Author Topic: Shirley Sherrod, the fired racist USDA worker  (Read 1847 times)

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Re: Shirley Sherrod, the fired racist USDA worker
« Reply #15 on: July 21, 2010, 10:40:38 AM »
The woman was monumentally stupid to give this speech: it served no useful purpose to here or anyone at all. Least of all the NAACP. She should always be aware that there are dolts like Kramer waiting in the wings to flap and crow about "reverse racism" and other crapola that has become lodged in their teensy minds. To such individuals, every action that any Black person makes must be interpreted as an us vs. them confrontation, to be flapped and crowed about at the slightest provocation.

It is, however, not any evidence of the NAACP's policies, and should not be taken as such. I think her speech was just a bit of braggadocio about how she wanted to portray herself as someone with the power to hurt White people who did not actually use it for that purpose. Her intent was to show herself (especially to herself) as a powerful person who COULD have been as nasty as Mr. Whitey, but who merely did not knock herself out doing this farmer a favor. What we have not heard., and will not hear, is the conversation between her and the farmer, which is what put her in the mood to do whatever she did, and more importantly, to cause her to make this stupid speech. This might be what she might have said to her husband or some confidant, but was clearly not the sort of thing one says in public. There is no evidence that what she said she did was what she actually did. After all, Mr. White Farmer did not lose his land, and Mr. White lawyer (who she indicates she thought was not up to snuff) therefore seems to have done his job.

Apparently, whatever it was she did to help save the White farmer's farm, worked. So she did not deserve to be fired for failure to do her duties. But she did project the wrong image of the attitude that she may or may not have had when she handled this farmer's affair.

said by me before the full video versions was released. I was 100% right on , according to you!

her braggadocios words sunk her.

Seems like she did a good enough job for the crackers.

The way I see it she got up in front of the brothas & sistas and shot off her mouth trying to shuck and jive with the best of them racists and her embellishments caught up with the truth. Now she will be called an Uncle Tom for helping Whitey and letting the brothers farms get foreclosed on in the process.

The NAACP is a cesspool!

Michael Tee

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Re: Shirley Sherrod, the fired racist USDA worker
« Reply #16 on: July 21, 2010, 02:27:25 PM »
<<the press checked out a long time ago. we have nothing that can be called 'the press'>>

THAT'S for damned sure.

<<most of them joined the Dem Party.>>

The War Party and the Likud are the only parties they joined.  Which are probably one and the same anyway.

Incidentally, in response to something XO said, my information was that 24 years ago, Sherrod was not working for the USDA but for some other organization to which the Spooners applied for help, and thus, stupid or not, could not be fired from the USDA for something she did on somebody else's payroll.


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Re: Shirley Sherrod, the fired racist USDA worker
« Reply #17 on: July 21, 2010, 02:42:34 PM »
<<the press checked out a long time ago. we have nothing that can be called 'the press'>>

THAT'S for damned sure.

<<most of them joined the Dem Party.>>

The War Party and the Likud are the only parties they joined.  Which are probably one and the same anyway.

Incidentally, in response to something XO said, my information was that 24 years ago, Sherrod was not working for the USDA but for some other organization to which the Spooners applied for help, and thus, stupid or not, could not be fired from the USDA for something she did on somebody else's payroll.

I think the firing stemmed from her racist rant speech at the NAACP meeting not helping the cracker farmers back in 1984.