Please shut your fucking mouths
You know, it's been a fun three years watching you guys spout nonsense about Iraq. All you cheetos eating slobs. You haven't been right about one fucking thing since 2003 and you need to stop. We're not playing Risk.
But you need to shut the fuck up because you don't know what you're talking about. This is a time for sober discussion and not your vapid cheerleading.
I know it may not be the end that you want, but the war in Iraq is not only lost, but could be the greatest military disaster since Chosin. You may have gotten away with bullying people in the past, but the reality of Bush's war is coming home.
The Associated Press Hits Back At The Military
Yesterday, we detailed criticism by a number of right-wing bloggers of the Associated Press's reporting from Iraq. The criticism focused on a story about Shiites burning six Sunni worshippers alive in Baghdad. CENTCOM issued a press release disputing the legitimacy of the source of the story, police Capt. Jamil Hussein, and asking for a retraction or correction if the organization did not have "a credible source" behind it's reporting.
That report came last night. Here's a portion:
Seeking further information about Friday's attack, an AP reporter contacted Hussein for a third time about the incident to confirm there was no error. The captain has been a regular source of police information for two years and had been visited by the AP reporter in his office at the police station on several occasions. The captain, who gave his full name as Jamil Gholaiem Hussein, said six people were indeed set on fire.
On Tuesday, two AP reporters also went back to the Hurriyah neighborhood around the Mustafa mosque and found three witnesses who independently gave accounts of the attack. Others in the neighborhood said they were afraid to talk about what happened.
Those who would talk said the assault began about 2:15 p.m., and they believed the attackers were from the Mahdi Army militia loyal to radical anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr. He and the Shiite militia are deeply rooted in and control the Sadr City enclave in northeastern Baghdad where suspected Sunni insurgents attacked with a series of car bombs and mortar shells, killing at least 215 people a day before.
The witnesses refused to allow the use of their names because they feared retribution either from the original attackers or the police, whose ranks are infiltrated by Mahdi Army members or its associated death squads.
Two of the witnesses — a 45-year-old bookshop owner and a 48-year-old neighborhood grocery owner — gave nearly identical accounts of what happened. A third, a physician, said he saw the attack on the mosque from his home, saw it burning and heard people in the streets screaming that people had been set on fire. All three men are Sunni Muslims.
The message between the lines in all this is that the AP believes the government is going to be more aggressive in challenging the press – even when they don't have the goods to back it up, as the AP believes is the case here. "I have infinitely more faith in the U.S. military than in the Associated Press, but that doesn't mean the military is always right or the AP always wrong," writes Powerline. "It seems that the AP believes it is in a strong position. I'm tempted to say that one institution or the other must emerge from this affair with its credibility damaged." This could be one fight that's just beginning.
Well, Powerline are idiots, because CENTCOM lies like a junkie. They lie about everything when they can, from hillbilly armor to suicides and nothing they say can or should be trusted.
What these mental children need to realize is that Bush has launched this country into a disaster and pretending Iraq is not an insane charnel house is a disservice to anyone with a brain. Yes, they burned people alive. Because they wanted them to suffer.
Your childlike worship of Bush was amusing when it didn't matter, but now, it's time for you to let the adults explain to you what a mess your cheerleading help create. Not that any of you deigned to actually serve, you were too good for that, for raising money for soldiers needs or discussing veterans.
So now, as we watch this play out, your silly, infantile, parsing or as you call it, fisking, comments don't fucking matter. You have no credibility left, the GOP has no credibility left, and the president has no credibility left.
posted by Steve @ 1:00:00 AM