Israel is not going to be "driven into the sea" except in the subjunctive tense and then only in the words of the propagandists of AIPAC. WHenever I hear the words "driven into the sea" I know that I am in the presence of some sort of fanatic.
It is one thing to say that it is in the interests of the US that there be extensive reform in the Middle East and quite another for the US to be capable of imposing it.
Israel is one of the reasons that this is impossible at the moment. What is wrong with most of the Middle East is the idea that religion and State be joined together, as in "Islamic Republic", but not ONLY that. The idea of "Jewish State" is equally a terrible idea, and for the same reason.
The fact that this "Jewish State" is a trucculant, expansionist and colonialist enetity makes it worse. And the fact that it is financed by the US makes it intolerable to the Muslims of the area.
How hypocritical it is for the US to say that Iran has no right to be an Islamic Republic, when we have done everything in our power since 1948 to finance a Jewish Republic, in which Muslims and even Christian Arabs are clearly second-class citizens!
The US is not capable of making the Middle East peaceful, particularly if it continues to support Israel and favor it over all other causes..., including cheap oil for Exxon Mobil, Shell, and so forth to peddle. We are all for a democratic Lebanon, but we care not a fig for it if even a couple of Israelis are kidnapped. In that case, we are all for hundreds of Lebanese civilians to die and hundred of thousands to be bombed out of their homes.
There is only ONE country with the talent capable of saving the Palisrael mess, and it is not the US, which has always been far too biased.
It is the Netherlands, the only country who knows how to turn salt sea into dry land. The entire gibbering mess of Israeli and Palestinians need to be put under the stern Dutch uncle authority and enlisted to build another country of equal size on the Mediterranean. Perhaps the entire Golan Heights could be dumped in the Sea.
Once the land has been reclaimed from the Sea, then lots could be drawn as to who gets the new country, with ample aid and a fair division of ancestral bones, and who gets to stay put. I think I'd make sure that there was at least 10 kms. of water between the two, just to be on the safe side.