Author Topic: "Feed the big dog"  (Read 3500 times)

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"Feed the big dog"
« on: November 10, 2006, 01:31:56 AM »
Perfect example of non-existant 'Racism' and worse, how it sets a tone that Blacks must be treated differently then everyone else. 

Black firefighter settles suit over racial prank
A black firefighter who was served dog food in his dinner by fellow firefighters at the Westchester station will receive $2.7 million.By Sandy Banks, Times staff writer
November 9, 2006

A black firefighter who was served dog food in his spaghetti by fellow firefighters will be paid more than $2.7 million to settle a lawsuit alleging racial harassment within the Los Angeles Fire Department.

The award, approved on an 11-1 vote Wednesday by the Los Angeles City Council, is the latest in a recent string of settlements of lawsuits by firefighters claiming discrimination and harassment and retaliation against those who complain.

It is believed to be the largest payout for misconduct in the department's history, which was long considered among the nation's finest, but has often been the target of complaints about hostility toward African American and female firefighters.

Firefighter Tennie Pierce, 51, alleged in his lawsuit that Firefighter Jorge Arevalo mixed canned dog food into Pierce's dinner at their Westchester station two years ago; that Capt. John Tohill purchased the dog food; and that Capt. Chris Burton knew about the prank but didn't warn Pierce. All three men were present when Pierce ate the dog food.

Pierce "took a large bite, at which time he noticed the other firefighters were laughing and making noises," the lawsuit says. He took a second bite, then demanded to know what was in his food, "but no one would tell him." Pierce then left the kitchen "with his co-workers laughing at him."

A Fire Department investigation suggested the incident was intended to "humble" Pierce — who stands 6 feet 5 — after his team won a fire station volleyball game. A lawyer for one of the defendants initially called the incident "a good-natured prank … [not] in any way motivated by race." (this article failed to mention that in this investigation, it was learned that Pierce calls himself the "Big Dog", even introducing himself as such, and during this volleyball match, numerous times was boasting to "feed the dog", in other words, set him another ball so he could spike it)

But a UC Santa Cruz professor who was hired by Pierce's attorney to review department records of discrimination complaints said the prank was clearly intended to "humiliate and dehumanize" Pierce.

"The association of a black man and dog food resonates with the deep historical roots of slavery and the corresponding dehumanization," said sociologist David Wellman, co-author of "Whitewashing Race: Colorblind Policies in a Color Conscious America."

"It's not just silly stuff. It's racially motivated…. The organization labels it as macho, 'boys will be boys' behavior. I think it's more about keeping blacks out by making their lives so miserable that they don't want to stay."  (this article also fails to mention that he'd been with the FD for 20+ years)

In addition to the three firefighters, the lawsuit named the city as a defendant because the fire captains allegedly allowed a hostile workplace to exist in violation of department policies forbidding harassment. The two captains were given one month off without pay as punishment. Arevalo was ordered off work for three days without pay. As part of the settlement, they were dismissed from the lawsuit, so they are not liable financially.

Fire Chief William Bamattre admitted the incident was "intolerable" and violates department "guidelines on what's professional performance.... That type of harassment or prank or whatever you call it is not consistent with what the public expects from the Fire Department, the confidence the public has in us."

But Councilman Dennis Zine, a police officer for 38 years and the lone vote against the settlement, said he thought the $2.7-million award was "outrageous for something that caused no serious injury, no permanent harm…. "

"That's not to say it was right, not to justify what they did. But $2.7 million?…. I don't think it was a racial deal. It was a prank that turned sour, but did it go bad to the point that he's harmed for life? That it should cost the taxpayers $2.7 million?"

In his lawsuit, Pierce said that for more than a year after the October 2004 incident he was subjected to "verbal slurs, insults [and] derogatory remarks" — including taunting by firefighters "barking like dogs [and] asking him how dog food tasted" — in the presence of supervisors.

In addition to the payout, the settlement provides for Pierce to remain on fully-paid administrative leave until April, when he reaches his 20-year service anniversary. Then he can retire with an annual pension amounting to half of his salary for life.

Pierce was out of town and could not be reached for comment Wednesday. But his attorney, Genie Harrison, said the incident — and the unwillingness of other firefighters at the table to intervene — was a "shocking betrayal" for Pierce, who grew up in South Los Angeles.

"He was targeted by people he considered brothers and then was mercilessly harassed out of the job that meant so much to him," Harrison said. "Now he's calling for the public's help to change the working environment for African Americans who remain on the department."

The department hired its first black firefighter in 1897, but for almost 60 years blacks were assigned only to segregated stations in black neighborhoods. As the city's black population grew, all-black crews began displacing white firefighters, who often responded with animosity. In 1936, white firefighters at a Central Avenue station who were forced to move to accommodate a black crew responded by trashing the station with garbage and human waste.

In the 1940s, pressure mounted to integrate the force. But then-Chief John H. Alderson declared integration a "social experiment" and refused; 90% of white firefighters joined a fund-raising campaign to support him. Those who expressed a willingness to live and work alongside blacks were ostracized by peers and often disciplined for insubordination.

