<<Being tolerant of opposing view points is nonsense? You're starting to sound like some sort of fundamentalist.>>
You're confusing tolerance (conceding the right of everyone to express his opinion) with conformity. I'm tolerant of your right to say what you said, I certainly don't have to say it's the most brilliant analysis I've ever read. In fact, I'm perfectly free to state the exact opposite.
<<You still want to take money and property away from people. And that you may claim you're not looking to line your own pockets hardly means your motivations are not selfish.>>
Wanting to tax the very rich to pay for basic necessities for the very poor is selfish? Excuse me, but we must be working from two very different dictionaries.
<<As if that [taxing the rich] makes absolutely no difference whatsoever between my motivation and Ken Lay's.
<<Sure, Ken Lay and his ilk are really Robin Hoods at heart.>>
[Explanatory note: in the above two quotes, I (MT) was trying to point out that contrary to Prince's contentions, the motivation to tax the rich is NOT the same as the rich man's motivation to get richer; taxing the rich so that the poor can live better is not an instance of greed]
To which Prince replies:
<<How did Ken Lay get into this? >>
As a symbol of the rich. As shorthand for all the greedy "conservative" pigs just like him shouldering up to the trough.
<<Oh wait, I get it. You're trying to make like I'm defending Ken Lay. Except of course, I never said a word about him. Must be another strawman.>>
OK, let's not call him Ken Lay. Let's call him Daddy Warbucks. Or Richie Rich. Or Mcihael Milken. Or Dick Cheney. Or Bebe Rebozo. Or Malcolm Forbes. Or maybe we could discuss something a little more substantive than my choice of symbols to represent the ruling plutocracy.
<<Have you? [voluntarily divested yourself to improve the lot of the poor.]>>
That's none of your business. My point was that it should never be left to individual initiative since the obligation is communal. We are ALL our brother's keeper and as long as we leave it to individual initiative, there will be a basic unfairness in that some will voluntarily shoulder more than their fair share and others will escape sharing any part of the communal burden.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 05:57:21 PM
<My plans for their money is not what they plan for their money. $400,000 coming-out parties for their debutante daughters is more in line with they want the money used for, I think it should go to public health and education.>
<<So it is as I [Prince] said. You want money taken from others so you don't have to do anything to help people.>>
Wrong again, Prince. Who says I'm not willing to pay my fair share through taxes? I just don't want to allow some citizens to blow big bucks on pointless luxuries while other citizens starve and suffer all the disadvantages of poverty. There should be a minimum standard of living well above the present poverty in which too many North Americans live at present.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 05:57:21 PM
<It's not part of my scheme to make the poor my individual responsibility or any individual's, so that those who choose to be their brother's keeper bear the whole burden while the irresponsible selfish schmucks go on piling up their fortunes at the expense of the less greedy and escape having to make any contribution at all apart from what they voluntarily condescend to contribute.>
<<Yes, I know. As your language here clearly illustrates, part of your plan is to force your moral preferences on everyone else. Others do not choose you want them to choose, so you want to take from them what you want them to have chosen to give. >>
Well, that's pretty much the theory that underlies all government taxation isn't it?
Are you anti-tax? It's a legitimate position. Fundamentally anarchist, but legitimate. I can respect a pure anti-tax position more than I can respect a semi-semi position, such as"It's OK to be taxed to pay for an army to bomb poor dumb fucking Arabs into oblivion but it's not OK to be taxed to put ghetto kids into better schools and obtain early childhood intervention for their early years."
<<And your little Us vs. Them nonsense--trying to make this out to be those who choose be their brother's keeper versus irresponsible selfish schmucks--illustrates so well the nasty attitude and close-minded nature of your political position. >>
Not as well as your reaction to it indicates your own head-in-the-sand, have-it-both-ways delusion that you can be a selfish egotistical bastard not giving a shit if your brother lives or dies and still be an all-American nice guy at the same time. Sorry, Prince, it just. don't. work. that way. People who want to help the poor and don't give a shit about their second or third or fourth million are nice guys and people who want to hang on to their wealth and privilege not giving a shit what happens to the bottom 20% are egotistical selfish pricks. And there's no theory, no spin, no rationalization in this universe or the next that will ever change that.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 05:57:21 PM
<"My" plan isn't really my plan, it's a well-known socialist blueprint for a just and fair economy and it is what it is.>
<<More accurately a blueprint for an authoritarian . . . >>
It's not authoritarian if it's the will of the people expressed through their democratically elected representatives.
