<<Oh yes, that is true, there were a lot of people slavishly obedient to Joseph Stalin.>>
Even assuming it was Stalin who ordered the hit, how is the hit-man any more "slavishly obedient" to Uncle Joe in carrying out his mission than the hit-men of the Special Forces are "slavishly obedient" to their commander in chief in carrying out theirs?
Inquiring minds need to know.
Not a bit less obedient , but it is forbidden to ask them whether they like Republican or Democrat presidents better.
It is forbidden to ask them whether they are Christian or not.
It is forbidden to ask them whether they are Homosexual or not.
So our soldiers are protected from haveing to be political , there is no equivelent to the Red armys political officers.
They might be about to loose the protection against haveing to reveil their homosexuality , but that is a right they have not had very long anyway.