The city's fire stations were officially integrated in 1956, but blacks were denied kitchen privileges and subjected to such vicious hazing that off-duty black firefighters began patrolling integrated stations, some carrying guns.

In 1974, the department entered into a federal consent decree that required half of all new recruits to be black, Latino or Asian American. The decree was lifted in 2001, but some blame it for lowering morale and stoking resentment among white male firefighters who considered it reverse discrimination and complained that it allowed the hiring of unqualified minorities.

Today the 3,600-member department is 53% white, 29% Latino, 12% black and 5% Asian American. Women make up 2.7% of the department.

But some say the diversity masks problems that has continued to hold minorities back.

In 1994, complaints of discrimination reached such a fever pitch, the City Council ordered an audit of the department and held hearings that led to the resignation of Chief Donald Manning. The audit found that women and minorities were frozen out of management positions and often drummed out of the department as rookies.

An audit earlier this year by City Controller Laura Chick revealed similar findings. Among black firefighters, 87% said they had experienced or witnessed discrimination.

Some firefighters say pranks are part of the firehouse culture and not directed specifically at blacks. But black firefighters report much of the teasing they experience involves racial slurs, offensive comments or pranks aimed at humiliation.

"Blacks have experienced this for over 300 years," sociologist Wellman said. "They have a gyroscope that picks up hostile stuff that somebody else would not see as hostile.

"Culture becomes very important," he said. "In the black community people come together and talk about the way they've been treated. They run it up the flagpole … 'Tell me if I'm off the wall here.'

"Their group picks it up and your group doesn't because their group has a history that yours doesn't share.",1,4660029.story?ctrack=1&cset=true
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2006, 08:02:34 PM »
I'm a little surprised Crane didn't jump on this, in defense of the racist decision by the LA city council.  I would have been interested in his explaination
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2006, 11:16:30 PM »
I would have but I was eating dinner with Harry Bellefonte.

Up to a couple of weeks ago, George Allen was being touted as the leading lion in the GOP's hope for the presidential seat.

Even the word 'toast' seems to fail to suggest the reality now.

Not only that, he lost his Senate seat, and by a slim margin, and thus a fair argument can be made that the same thing that ruined forever his chances for president was also powerful enough to cover the margin of votes.

If I took a poll of all Americans and asked them to reduce the reality of those two great losses in one word, it would be macaca.

And you still don't get it.   You and Allen.

Forget what you can't get over, and realize that in the real world racism is pimpslap real.

There is a whole race of abused out there who intent to keep it that way.  They do not need your confirmation or mine to keep that faith.  You can count that they will. 

Coming up $2.7  to keep that kind of peace, the supers overseeing probably thought they were getting off cheap.  This is because, while they wish they could, they do not get to just miffily turn their back of what you think the reality of racism should or should not be.  They may be stupid, but they are not as stupid as George Allen.

One other thing.  In Tennessee, where Ford-Corker were in a dead 50-50 heat, they ran an ad that was a racial slur (to most Americans not enlightened to quaint whitebread reductions.)

It worked, Ford fell 10 points overnight and he never recoverd.  Corker said Mehlman said Corker said Melhmen said in ping pong cover until it was removed, reinforcement accomplished.

If Corker is innocent in the ad, he must have marveled that Mehlman understood as clearly as he did that, in Tennessee, you can always count on support for a race card.  Both simultaeneously and independently knew the power of it, I guess.  In my mind, this makes Corker a marketeer for profit of racism, and all the more reprehensible.

It also bespeaks the paucity of even elementary moral principle to suggest that these two bigots--Allen and Corker--had no other message for the citizens of their respective states above a coded plea for concert racial bigotry.



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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2006, 11:49:37 PM »
 :-\   Perhaps someone can find me a decoder so that I can decipher how that response was in any way connected to my LA story
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2006, 05:38:46 AM »
"There is a whole race of abused out there who intent to keep it that way."

Ohhhh  Yes!

Race can trump other issues and so  is politicly usefull , politics is a game that allows you to play the same cards in every hand.


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2006, 04:52:20 PM »
Tone-deaf and stupid is how I describe the detractors of this apparently sound political move by the Los Angeles City Council. Race has a long and agonized history in America. Efforts at integration are absolutely necessary, and in a fraternal organization such as a fire department, razzing in good nature may go with the turf, for not to do it, ironically, may be discriminatory. But everything is judged by its taste (pardon the pun) and the dignity it leaves the "victim" to find refuge in. This latter part is critical. Obviously the afflicted firefighter, enough of his peers, the FD brass and the city council thought the line was exceeded, fairly grossly. Not privy to the nuts and bolts details of the incident and its backdrop beyond the history of departmental racism sketched, based on what I know, I can endorse the response that actually took place. In legal terms, it was not a razzing so much as it was an assault, literally. To illustrate the point, suppose the pranksters had mixed shit in with the guy's pasta. The difference between that and what actually happened is the difference between criminal charges and legislative redress. Both are affronts; the only debate is how drastic the remedy must be. On that count, the pranksters themselves were held harmless for monetary damage, and the elan of the corps was strengthened and clarified. So what if the nigger retires in comfort for simply doing something a lot of elderly poor do anyhow as a matter not so much of choice but of necessity.


