Author Topic: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it  (Read 772 times)

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arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« on: May 21, 2010, 09:04:51 PM »

I remember the video the guy just said it`s illegal and said america alot. no mention of deaths at all.

the problems with sanctuary cities is fairly public. but somehow its not very visible.

my town has quite abit of clout in this area of california. but because of the people running the sanctuary program , thats drying up

not brought up on wiki.

two illegal teenager were sent to a nearby town youth rehab center but it turns out thier adult crack dealer from mexico.
and they escaped, the response of one the sanctuary staff was concern for other illegals.

that town  has cancelled all access from san francisco juvi system

that was 4 years ago and this issue is still going on now.


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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2010, 12:18:15 AM »
=Dems love Mexico, hate Arizona=

Apparently Democrats think Mexico is the land of milk and honey
because they gave Mexico's President Felipe Calderon a standing
ovation (on the House floor, no less) when he bashed Arizona's
immigration law.
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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2010, 01:59:26 AM »
I`ve been to mexico.
poverty there has a diffrent meaning than here.
my brain still can`t wrap around the concept those poncho salesmen are the wealthy ones.

medicine is way cheaper though

average 4 stores ablock


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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2010, 01:08:24 PM »
Mexico has a very small, very wealthy upper class, and a huge lower class. The poncho salesmen are lower middle class. I used to deal with street vendors and the people who supply them when I was working my way through NMSU selling guitars and felt paintings. The very poor eat tortillas, beans and nopales (prickly pear cactus), cook on charcoal or kerosene. The poncho salesmen eat some sort of meat once or twice a week, and may have butane to cook on or electricity in the city. I doubt if this has changed much since the 1960's, other than the drug trade. There was not much crime in Juarez when I used to go there. I don't think I'd go there at all now. I made more on those paintings and guitars than those who made them, but I also paid more than they could get for their merchandise on the street, so I was a sort of hero, and it was impossible for me to pay for my beer after I had been in business for a month or so. Of course, I took all the risk by paying in advance for the merchandise. It was understood that I could not return anything. I did reject a painting or two that I thought would not sell and more than one guitar that had a rattle or was impossible to keep in tune.

The poorest Mexicans in Cd. Juarez were still better off than the campesinos in the rural  rancherias. 
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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #4 on: May 22, 2010, 01:32:09 PM »
I learn one lesson there.
never eat food in a open area with those kids around.
they litterally swarmed around me and grabbed my food.
I still can`t figure that math of splitting 1 fish taco to a dozen kids


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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2010, 03:06:07 PM »
There is no reason for Reid or Pelosi to not treat Calderon enthusiastically: he is the handpicked, most pro-US PAN candidate, and he probably did not actually win the election which supposedly elected him. Their reception of Calderon is simply good diplomacy, and should not indicate any opinion about the AZ law. The Democrats need to attract the Mexican-Americans to the polls and get their vote. By the way, Obama has sent a lot more illegals home in the past year than Juniorbush did in the year before. Hispanics know this, even though most Americans do not.
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Re: arizona brought it up, but was bad at it
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2010, 03:17:45 PM »
It's one thing to treat a foreign leader with respect.  Far more egregious to not just give him a platform to rant against the country to which he is a guest in, but to stand behind him and applaud his ranting.

You think it appropriate or even something to be achieved in Obama ranting against China, while a guest in China?  Iran, while visiting Iran?  You think Obama would be allowed to rail against France, while at some function in Paris?

I'm betting that neither Reid, Pelosi, nor Calderon have read the AZ bill either
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