, very sorry.  Got that?"

Yeah, I know.  Make the poster bigger.  Lots bigger.