Boy, it must be nice to sit there and pretty much refute anything that doesn't agree with you as being propoganda or "weak arguement".
Perhaps. But that isn't the problem. The problem is, all you've given me is weak arguments and propaganda. And if that is all you give me, that is what I'm going to call it.
Again, must be nice
You said, "those that came to America, largely came to become Americans." Is there any evidence of this? Do we have thousands of letters to folks back in the old country by immigrants saying "I came to America to be American"? From what I've read about the issue, people came to make a better life for themselves, not because they had a yen on to become Americans.
We have no polls, or a laundry list of letters. We simply have multidues of immigrants, who I've witnessed both on TV, the radio, and in person, who have referenced how great it was to come to america, to be American, to be part of this country as americans. Not at the expense of their culture & heritage, simply that their background added to the meltiing pot of america. I can't count how many LEGAL immigrants who came to america from Spain, Poland, Ireland, Portugal, Italy, Russia, India, Iraq, on & on & on & on, who referenced how great it was to come to america to better themselves, AS AMERICANS
Well so far, your position is weak at best. Close the borders because immigrants will ruin Medicare and they're not coming to be Americans. Yes, I admit the influx of immigrants may do bad things to the rigid socialist side of our medical industry. Why is that a bad thing? And I'm not trying to deny the consequences of an open border policy. I'm just not buying this whole "end of society as we know it" fear jive. Our society will adapt, and I know no reason to believe it will not.
Partially because I'm not trying to frame it is a "complete end of society". Only a near complete end to american society. Welcome to the People's Republic of America, government to the rescue as one after another health related industry collapses. You want open borders, then look forward to Universal Healthcare to go along with an upgraded Universal Prescription drug plan, courtesy of the Dem legislature & President Hillary. And it'll happen because the huge influx of new low income voters, streaming across the border, will vote for it.
As i already said, my point regarding diversity just keeps flying right overhead, and news flash, it has nothing to do with "too much". Not sure how many more times I need to repeat myself, before it becomes apparent that you just either won't get it, or refuse to get it.
Well then perhaps you ought to explain your point, because quite frankly, if your point was not that we have to worry about too much diversity, as in "complete diversity to the point that 'America' no longer exists" then what the bloody blue blazes are you talking about?
1 last time. It does require you grasp the the term "priority"
- Immigrant comes to America
- Immigrant comes to America legally
- Immigrant comes to America legally looking to embrace america as their new home, their new country, their new loyalty
- Immigrant maintains every bit of culture and diversity they came to america with. It saturates their home, it permeates their language and actions
- Immigrant maintains every bit of their diversity, though america is still their primary embrace, their primary loyalty. It takes priority. It does NOT substitute for it
I am really starting to get sick of you saying A and then insisting your point was not A but something else. And then when I ask you explain what your point is, you either say A again or you talk in exasperated tones about how I'm just not getting it. I'm not a stupid guy. I'm reasonably intelligent. I have a reasonable grasp of the workings of the English language. And from here, you keep saying A and then insisting you mean something that is not A.
And I'm getting sick of telling you A, repeatedly, but you keep insisting I'm saying B, despite how many times I have to repeat A. You do that every fricken time we debate immigration. Yes, you are absolutely intelligent Prince, far more than myself. Yet I strongly believe you've allowed your devote position on open borders to be seen in such a tunnel vision view, that regardless of the absolute VALID repercussions that would occur, you must deem any and all as "weak arguements", "propoganda", thus you don't have to deal with them, and simply keep claiming
"The problem is, all you've given me is weak arguments and propaganda. And if that is all you give me, that is what I'm going to call it." Right?
And it appears you've already classified everything I've said as either weak or propoganda.
No, just the parts that are weak or come across as propaganda. I can be persuaded.
Umm, yea, right