Someday in the future the money of the planet will migrate from the northern hemisphere towards the equator. It is on the equator that all the best spaceports will be built .
This would be based on the assumption that all the rich people will be engaged in space travel and will see it as necessary to live near their investments. This does not seem to be the case in other industries. BHP Billiton, the world's largest mining company, has its center of mining operations in the town of Broken Hill, which has a population of around 18,000. Note that the Chrysler Building was built in NYC, not in Detroit. People with money do not seem to have any pressing need to live near where their money is made. BHP Billiton has its HQ in Melbourne and London.
NASA has no major operations on the Equator, either. Both Houston and Cape Kennedy are above the Tropic of Cancer. Only the French have some operations in French Guiana and Tahiti, so the Equator must not be an indispensable location. The US could have built NASA in Micronesia or Hawaii or the Marshall Islands or Guam had this been essential. Tropical monsoons and desert dust storms are a feature of much of the equatorial latitudes. Most of the Equator passes over water.
I imagine that the main obstacle to building a 60 mile high building is a need for that much space as compared with the expense of building the thing. Anything that holds gas will have at least a slow leak, and there isn't all that much Helium around to refill the gasbags. Plus, there is the difficulty of storms and aircraft, so I would think that a 60 mile high building will not get built for a really long time.
Sooner than a Dyson sphere, perhaps.