Author Topic: More on ACORN  (Read 1099 times)

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More on ACORN
« on: February 16, 2010, 04:46:46 PM »

Democrats just can't stay away from ACORN. Even as scandal piles on top of scandal, they continue to embrace the organization. The latest is that the Senate just confirmed Patrick Corvington as chief executive of the Corporation for National and Community Service. Corvington and ACORN have quite the history as Matthew Vaum notes:

Corvington was a senior official at the left-wing Annie E. Casey Foundation of Baltimore, Md., which  granted funding to ACORN and other radical groups during his tenure. If Corvington didn’t share the views of the foundation, which promotes racial disharmony and opposes placing juveniles charged with crimes in pretrial detention, he almost certainly couldn’t have gotten a job there.

Since 2001 the Annie E. Casey Foundation has pumped at least $1,705,500 into the ACORN network, according to philanthropy databases.

Of the $1,705,500, at least $850,500 was earmarked for ACORN operations in Baltimore, Maryland, home of the ACORN branch office first shown in the undercover videos that debuted on Those videos show James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles pretending to be a pimp and a prostitute and receiving mountains of advice on evading laws pertaining to tax evasion and prostitution (among other things).

The Annie E. Casey Foundation is a major funder of other groups on the left.

The foundation Corvington worked for also funded the AFL-CIO, the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, National Coucil for La Raza and other extreme left-wing groups.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

Michael Tee

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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 04:56:49 PM »
Why don't you do a little comparison chart.  Let's say ACORN compared to Blackwater.  How many innocent people did ACORN kill?  How many hookers were on the Blackwater payroll?  How many on ACORN'S?  How much money did Blackwater rip off Uncle Sam for?  How much money did ACORN rip off?

That's right, ACORN vs. Blackwater.  And then when you finish  with Blackwater, add in every other fucking "global corporate" firm that the U.S. does business with and explore their corporate ethics, their crimes, the number of their executives doing time or sentenced to do time.

It'll be pretty instructive, Kramer.  Then instead of all this juvenile racist snickering about an organization genuinely dedicated to helping folks pull themselves out of the swamp created just for them by Amerikkkan racism, fascism, genocide and bullshit, you'll get a small insight into what's really wrong with your whole fucking country.


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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2010, 04:59:38 PM »
Everyone notice the transparent deflection effort?  Don't look here....umm...go look over there.  Nothing to see here, move along
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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2010, 09:54:34 PM »
Lets compare ACORN to the Blackshirts and Brownshirts of the 1930s Europe or the KKK of 1920 USA.

They are saints in comparison.

All the Natzis and Suprimicists really need is someone an order of magnitude more depraved to compare themselves to so they can look good in the juxtaposition.

I suggest North Korean Communists and Chairman Mao.

Michael Tee

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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2010, 10:55:25 PM »
I think the relevance of ACORN comparisons to corporate Amerikkka is that BOTH of them are elements of contemporary Amerikkkan society so that to focus one's criticism entirely on the one while ignoring much more damning criticism of the other is the equivalent of arguing that liberals are the problem, instead of the much more obvious corporate Amerikkka is the problem.  The sponsors of the conservative movement are the problem.

It was hilarious how the conservatives can zero in on ACORN as if it were the source of all the evil in the Western Hemisphere while totally ignoring the much more blatant and noxious conduct of America's businesses and corporations.


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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2010, 11:25:50 PM »
ACORN deserves the opprobrium that it has earned and not any more or less.

Each other PAC or 501 , or .ORG need not share ACORN shame unless they lobby and fund in simularly shamefull ways.

Not every company is a Negative impact, chargeing "corporate America" as evil makes no more sense than condeming all of "Political Activist America".

Overall more corporations are positive than not , you should not lump them together so carelessly. Neither should I consider all community organisers to be as nasty as ACORN.


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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2010, 11:53:02 PM »

It's American.

Respect begets respect.

Michael Tee

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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2010, 11:58:54 PM »
<<It's American.

<<Respect begets respect. >>

Amerikkka shows no respect to the people of the rest of the world, but demands respect for itself.  Funny, but that's not how life works.  When they act like Amerikkka, there is no reason they should be called anything else.  When they act like America, they will be called American.

