<<Well I could give vague distorted, or even complete bald faced lies as "examples" like you do.>>
Got any examples of "complete bald-faced lies" that I have given you as examples of anything?
I didn't think so.
It's hilarious to hear YOU accusing ME of giving out "vague" lies as examples, when this is how you answered my question regarding the alleged misdeeds of the ACLU and the NAACP:
<<NAACP was once a great organization, well intentioned in its goals and activities. Same with the ACLU. No longer the case now, both having mutated into largely far left PAC's>>
Oh. I see. Thanks for straightening THAT out for us.
<<And why on earth should you have any say in what another person's money is used for. So long as it's not illegal, you have no frellin business on how you'd spend THEIR money. >>
Gee, I had no idea you were so opposed to the basic principle of taxation (government takes from the people who would like to use the money in their own lives to pay for government projects.) Quite the little anarchist, aren't you, under your deep cover as a cryptofascist nut-case.
<<"Fair share" is one of the worst crocks, you socialists have going for you. It's bad enough the amount of money they pay in income, estate, and capital gains taxes, compared to "the poor". >>
You're absolutely right. I think it's fair for the poor to pay just as much as the rich for government. Fuck'em if they can't raise the nut.
<<If you actually understood the concept of "fair", the folks you're dying to spend THEIR money on would actually be taxed less, if the proper defintion of "fair" were to ever be applied.>>
Hey, why tax'em at all? Why not make the poor pay for it all?
<<As Isaid, you're absolutely no different that Jerry Fallwell or Pat Robertson, on this issue.>>
No shit, Falwell and Robertson want the rich to pay more taxes? HALLELUJAH, praise Gawd!!! Never would I have suspected that these gentlemen are truly righteous duudes. Thank you for clueing me in.
<<Quote from: Michael Tee on December 02, 2006, 05:46:24 PM
>Actually I used the word "crypto-fascist," but if you feel you're not one of the folks the NAACP, ACLU or Teachers' Union was fighting, then I'll take it back in your case. Although I am fairly certain, at least in the case of the ACLU, that you would be on the opposite side of some of their big issues. But I take back nothing in the case of the Bush administration. I KNOW they are crypto-fascists.>
<<As I said, your continued shredded use of the term, serves only to lesson it's impact and validtity, upon those that such a term could actually be applied to>>
Oh, it's actually applicable to Bush and his criminal gang, don't worry about that, and probably to you too as well. They're (and you are) the last stop on the political spectrum before you come to full-blown fascism. (And NO, that is not meant to be a compliment.)