<<OR (here's a thought).......focus on the issue & show us how I'm wrong regarding your specfic lies. That's always been a valid option. >>
Follow this through sirs. The FIRST time I make an allegation that you challenge, it's not just an option but an obligation on me to "focus on the issues" and back it up.
The SECOND time I make the very same allegation that I backed up the first time, and you challenge it, to "focus on the issues" and prove it all over again is, as you say, a valid option.
Unfortunately, the issues that you challenge, and demand proof on, such as the stolen election, the lies that Bush (and/or his administration) told to get the U.S. into a war, the widespread use of torture by U.S. forces, and the other stuff you complain about, have been proven numerous times in this thread. Unfortunately again, the level of proof produced is never as high as you want it to be, and so IN YOUR OPINION these charges have not been proven. I have no problem with you telling me exactly that - - I'll call you a fucking idiot for not wanting to see the truth staring you in the face, but that's only my opinion, and you're free to call me a paranoid nut or conspiracy theorist in return.
What I object to are your oft-repeated statements that people in this group make such allegations "without a shred of evidence" which is bullshit, because there are AT LEAST "shreds" of evidence (and in our opinion, adding up to much more than a shred, but that's only an opinion) but I do at least have the option of "focusing on the issues" and dragging up the same old facts and logic one more time to prove that, yes, there was a "shred" of evidence. Sometimes I will take that option, sometimes not.
However, what I object to even more is MYSELF being called a fucking liar for expressing my opinion here, based on such evidence as I chose to rely upon. When you insult someone's integrity, if that person is an honourable individual, you really leave him no choice - - he HAS to respond to the insult or risk appearing to have conceded the point, "Yes I am a lying sack of shit, otherwise I would have rebutted what sirs has said about me." Which immediately side-tracks the debate - - no longer is it about Bush lying or who's winning the "War on Terror," now it's about ME - - am I a lying sack of shit or not? Believe it or not, sirs, although you seem to love to grovel in the mud of personal insult, the subject is not of much interest to the sane and normal members of this group, who thank God constitute the vast majority of it. They don't want or need to listen to any of this shit, because presumably they come here to debate issues more important than whether I - - or whoever your next target may be - - is or is not a lying sack of shit. As did I - - and I just am not going to permit my time to be wasted in replying to scurrilous attacks from scum like you on my personal integrity.
Nobody here is obligated to serve as your personal tutor. If for example you ask for proof of Bush's lies, and I - - wishing to debate other things or just not having the time to set down the same well-known facts and reasoning all over again - - simply direct you to a "Bush Lied" website to read for yourself - - YOU have the option of going to the fucking web-site, reading the allegations, posting your opinion (that they're all fulla shit) and, as you yourself suggested, "dealing with the issues." That you're too fucking lazy to actually get off your ass and read what's on the site is clearly NOT MY PROBLEM. When you take your lazy dumb-ass way out by NOT going to the site and simply accusing me of lying, THAT IS MY PROBLEM.