Michael Tee

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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #8 on: February 17, 2010, 12:02:09 AM »
ACORN deserves the opprobrium that it has earned and not any more or less.

Each other PAC or 501 , or .ORG need not share ACORN shame unless they lobby and fund in simularly shamefull ways.

Not every company is a Negative impact, chargeing "corporate America" as evil makes no more sense than condeming all of "Political Activist America".

Overall more corporations are positive than not , you should not lump them together so carelessly. Neither should I consider all community organisers to be as nasty as ACORN.


All of the above makes some sense.  Not perfect sense, but some sense.  I was trying to point out the hypocrisy of those right-wing posters who have plenty to say about the supposed "sins" of ACORN and not a word to say about the much worse crimes of any American business corporation.


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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #9 on: February 17, 2010, 12:15:45 AM »
Amerikkka shows no respect to the people of the rest of the world, but demands respect for itself.  Funny, but that's not how life works.  When they act like Amerikkka, there is no reason they should be called anything else.  When they act like America, they will be called American.

This forum is not America. It is made up of a small group of Americans, the vast majority of whom are far more respectful of others than you could ever be.

Taunting with names is childish. It does not foster respectful debate, it does not foster reasoned discourse and it certainly does not burnish the welcome mat for those passerby who peek in and then scurry onward.

I will ask you again nicely to refrain from this childishness.


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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #10 on: February 18, 2010, 06:32:06 AM »
Amerikkka shows no respect to the people of the rest of the world, but demands respect for itself.  Funny, but that's not how life works.  When they act like Amerikkka, there is no reason they should be called anything else.  When they act like America, they will be called American.

This forum is not America. It is made up of a small group of Americans, the vast majority of whom are far more respectful of others than you could ever be.

Taunting with names is childish. It does not foster respectful debate, it does not foster reasoned discourse and it certainly does not burnish the welcome mat for those passerby who peek in and then scurry onward.

I will ask you again nicely to refrain from this childishness.

Reminds me of the guys who criticise France by eating "Freedom Fries".

Michael Tee

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Re: More on ACORN
« Reply #11 on: February 18, 2010, 07:26:17 AM »
<<This forum is not America. It is made up of a small group of Americans, the vast majority of whom are far more respectful of others than you could ever be.>>

And show that respect by supporting the invasion of a member state of the UN with the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.  Yep, that is how everyone wants to be respected, isn't it?

<<Taunting with names is childish. It does not foster respectful debate . . . >>

Well you got a point there, boss.  So "Amerikkka" goes, but "IslamoNazi" stays?  Do I get to keep my beloved "ZioNazi" if "Islamonazi" and "Islamofascist" stay?   

Personally, I liked "Amerikkka" and I'll tell you why.  I think it stops a certain mindset in its tracks, the kind of person who is pre-programmed to see his country as a shining city upon a hill, one that can do no wrong.  That's not even an arguable proposition to one of that mindset, it's a given, and re-naming the concept, from the beloved "America" and the knee-jerk adulation that it inspires, to the Germanic-sounding "Amerika" (the original misspelling, used in the underground press in the 1960s) and then the more homegrown-fascist "kkk" variant, both made the point, in the most succinct possible way,  that the pointer of the accusing finger in the name of the all-holy America, was not really entitled to the holier-than-thou, holier-than-any-other-country-in-the-whole-damn-world, mantle which was being assumed.

I make that last point only to rebut your inference that my intention was to make a childish taunt.

<< . . .  it does not foster reasoned discourse . . . >>

So far this forum has offered both reasoned and impassioned discourse, as you can hardly have failed to notice.  To me that was part of its charm.

<< . . . and it certainly does not burnish the welcome mat for those passerby who peek in and then scurry onward.>>

LOL.  That is the funniest part of your post, though I'm sure it was not intended as such.   Apparently the welcome mat is out only for those who are not horrified by reminders of American racism and/or comparisons of U.S. foreign policy to that of Nazi Germany's.

<<I will ask you again nicely to refrain from this childishness.>>

"House Rules" would have been more honest, but I get the message.