Author Topic: An Assault, Cloaked in Peace -IslamoNazis Hide Behind Civilians & Now Behind Aid  (Read 1278 times)

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An Assault, Cloaked in Peace


June 2, 2010

PEACE activists are people who demonstrate nonviolently for peaceful co-existence and human rights. The mob that assaulted Israeli special forces on the deck of the Turkish ship Mavi Marmara on Monday was not motivated by peace. On the contrary, the religious extremists embedded among those on board were paid and equipped to attack Israelis "both by their own hands as well as by aiding Hamas" and to destroy any hope of peace.

Millions have already seen the Al Jazeera broadcast showing these "activists" chanting "Khaibar! Khaibar!" a reference to a Muslim massacre of Jews in the Arabian peninsula in the seventh century. YouTube viewers saw Israeli troops, armed with crowd-dispersing paintball guns and side arms for emergency protection, being beaten and hurled over the railings of the ship by attackers wielding iron bars.

What the videos don't show, however, are several curious aspects Israeli authorities are now investigating. First, about 100 of those detained from the boats were carrying immense sums in their pockets nearly a million euros in total. Second, Israel discovered spent bullet cartridges on the Mavi Marmara that are of a caliber not used by the Israeli commandos, some of whom suffered gunshot wounds.

Also found on the boat were propaganda clips showing passengers "injured" by Israeli forces; these videos, however, were filmed during daylight, hours before the nighttime operation occurred.

The investigations of all this evidence will be transparent, in accordance with Israel's security needs.

There is little doubt as to the real purpose of the Mavi Marmara's voyage not to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, but to create a provocation that would put international pressure on Israel to drop the Gaza embargo, and thus allow the flow of seaborne military supplies to Hamas. Just as Hamas gunmen hide behind civilians in Gaza, so, too, do their sponsors cower behind shipments of seemingly innocent aid.

This is why the organizers of the flotilla repeatedly rejected Israeli offers to transfer its cargo to Gaza once it was inspected for military contraband. They also rebuffed an Israeli request to earmark some aid packages for Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held hostage by Hamas for four years.

In the recent past, Israeli forces have diverted nine such flotillas, all without incident, and peacefully boarded five of the ships in this week?s convoy. Their cargoes, after proper inspection, were delivered to non-Hamas institutions in Gaza. Only the Marmara, a vessel too large to be neutralized by technical means such as fouling the propeller, violently resisted. It is no coincidence that the ship was dispatched by Insani Yardim Vakfi (also called the I.H.H.), a supposed charity that Israeli and other intelligence services have linked to Islamic extremists.

The real intent of breaking the embargo is to allow rockets to be transported to Gaza from Hamas's suppliers in Syria and Iran. Israel has already intercepted several such ships laden with munitions. Since Israel's disengagement from Gaza in 2005, Hamas has fired more than 10,000 rockets and mortars at our civilian population. This week, two Hamas rockets exploded near Ashkelon, one of Israel?s largest cities.

Israel has a right and a duty to defend itself from Hamas and its backers. Our struggle is not with the people of Gaza but only with the radical regime that overthrew the legitimate Palestinian Authority and has pledged to seek Israel's destruction. Each day, Israel facilitates the passage into Gaza of more than 100 truckloads of food and medicine, there is no shortage of either. We, too, want a free Gaza, a Gaza liberated from brutal Hamas rule, as well as an Israel freed from terrorist threats.

Israel will scrupulously review the events surrounding the Marmara's interception. But Israel will also persist in denying advanced weaponry to Hamas. At the same time, the Israeli government will vigorously pursue peace with the Palestinian Authority, which shares our need for defense against armed extremists. The real peace activists are those who support our vision of a two-state solution, not those supporting the terrorists bent on destroying it.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2010, 06:25:25 PM by ChristiansUnited4LessGvt »
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" - Ronald Reagan - June 12, 1987


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Sums things up fairly well......though you can start the countdown as to when Tee or Xo stamp it with "pure BS Zionist propoganda"
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There is no such thing as a ship too large to large to stop by fouling its propeller.

It would just require a lot larger wad of rope .

That might be the thing to do, placeing a line of tangle traps .

Michael Tee

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I can't stop laughing at this childish bullshit.  Geeze if this is the best whitewash the ZioNazis can cook up, they are in deeper shit than I ever imagined.

<<First, about 100 [passengers] were carrying immense sums in their pockets nearly a million euros in total.>>

10,000 euros each is an "immense sum?"  In the Middle East, on a mission that might result in injuries, deaths, fines, jail, torture, beatings, etc.?   What kind of moron would set out on an adventure like this and NOT be prepared to pay cash for fines, bribes, medical attention, etc. for themselves, or if necessary, one or more of their fellow passengers?