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2006, 05:08:07 PM »
Does this resolution do anything to encourage harmony?

Or is it greater encouragement to litigiousness?

Hey Spell Check agreed with me !
What they say about a roomfull of Chimpanzees must be true.


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2006, 06:46:23 PM »
Tone-deaf and stupid is how I describe the detractors of this apparently sound political move by the Los Angeles City Council. Race has a long and agonized history in America.

And yet when the facts of the story are presented, you grasp the concept that this in-house prank had ZILCH to do with race.  And now, the LA City Council has not only made this non race issue about race, now we're to treat African Americans different than we'd treat anyone else.  Don't say or act in any way that could even remotely be contorted as racist.

For example; An employer has 2 idenically equal applicants, 1 white, 1 black.  With the much greater potential that something might actually be construed as racist in his outfit, and the $$$ it would cost him in court, the employer is much more likely to hire the white guy, simply to avoid that potential

Way to go L.A.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #8 on: November 23, 2006, 01:44:59 AM »
L.A. mayor vetoes suit settlement
Council voted $2.7 million for firefighter who said he was racially harassed.
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES – The mayor has vetoed a $2.7 million settlement the City Council awarded to a black firefighter who said he suffered racial harassment after co-workers served him spaghetti laced with dog food.

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said he wanted the council to reconsider its decision in light of photographs recently posted on a Web site showing the firefighter, Tennie Pierce, engaged in hazing pranks.

"Given the magnitude of the recommended settlement, taxpayers have a right to demand a reconsideration with the full benefit of the facts," Villaraigosa said.

"I can't wait to see them in court," said Pierce's attorney, Genie Harrison.

Pierce, 51, sued the Fire Department in 2005 after fellow firefighters mixed dog food into his spaghetti dinner.

Pierce said he suffered retaliation for reporting the incident and verbal slurs, insults and derogatory remarks, including taunting by firefighters "barking like dogs (and) asking him how dog food tasted," the lawsuit said.

Several council members said City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo did not show any photos to them before they voted 11-1 earlier this month to award the largest settlement in Fire Department history.

Delgadillo's spokesman, Nick Velasquez, said his boss made a comprehensive presentation to the City Council and mediator. Yet Velasquez wouldn't specify whether Delgadillo shared the photos during his presentation.

When some photos of Pierce participating in crude firehouse pranks surfaced last week, the City Council rejected a motion to reconsider the settlement.

The issue gained momentum, however, when it became the target of a popular KFI AM radio program, the John and Ken Show, whose hosts criticized the size of the settlement.

Photos posted on the radio show's Web site depict Pierce roughhousing, pouring what seems to be water on fellow firefighters and smiling as others rubbed gooey, food-like substances on bare-chested men, apparently strapped to chairs.

Several City Council members said Monday they expected the council to comply with the mayor's wishes and revisit their decision.

"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #9 on: November 23, 2006, 01:56:10 AM »
The best hazeing I ever got was when I crossed the Equator.

The shellbacks had been saveing garbage for a week ,just to dip us polywogs in .

A twenty man life raft entirely filled with rot and vomit is an awesome sight and the shellbacks were glad to assist in the pollywogs entire submersion , almost every one of us added a a little to the mix before we left it.

Neptunes court , mail bouy watch , paddleing , kissing the baby.

A good time was had by all.


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2006, 02:03:30 AM »
The best hazeing I ever got was when I crossed the Equator.  The shellbacks had been saveing garbage for a week ,just to dip us polywogs in .  A twenty man life raft entirely filled with rot and vomit is an awesome sight and the shellbacks were glad to assist in the pollywogs entire submersion , almost every one of us added a a little to the mix before we left it.  Neptunes court , mail bouy watch , paddleing , kissing the baby.  A good time was had by all.

Think of the $$$$ you could have sued for        ;)
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #11 on: November 23, 2006, 02:14:08 AM »
The best hazeing I ever got was when I crossed the Equator.  The shellbacks had been saveing garbage for a week ,just to dip us polywogs in .  A twenty man life raft entirely filled with rot and vomit is an awesome sight and the shellbacks were glad to assist in the pollywogs entire submersion , almost every one of us added a a little to the mix before we left it.  Neptunes court , mail bouy watch , paddleing , kissing the baby.  A good time was had by all.

Think of the $$$$ you could have sued for        ;)

It was clearly not racial , even for the black ones of us.
There is still a bon homme in the Navy and it is good to include the whole crew .

Nothing upsets a CO like making the papers with some sort of negative incident , if some crewmember is clearly going to cause problems and can't be discouraged by the means availible to a Captain , the Captain will be eager to get rid of him . There is no sailor skill so needed for the running of a ship that the Captain will put up with a dent in his career prospects for it.


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Re: "Feed the big dog"
« Reply #12 on: November 23, 2006, 02:36:07 AM »
It was clearly not racial , even for the black ones of us.  There is still a bon homme in the Navy and it is good to include the whole crew .

Clearly, neither was this incident in L.A.  Didn't stop them, though
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle