Author Topic: This sums it all up real well  (Read 46204 times)

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #60 on: December 05, 2006, 02:36:46 AM »
<<Well I could give vague distorted, or even complete bald faced lies as "examples" like you do.>>

Got any examples of "complete bald-faced lies" that I have given you as examples of anything?

- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election
- America advocates/supports all forms of torture
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"

I could go on for a while, but we'll stop there for now

I didn't think so.

That's part of your problem.  You're not

Gee, I had no idea you were so opposed to the basic principle of taxation (government takes from the people who would like to use the money in their own lives to pay for government projects.)  Quite the little anarchist, aren't you, under your deep cover as a cryptofascist nut-case.

See?, more minimizing it's use by overflatuating it's use.  If you payed even a scentilla of attention, you'd grasp I made no such claim of abolishing taxation.  The point I made was SPECIFIC to YOUR point, on how YOU'd spend someone ELSE's money.  Quite the greedy little coward you apparently are

You're absolutely right.  I think it's fair for the poor to pay just as much as the rich for government.  Fuck'em if they can't raise the nut.

% wise, that WOULD be the definition of Fair.  Currently "the rich" pay a presposterously GREATER % of income taxes than "the poor".  "the poor" largely don't even pay estate taxes.  And if you want to reform SS to deal with the payroll tax problem....well everytime we try to reform that system, folks like yourself come unglued at the very thought of giving SS tax relief to "the poor".  "The system will come crashing down"...."The safety net will cease to exist", garbage like that.  Because it's just too impossible & implausible for people to take care of themselves.  We need folks like Tee who can do it better.....with other people's money of course

Hey, why tax'em at all?  Why not make the poor pay for it all? 

That wouldn't be very fair either now, would it.  You really do have a problem with that term

No shit, Falwell and Robertson want the rich to pay more taxes?  HALLELUJAH, praise Gawd!!!  Never would I have suspected that these gentlemen are truly righteous duudes. 

No, they want to compell others to do what they believe is best.  At least they try to simply talk you into doing it, and perhaps lobby for legisation.  You advocate forcing "your belief of what's best" by way of taxation & legislation

Oh, it's actually applicable to Bush and his criminal gang, don't worry about that, and probably to you too as well. 

That'd be another one of those examples, you were alluding to that supposedly didn't exist.
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #61 on: December 05, 2006, 05:53:35 PM »
>- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election
- America advocates/supports all forms of torture
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"

I could go on for a while, but we'll stop there for now<

All of these things are true. It is only your retarded denial that makes you think otherwise. Noe 60% of the US people are beginning to also realize the truth of it all. You had some cover while the US was buying into the Bushidiot's bullshit, but tha is all over now.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2006, 05:58:40 PM »
>- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election
- America advocates/supports all forms of torture
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"

All of these things are true. It is only your retarded denial that makes you think otherwise.

Actually, it'd be the lack of both FACTS and/or PROOF, that makes me think otherwise.  Ironic though that you'd apply "retarded denial" to your post.  I think that's referred to as projection 
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2006, 06:09:09 PM »
>- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election
- America advocates/supports all forms of torture
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"

All of these things are true. It is only your retarded denial that makes you think otherwise.


Actually, it'd be the lack of both FACTS and/or PROOF, that makes me think otherwise.  Ironic though that you'd apply "retarded denial" to your post.  I think that's referred to as projection 

No-It is what is referred to as reality which is something you have no experince with it seems.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2006, 06:22:39 PM »
No-It is what is referred to as reality which is something you have no experince with it seems.

Naaa, still stuck with the lack of FACTS & PROOF for your team.  By all means, keep digging
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2006, 09:24:50 PM »
No-It is what is referred to as reality which is something you have no experince with it seems.

Naaa, still stuck with the lack of FACTS & PROOF for your team.  By all means, keep digging

The facts & proof have been outlined to you buy myself and others many times over, but your persistent denial of reality has made it useless. You & Bush are down to the last 30% of hard core greedy fascists now. Looking at hopeless people like you two made me understand why the Commies felt compelled to put some folks in re-education camps.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2006, 09:44:40 PM »
The facts & proof have been outlined to you buy myself and others many times over.....

I realize that reptatave accusatory innuendo, providing links to other op-eds that repeat distorted accusatory innuendo, and stomping up & down until you develop bone spurs while yelling "he did, he did lie us into war" probably is considered facts and proof in loony leftist land.  In this reality however it still comes across as a discredited temper tantrum.  By all means though, please continue
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle

Michael Tee

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #67 on: December 05, 2006, 10:09:00 PM »
As examples of my "bare-faced lies," sirs cites the following:

- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election

Each one of the above is absolutely true.  I could say that you, by denying all of this, are the liar - - but I don't.  Because I think you are so fucking stupid that you actually believe the above are untrue.

and sirs goes on to cite more examples of my "bare-faced lies;"

- America advocates/supports all forms of torture

which I would never have said - - since we don't know what kind of tortures are being practiced in the C.I.A.'s secret torture chambers, we have no idea which kinds of torture are being practiced and which (if any) are not.  Since the U.S.A. supported notorious torture groups such as the Iranian SAVAK and (at one point) Saddam Hussein himself, as well as the torture regimes of Chile, Argentina and Uruguay, and the death squads of El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua (pre-Sandinista,) and Guatemala, that should cover pretty much all the torture inflicted since the end of the Second World War.  Ooops, I forgot the Phoenix Program in Viet Nam.  Although it is extremely unlikely, there may be some remote corner of hell in which there are tortures going on which America never supported or advocated (probably only because of their ignorance of that particular technique) the possibility does exist, for which reason I would never say that America supports/advocates "all forms" of torture.