<<Second, Israel discovered spent bullet cartridges on the Mavi Marmara that are of a caliber not used by the Israeli commandos, some of whom suffered gunshot wounds.>>

Oh yeah, the "gunshot wounds."  Where are these "wounded" Israeli commandos and their "gunshot wounds?"  The Zio-Nazi bullshit machine makes photos available of every rocket-attack victim since the invention of rocketry, but suddenly are kind of shy about introducing their "wounded heroes" to the world.  How can that be?  Where are the "spent cartridges" so conveniently planted, I mean, discovered and what kind of effort will it take to ensure that nobody will be able to upset the official story of their origin and discovery?

<<Also found on the boat were propaganda clips showing passengers "injured" by Israeli forces; these videos, however, were filmed during daylight, hours before the nighttime operation occurred.

<<The investigations of all this evidence will be transparent, in accordance with Israel's security needs.>>

Yeah, it'll be transparent.  They clapped a lid on the boat and towed it to port.  They banned all communication from the ship and attempted to jam its radio too.  They released a total of 1 minute or two minutes of their own tape and kept all the rest.  That's transparent alright.  When have they ever been "transparent?"   When did they EVER conduct an investigation that wasn't a whitewash?

<<There is little doubt as to the real purpose of the Mavi Marmara's voyage not to deliver humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza, but to create a provocation that would put international pressure on Israel to drop the Gaza embargo, and thus allow the flow of seaborne military supplies to Hamas. Just as Hamas gunmen hide behind civilians in Gaza, so, too, do their sponsors cower behind shipments of seemingly innocent aid.>>

Right.  And the proof of this evil intent is . . .   uh, is . .   Oh, yeah, right, there IS no proof.  We kill them first and then we say they're the bad guys and just take our word for it.  We know how bad they are and we know how good we are, so when we kill a whole bunch of unarmed aid workers, well, that just proves how evil they were in the first place.

<<This is why the organizers of the flotilla repeatedly rejected Israeli offers to transfer its cargo to Gaza once it was inspected for military contraband. They also rebuffed an Israeli request to earmark some aid packages for Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier held hostage by Hamas for four years.>>

Hey, whose propaganda event IS this, the Muslims' or the Jews'?  If the Israelis want to stage a "Remember Gilad Shalit" propaganda blockbuster, let 'em do it on their own nickel, not the aid workers'.  Do you think if the Viceroy of India had offered Gandhi salt from his own dining table, Gandhi would have called off the march because he had his salt?

<<In the recent past, Israeli forces have diverted nine such flotillas, all without incident, and peacefully boarded five of the ships in this week?s convoy. Their cargoes, after proper inspection, were delivered to non-Hamas institutions in Gaza. >>

Yeah.  Exactly.  Hamas is the duly and properly democratically elected government, so the aid is delivered by the Israelis to NON-HAMAS institutions.  And nobody who reads this Zio-Nazi shit is supposed to be able to see through it. 

<<Only the Marmara, a vessel too large to be neutralized by technical means such as fouling the propeller . . . >>

Crap.  What propeller is "too large to be . . . fouled?"

<< . . .  violently resisted. >>

Violently resisted an illegal seizure in support of an illegal blockade?  Right.  Especially since the passenger eyewitnesses claim that the violent resistance began IN RESPONSE TO Israeli violence.

<<It is no coincidence that the ship was dispatched by Insani Yardim Vakfi (also called the I.H.H.), a supposed charity that Israeli and other intelligence services have linked to Islamic extremists.>>

Naturally, if the Israeli "and other"  (WHAT "other???") intelligence groups "link" the IHH to "Islamic extremists" (un-named due to delicacy and a disinclination to insult and/or shame them, no doubt) then it must indisputably be true because we all know that the Israeli intelligence "groups"  (who? what "groups" are we talking about anyway???) never would lie about anything so serious, would they?

<<The real intent of breaking the embargo is to allow rockets to be transported to Gaza from Hamas's suppliers in Syria and Iran. >>

Yes, of course.  That must be it.  Nobody on board could be seriously concerned about the malnourished children in Gaza, because there ARE no malnourished children in Gaza.  Nobody could be concerned about the lack of hospital and medical equipment in Gaza, because there IS no lack of hospital and medical equipment in Gaza.  Nobody could be concerned about the lack of pharmaceuticals in Gaza because there is no lack of pharmaceuticals in Gaza.  And besides all of that, we read their minds.  We KNOW what they really want.  Rockets.  In Gaza.  For Hamas.  Trust us.  We know them.

<<Israel has already intercepted several such ships laden with munitions. >>

Now THAT is one big fucking lie.  They NEVER intercepted an aid ship carrying weapons.  Not once.  They intercepted weapons ships carrying weapons. 

<<Since Israel's disengagement from Gaza in 2005, Hamas has fired more than 10,000 rockets and mortars at our civilian population. This week, two Hamas rockets exploded near Ashkelon, one of Israel?s largest cities.>>

Uh, and the 10,000 rockets were imported on ships carrying blockade relief supplies?  Or the aid workers on the Mavi Marmara are somehow responsible for the two rockets that exploded near Ashkelon?  This article gets crazier with each line I read.

<<Israel has a right and a duty to defend itself from Hamas and its backers. >>

Right.  And that affects Israel's right to board the Mavi Marmara and kill a bunch of aid workers how?

