<<Under most circumstances I would agree but honestly I have to believe that we will talk till we are blue in the face and while the turbaned heads nod, their mouths will still find a way to blame us, Israel or anyone else that does not agree with their segment of their religion.>>
Well, that might be, but so far nobody knows, because the U.S.A. and Israel have steadfastly refused to talk to them. First they were waiting for someone who "truly" represented the Palestinian people, and then when the Palestinians duly elected their leaders in an open election, the U.S.A. and Israel didn't like what they had to say and so refused any dialogue with them. That's hilarious.
<<War is not a battle... it is a way of life for them.>>
Yeah? It was a way of life for Edward Said? It's a way of life for Sari Nusseibeh? News to me.