on CNN live. He started off badly, a lot of babble about nothing, some empty cliches, the obligatory mention of Dr. Martin Luther King, and then WOW! the guy suddenly hit his stride. He's talking now about health care - - take a small victory and keep on marching. Analogy to Ike desegregating the armed forces. This guy is brilliant. Once he steps into Massachusetts, he's gonna save Coakley's ass. He's just gotta lose the cornball hokum he starts off with and get into the meat right from the beginning. What a pleasure to watch this guy. Just the feeling that once again there is some intelligent, basically decent guy sitting in the Oval Office. It's refreshing. I guess there are limits to what he can do, to some extent he's still a prisoner of the military-industrial complex, but at least he gives one a sense that he's not a dupe or a willing participant in their games.