<< . . . and unjust society.>>
Unjust my ass!!! It's a hell of a lot more just than your current society where a CEO makes up to 400 times the salary of his lowest-paid worker, where the ruling class fly on private jets between luxury homes while millions of ghetto kids live short lives of crime and desperation in the slums of every city and town in America.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 05:57:21 PM
<Unfortunately I'm just not that stupid. I don't give the wolf the same motivation as the shepherd.>
<<No, you're not stupid. You just talk that way sometimes. While it is interesting that you seem to think of yourself as a shepherd, someone guarding a herd of stupid animals, no one is asking you to give the wolf the same motivation as the shepherd. I'm asking you to take the same consideration you expect for your point of view, that you really think your way is a plan to help society, and use it to consider that someone who disagrees with you about how to help society is not therefore automatically a wolf any more then you're automatically a thief or a looter for wanting to take what belongs to other people. (The funny part of this is in making this argument for an open-minded approach I know I'm setting myself up for you or Knute to call me close-minded again.)>>
The only thing you set yourself up for is blindness. You don't like it when I analogize by comparing socialists to shepherds and the plutocracy and its defenders to wolves; for some reason (unspecified) you'd like it better if I called the plutocracy and its defenders non-wolves. Socialists don't need your dispensation to know that they are not thieves or looters, that they are in fact very different from thieves and looters. If they were thieves and looters, it wouldn't make one single bit of difference what you called them, and if they're not, then it matters not that you don't call them that, even less that the reason you don't call them that is that you are "open-minded."
Basically, you are saying, "Look, I'm open-minded enough to recognize that not all socialists are thieves and looters. Now why can't YOU be open-minded enough to recognize that not all small-government conservatives are selfish egotistical pricks?" To which I would reply, we're engaged in a search for the truth here, not a contest in open-mindedness. Things are what they are. What you said about socialists happens to be the truth. I can't tell an untruth just to balance out with you on some artificial scale of "open-mindedness." Open-mindedness is NOT a synonym for diplomacy, still less for lying. You are saying the truth when you say that not all socialists are thieves and looters. I would be lying if I said that small-government conservatives were not either (a) selfish egotistical pricks or (b) the dupes of selfish egotistical pricks.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on Today at 05:57:21 PM
<In the case of small-c conservatism and smaller-government advocates, it means precisely that [they're greedy and care only about themselves], whether you like it or not. Except, as I pointed out in my post to Knute, for the true believers, the abolish-the-police-and-fire-department guys - - they're not necessarily selfish and greedy, they're just plain stupid.>
<<Yes, by all means, keep up the "they're stupid" defense. It means you never have to explain why they're wrong. You just say, "they're stupid," and you go along never having to consider their point of view. You pigeonhole and dismiss, escaping the burden of making an intelligent case yourself. >>
You're quite right. (Well, you can't be wrong all the time, can you?) That was wrong and stupid on my part. I apologize and I take it back. There IS an intelligent case to be made for abolishing tax-paid fire and police departments, but the only people that have made it are anarchists. Pure anarchists. It's been so long since I've seen a pure anarchist position that I'd forgotten they even existed. Although just recently I DID come across something very like anarchism on a "Patriot" web site - - check out "George Everette Sibley" and his wife ""Lynda C. Lyon" on Google (two executed cop-killers.) - - sorry for the digression - - the rationalizations and evasions in their stories are hilarious, but there's nothing funny in their bios and nothing funny in their executions. Really a very sad story about two intelligent and articulate people who had a lot to offer society, some pretty basic personal flaws of character, monumental stupidity somehow at odds with their obvious intelligence all adding up to a real American tragedy. I don't think I would have laughed so hard at the evasions and rationalizations had I known at the time how the story would end, but still and all, they were very, very funny.
I'm sorry. I digressed.
<<People don't like taxes? You just call them greedy. >>
Come on, play fair. I'm talking small-government conservatives, people who object to paying taxes out of greed.
<<People want to argue that your plan isn't the best one? You start trying to talk about Ken Lay and people throwing $400,000 coming-out parties, never mind the working family running the modestly successful or maybe the just barely getting by family business out of a desire to establish some financial security for the family.>>
I''m talking about the plutocracy and their dupes. Considering the poverty and misery in your country and your abominable standards of public health, I think even those moderately successful working families have enough fat to cut off. There's a lot of big money that could be taxed before we have to sight in on the people you are describing.
<< People don't agree with your ideas about how to help society? You just call them wolves even though they may be advocating voluntary cooperation>>
Voluntary cooperation was legal and available from the founding of the Republic. From the dawn of history for that matter. Doesn't work. Might as well call for Darwinian law.
<< . . . and you're the one advocating taking what belongs to someone else. >>
God-damn right I am. And leaving 'em enough to get by on quite comfortably. So that others don't have to live in the gutter.
<<Don't even bother with rational explanations of your opinions. Just use words like greedy or stupid or wolves or crazy or whatever other irrational prejudice enforcing names you can think up.>>
There IS no rational explanation for love. Even a rationalist like you oughtta know that. Love your brother as yourself is an ethical commandment. You don't have to and I don't have to convince you to. Look on your brother as an easy mark if you like - - that's your right and your choice. Onoe's just as rational as the other. What I want is to convince enough people to think like me and to act like me - - to accept that we ARE our brother's keeper. And to act accordingly. To legislate a world where every man contributes his fair share to the upkeep of those who can't keep up on their own. NOT what he wants to give or what he feels like giving (leaving a disproportionate burden on the rest of us.) Bearing his fair share like everyone else in this society.
<<Eventually you might build that up to a post with as much substance as a wave of neutrinos. >>
I hope instead that a day will come when selfishness and greed are looked upon as empty and devoid of substance as neutrinos and when caring and compassion and acceptance of the burden of caring for the less fortunate are seen as the essential building blocks of a just and fair society.