sirs gave another example of one of my "bare-faced lies;"
- Bush is a cryptofascist nazi

again proving nothing but his own fucking ignorance; a Nazi is never a crypto-fascist, it's a contradiction in terms.  Bush is a crypto-fascist, some of whose crimes are similar or identical to some of the crimes of the Nazis.

still more of my alleged "bare-faced lies" (in the considered opinion of sirs,) which I have to admit is at least the equal of some of the considered opinions of some five-year-olds of my acquaintance:
- our military is a bunch of murdering rapist thugs

They are what they get away with and so far they have gotten away with murder and rape and thuggery.  Hence, murderous rapist thugs.  The fact that some of them are put on trial in purely media exercises, to receive Mickey Mouse sentences for their horrendous crimes is proof of official complicity.  As is the fact that photographic and video evidence of their crimes is to this very day being withheld from the American people by the Pentagon.  They are covering up the crimes of the army which they command.

And the last "bare-faced lie" of mine that this pathetic loser was able to dredge up was:
- the "rich" don't pay their "fair share"

Well, sirs, what is or is not a "fair share" is a matter of pure opinion because what is fair is a matter of opinion.  Some people here think it's not fair that they have to pay anything.  If you could explain to me how an opinion can be true or false, or how an opinion can be a lie . . .
Well, why bother starting a sentence addressed to sirs with the words, "If you can explain to me how . . . "  We are talking about an idiot who can't understand anything, let alone explain anything.

Let me just say - - sirs, you were given plenty of opportunity when accusing me of uttering bare-faced lies, to come up with just one example.  As I have demonstrated, each of your examples is as full of shit as you yourself are.  So do me one small favour, sirs:  next time you have ANY accusations to make against me or anyone else, stop; think carefully; and blow it out your ass.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #68 on: December 05, 2006, 10:12:16 PM »
The facts & proof have been outlined to you buy myself and others many times over.....

I realize that reptatave accusatory innuendo, providing links to other op-eds that repeat distorted accusatory innuendo, and stomping up & down until you develop bone spurs while yelling "he did, he did lie us into war" probably is considered facts and proof in loony leftist land.  In this reality however it still comes across as a discredited temper tantrum.  By all means though, please continue

There is no need to stomp & shout. The facts speak for themselves. There were no WMD's or ties to Al Queada . Your idol lied . There is no doubt to all but the most deluded anymore


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #69 on: December 05, 2006, 10:17:07 PM »
As examples of my "bare-faced lies," sirs cites the following:

- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election

Each one of the above is absolutely true.  I could say that you, by denying all of this, are the liar - - but I don't.  Because I think you are so fucking stupid that you actually believe the above are untrue.

And your continued say-so in defiance of all the facts to the contrary still doesn't negate your lie in continuing to state "it's absolutely true".  And you could call me a liar, but thankfully I do have facts & common sense on my side.  But you forgot to call me a crytofascist Bush lover.  You must be slipping
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #70 on: December 05, 2006, 10:18:25 PM »
There is no need to stomp & shout.

Then stop
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #71 on: December 05, 2006, 10:22:25 PM »
- Bush lied us into war
- It's all for the oil
- Bush stole the election

Each one of the above is absolutely true."

I don't see why I should think so , no evidence of any of these is convinceing without your predisposition and POV, evidence that convinces a sceptic needs to meet a higher standard .

In spite of this lets not take the subject personally , I see both sides feeling insulted here and that doesn't get the facts examined any more objectively.

Michael Tee

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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #72 on: December 05, 2006, 10:32:03 PM »
<<In spite of this lets not take the subject personally . . . >>

Excuse me plane, I was called a bare-faced liar here.  I take that personally.  So would you, I venture to say,  if anyone called you the same thing.

<< I see both sides feeling insulted here . . . >>

No, you see one side BEING insulted here and reacting accordingly.

<< and that doesn't get the facts examined any more objectively . . . >>

At the point when I replied to that fucking moron, things had gone way past "getting the facts examined any more objectively."  That was purely an exercise in setting the record straight.


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #73 on: December 05, 2006, 10:39:53 PM »
<<In spite of this lets not take the subject personally . . . >>

Excuse me plane, I was called a bare-faced liar here.  I take that personally. 

When you keep claiming something as fact, when it's been demonstrated over and over and over and over again as not, that is an outright lie in my book, & you'll be called on it.  At the point where you clarify that "in my opinion, Bush is a monstrous liar & in my opinion he lied us into war & in my opinion the U.S military is a big mass of butchers" then I'm required to take a different tact.  You get to choose the direction however
"The worst form of inequality is to try to make unequal things equal." -- Aristotle


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Re: This sums it all up real well
« Reply #74 on: December 05, 2006, 10:44:42 PM »

Excuse me plane, I was called a bare-faced liar here.  I take that personally.  So would you, I venture to say,  if anyone called you the same thing.

We feel your pain.