Author Topic: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -  (Read 7954 times)

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #75 on: April 06, 2010, 01:14:47 PM »
Fraudblower, "The U.S.A. even runs a school for torturers, which they periodically pretend through various name-changes to shut down, but which continues in operation, as far as I am aware, into the present day.."

Yes and the name-changes are so convenient for you.

MT runs a school for Chinese torturers on the ten best ways to breakdown a Tibetan Monk. Periodically he pretends to shut it down with various name-changes otherwise I'd give you an URL. However, trust me, it's still in operation today.


Michael Tee

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #76 on: April 06, 2010, 01:22:36 PM »
Perfect illustration of "why do you point out the mite in the other guy's eye when you've got a log in your own?"

If I were you, I'd be a little less concerned about the tortures of the Chinese and a whole hell of a lot more concerned about the tortures inflicted by the  U.S.A.  You guys excel at pointing fingers everywhere, at everyone, except your own.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #77 on: April 06, 2010, 01:59:58 PM »
Gee MT, I think you missed the point. I'm sorry if that was too difficult for you.

BTW, are you getting enough fiber? It's not good to have to strain you know, particularly at your advanced age.

Start roughing it!:



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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #78 on: April 06, 2010, 09:10:36 PM »
".........comes from the left and not from the right, just as most of the torture states are right-wing rather than left-wing, as was certainly the case in Latin America.  The U.S.A. even runs a school for torturers, which they periodically pretend through various name-changes to shut down, but which continues in operation, as far as I am aware, into the present day.

<<I think I am looking into a mirror image.>>

I hope not - - I remember your attempts to minimize Abu Ghraib - - but I really lack the objectivity to make the call.  It's possible I am too twisted against the horrors of fascism to make a stand against torture, but then who the hell is the "pure vessel" who is going to be impartial enough to oppose torture?"

Frankly ,I thought I was being generous.

At the time .
I consider this unsettled , and I can't be satisfied with haveing two standards .

I don't feel right about haveing a standard that is determined on purpose to produce ineffectiveness.

I don't feel right about haveing a sliding standard diffrent on tuesday than thursday , diffrent for Gen Westmorland than for Ho Chi Minh. Diffrent for when I am mad than for when I am calm.

BsBs answer to my question directed at him is so thought provoking that I don't want to comment further at this point.

I consider this unsettled , and I can't be satisfied with haveing two standards .

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #79 on: April 06, 2010, 09:30:13 PM »
I got both of your points - - the first was so childish and stupid that I didn't bother to address it.  Everybody knows the School of the Americas and anybody interested enough to follow the lying bullshit machinations of the U.S. military can probably follow its changing names and agendas through Wikipedia or other on-line sources, for whatever the exercise is worth.  I was more interested in your second point, the "accidental" use of Chinese torture in Tibet, an almost equally childish diversion of the "Hey there's a mote in HIS eye" variety, which most of the conservative posters in here seem to regard as the ultimate come-back to any legitimate criticism of U.S. criminality.

I don't read diet tips on the internet any more than I watch Oprah or Dr. Oz.  I have excellent doctors and if I need to hear anything about what to eat or don't eat, I rely on them to bring it to my attention.  Otherwise, I eat whatever the fuck I like.  But thanks anyway.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 09:31:46 PM by Michael Tee »

Michael Tee

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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #80 on: April 06, 2010, 09:48:07 PM »
<<Frankly ,I thought I was being generous.>>

You were being generous - - and I reciprocated by questioning my own objectivity.  Which was also partly due to BSB's mockery of my "Nazi bitches had it coming" and similar remarks.

I also am trying to rethink, but I really don't want to get into a "let it all pass" kind of universal acceptance, which as far as I can see is just an excuse to avoid moral judgment and justify our own acquiescence in the abuses and crimes of our own leaders.

This always seems to resolve into a conflict between Old Testament and Buddhist attitudes to crime and punishment.  I don't know whether Buddha's ridicule relates to the perceived moral presumption involved in passing the judgment in the first place or my impotence in executing on it in the second place.  Probably both.  But doing nothing - - failing to even pass judgment on the bastards - - seems to be even worse.  It's like I've morally abdicated and don't give a shit.


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Re: I'm Guessing that nobody here gives a shit about this - -
« Reply #81 on: April 06, 2010, 10:56:49 PM »
School of the Americas? Hummmm, you mean that school where we train Police officers, and Palace guard types, for our South and Central American neighbors at Fort Benning in the art of crowd control? Imagine us risking all that blow-back just for our southern friends. Well, you can't be too neighbourly now, can you.