Within limits, which I won't attempt to define now, Charlie Rangel appears to be right on in his comments. There is a spectrum in the military, from graduated cadets to career-bound enlistees to patriotic stalwarts to decent kids with no better alternative. Charlie speaks to the latter group, which his demographic amply represents. It is a simple truth, and it is unfair. His provocative (but non-strater) idea of a draft is a powerful way to focus attention on this phenomenon. If a draft were in place, not only would there be more equity in bearing the burden of war, but there would also be a more engaged and effective grassroots politics as to how and when we go to war. Maybe, just maybe, a draft would engage the country so deeply that only but the essential wars would be fought. (Incidentally, I laugh with scorn at Ricky and his "alternate career" in a time of great national military need.)