They are right about step One, which is close the border as much as possible, as soon as possible.
I'm curious as to exactly what you think that would achieve.
(Well, Duh!)
When a doctor seeks to cure a patient, the first thing he tries to do is to eliminate the cause of the malady. First, you kill the bacteria, so the malady will not get worse.
If 13,000,000 illegals are a problem, then 16,000,000 or 20,000,000 will be a bigger problem. An ever-growing number of illegals is an ever-growing problem. As I said, Duh!
Every country has a right and a need to control immigration. I am not against people coming here, but those who come, should be people that are actually needed, not fugitives from justice, not vagrants and beggars, not people with contagious diseases. Perhaps not people with congenital deformities, either.