<<Our struggle is not with the people of Gaza . . . >>

Right.  So you blockaded them because your struggle is with somebody else.

<< . . . but only with the radical regime that overthrew the legitimate Palestinian Authority >>

Huh?  The "radical regime" (i.e., Hamas) is the democratically elected government of the people of Gaza (with whom your struggle is not, remember?)

<< . . . and has pledged to seek Israel's destruction. >>

Like Israel has pledged their destruction?

<<Each day, Israel facilitates the passage into Gaza of more than 100 truckloads of food and medicine, there is no shortage of either. >>

That is obviously one fucking lie, it is established that there is a huge shortage of food in Gaza, as reported by the WHO and by UNICEF.  There is also a shortage of medical and hospital equipment, and the hospital that the Israelis bombed into rubble can't be rebuilt even now because no building materials are allowed in.

<<We, too, want a free Gaza, a Gaza liberated from brutal Hamas rule . . . >>

Another fucking lie.

<< . . .  as well as an Israel freed from terrorist threats.>>

But magically still in possession of the immigrant Jews and magically without any protests from the Arabs whom they forcibly displaced.  Yeah, sure, you'll get an Israel freed from "terrorist" threats just as soon as the "terrorists" get back the homes you stole from them.

<<Israel will scrupulously review the events surrounding the Marmara's interception. But Israel will also persist in denying advanced weaponry to Hamas. At the same time, the Israeli government will vigorously pursue peace with the Palestinian Authority, which shares our need for defense against armed extremists. The real peace activists are those who support our vision of a two-state solution, not those supporting the terrorists bent on destroying it. >>

More lying bullshit.  At the end of the day, the dead aid workers you killed are still dead and the children of Gaza are still malnourished and the sick that you blockaded in their homes so they couldn't get medical treatment are still dead.  And the world saw you kill the aid workers and knows now that you starved the children and kept the sick from their doctors.  And all your fucking lies won't change one word of those truths.


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10,000 euros each is an "immense sum?"

It's illegal to travel with that amount in the United States.
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin)

Michael Tee

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When that money could save your life or your fellow passengers', who gives a shit how legal it is?


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Police Officer: So, Mr Drug dealer, that massive wad of cash in your pocket...can you explain that?

Drug dealer: Well, you see officer, I don't have any health insurance, and neither do my "friends".  I need it in case we have any "accidents", ya know.  Plus, I'm a big tipper when I use a cab.  I'm just that kind of a guy, ya know
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<<Israel has already intercepted several such ships laden with munitions. >>

Now THAT is one big fucking lie.  They NEVER intercepted an aid ship carrying weapons.  Not once.  They intercepted weapons ships carrying weapons. 


They intercepted wepons ships , marked as wepon ships ?

Michael Tee

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<<They intercepted wepons ships , marked as wepon ships ?>>

No, the ships were disguised as commercial cargo carriers.  The two biggest hauls were from the Karine A and the Francop.  Neither ship was loaded with humanitarian aid workers and neither one claimed to be on a relief mission.


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<<They intercepted wepons ships , marked as wepon ships ?>>

No, the ships were disguised as commercial cargo carriers.  The two biggest hauls were from the Karine A and the Francop.  Neither ship was loaded with humanitarian aid workers and neither one claimed to be on a relief mission.

Shouldn't they reserve their right to search incomeing ships, to ships marked as wepon carriers?

Michael Tee

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<<Shouldn't they reserve their right to search incomeing ships, to ships marked as wepon carriers?>>

Their right to search incoming ships?   WHAT right to search incoming ships?  They don't HAVE a right to search incoming ships.  They don't rule Gaza and they don't take any responsibility at all for the lives or the welfare of the Gazans.  Two years ago they murdered 1,400 Gazans, many of them women, the elderly and children.  They bombed the shit out of Gaza and are still denying rebuilding material to enter.  Their blockade is illegal.


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<<Shouldn't they reserve their right to search incomeing ships, to ships marked as wepon carriers?>>

Their right to search incoming ships?   WHAT right to search incoming ships?  They don't HAVE a right to search incoming ships.  They don't rule Gaza and they don't take any responsibility at all for the lives or the welfare of the Gazans.  Two years ago they murdered 1,400 Gazans, many of them women, the elderly and children.  They bombed the shit out of Gaza and are still denying rebuilding material to enter.  Their blockade is illegal.

Blocades being leagal or not depend on a state of war or a state of peace.

Since a blocade is an act of war we can assume that there is a war.

Blockade runners were heros of the Confederacy, a lot of them were sunk tho.

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<<Blocades being leagal or not depend on a state of war or a state of peace.

<<Since a blocade is an act of war we can assume that there is a war.>>

Alright, so then who is the State of Israel at war with?   Michael B. Oren, Israel's Ambassador to the U.S. has already told the NYT (see the op-ed quoted at the head of this thread,) that "our quarrel is not with the  people of Gaza."


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"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle